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  1. Thank you very much! Suggested code - works.
  2. since its really convinient for me to resolve, it will be ready in 5 mins.. hold on pls
  3. Just tried the code to change table layout columns to amount of 2: some_grid.JSInterface.JSCode(#1'.setConfig({columns:2});'); some_grid.JSInterface.JSCall('updateLayout', []); Aaaand.. nope, all added components appearing in one row (as by default). All other properties of some_grid (TUniContainerPanel) are default.
  4. Hello, By default the number of columns in table layout is 0. So, I have TUniContainerPanel object named "some_panel" and I wish to adjust amount of columns at runtime, setting : some_panel.LayoutAttribs.Columns = 5; .. and it does nothing. Any objects added to that "some_panel" placed in single row. Is there some "tricks" for this? Because if I set the amount of columns = 5 in design time - it obviously has 5 columns.
  5. Can you please explain in more details? Idea is to show a tree of folders, even "empty" (using [folder_caption] field as caption (text) of node), and in case if there are records - column [record_id] not null - put them accordingly.
  6. Having TreeKeyFields set to: folder_parent;folder_id And two columns defined in treegrid - folder_caption and record_caption, I have result in pic attached..
  7. May be better way would be to get your expertise on how to configure lovely tunidbtreegrid to show data from dataset (pic attached).. Idea is that not all folders having records (yet)..but still must be shown.
  8. I am taking data from dynamic datasets, so no predefined fields available..and no way to set event. Ok, if there is no way to change text in TUniDbTreeGrid nodes - I will try another approaches.
  9. Hello, Any ideas on how to change text in expandable nodes? Since my keyfields are UUID-type, I'd like in treegrid replace them with more sensible text. Thank you
  10. Hello Sherzod build: I put detailed description inside memo. So, if there is a work around on how to move focus to node in treeview - would be great to know. TreeTestCase.zip
  11. Hello, What is the best way to remove/set focus for node in UniTreeView? Setting .Selected property of UniTreeView to any node - selects the node but not moving focus on it. Thank you
  12. Perfecto! Works. Thanks a lot for this tip. Your suggestion is way better than setting in inspector control's property Enabled:=False (I found yesterday that it makes same effect) but in design-time it applies "disabled" effect.. Am I understand correctly that JSConfig method applies values to ExtJS component config (JSProperty will correspond to ExtJS properties) and related information in details can be taken from ExtJS API docs https://docs.sencha.com/extjs/6.7.0/modern/Ext.html)?
  13. Hello All, I would be grateful to get an idea on how to make child controls (in my case TUniLabel-type) to ignore all mouse events (such as clicks, move etc) since the parent control (TUniPageControl) is a handler for mouse events (FMX has HitTest for such situations). Thank you
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