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Posts posted by delagoutte

  1. On 5/4/2020 at 3:13 PM, Hayri ASLAN said:


    Yes, we checked and we are not assigning attachedcomponent on the core side. We will add it in the next build so your code will continue to work.

    Hello Hayri ASLAN,

    Could you confirm me that this bug will be fixe in the next release ?

  2. oui on a mis en place cette méthode couplé avec loggerpro + un appender pour écrire dans une base de données.

    En rajoutant le numéro de session et autres infos sur le navigateur, l'OS... ca permet d'avoir de la data qui devrait être exploitable pour déterminer les fonctions utilisées dans notre logiciel.

    y a juste ce "bug" sur les popupmenu mais sinon pour le reste(bouton, grille, panel....) ca marche bien

  3. so i use this code :

    procedure TUniMainModule.UniGUIMainModuleHandleRequest(ASession: TObject;
      aObject :TObject;
      OurComponent :TComponent;
      OurForm :TComponent;
      Event : string;
      if (ASession<>nil)  then
        if (TUniGUISession(ASession).IsAjax) then
            aObject:= TUniGUISession(ASession).FindObject(TUniGUISession(ASession).ARequest.Params.Values['obj']);
            Event := TUniGUISession(ASession).ARequest.Params.Values['evt'];
            if (aObject <> nil) then
              OurComponent:= TExtObject(aObject).AttachedComponent;
              // form name, control name, event name, classname of component

    i have a problem with UnimenuItem.

    with this code, for itemmenu, i have a OurComponent.name that is empty and classname = TUniMenuControl.

    how can i do for having the name of the items on the menu ?

  4. hum , there is a big problem with this method. the explorer file is opened but we don't enter in the method onCompleted.

    on network, with the unifileuploadbutton we can see HandleEvent?Evt=upload&IsEvent=1&Obj=O253&fileno=0&filename=WEB-02-2015.WEXD&filetype=&filesize=23104&_S_ID=dbeajsdOzW105819AAB after i select the file.

    but with the menu item there is no call to the server after the file is selected


  5. oui les appli unigui sont déployable sur IIS et apache en ISAPI, mais il est également possible de le déployer en standalone ou service  si vous n'avez pas de serveur web déjà disponible

  6. 21 hours ago, Hayri ASLAN said:

    Do you want to track all clicks,  etc?

    yes and no,

    i would like a generic method exposed by unigui that catch all click,etc and in this function i could apply a "filter " for log like that : if event = click on the unibutton and if this name is BtnSave in form MyOwnForm then log(....)

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