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Everything posted by jeans_larghi

  1. hi, into the prior release (Extjs3.*) into the ExtEvents properties there was the OnSelect event; Now, using the code below, I can only read the column and row values. Now how can i set the selection on a specific cell as in the old OnSelect event? procedure TForm1.UniDbGrid1AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TStrings); var colonna, dimensione : Integer; begin if EventName = 'select' then begin UniEdit1.Text := Params.ValueFromIndex[0]; UniEdit2.Text := Params.ValueFromIndex[1]; UniEdit3.Text := Params.ValueFromIndex[2]; UniEdit4.Text := Params.ValueFromIndex[3]; UniEdit5.Text := Params.ValueFromIndex[4]; UniEdit6.Text := Params.ValueFromIndex[5]; UniEdit7.Text := Params.ValueFromIndex[6]; end;
  2. Professional applications use databases, so things that should work more precisely in the application must be data grids and lookups combos. 1- In grid, Navigation transparent with "infinite scroll" (fetching chunk of data) for work with millions of records. 2- Grids with autosort, and autosearch (incrementally) typing chars in header column (or filter). 2- Editor with Lookup and incremental search, with combo filled "remotely" with partial fetch. 3- Editor with button for calling external dialogs or forms (as lookup) 4- Into grids, all editor customizable like standalone. So grid, grid, grid, lookup, lookup, lookup with incremental and partial fetch of "remote" data (like latest ExtJs already do! (remotecombobox)) With infinite scroll and partial fetch in lookup, we have all need for professional "data centric" web application. CGdevtool (another shining tool for Delphi webapplication) use already those "data approach" with Jquery, (they need Intraweb). jeans_larghi 3- Ordering by one or different columns 4- Filtering by one or different columns 5- Fixing location of one or more columns 6- Fixing location of one or more rows (*) 7- Summarizing or Counting of Columns So if other people has different point of view of this matter is welcomed to write it here. (*) I separate fixing of columns and rows because of use of horizontal draw of data in most applications. 0
  3. hello... I'm using version 0.90 uniGUI. Two questions: 1) the property "buffered" in unidbgrid allows me to run a grid with an infinite scroll. I would like to know when it will be implemented or if there is another way to achieve the same result. 2) I would like to accomplish the same thing with point 1 in a unidblookupComboBox with remote store. I tried to set the following properties: unidblookupComboBox.clientEvents.uniEvents function OnAfterCreate(sender) { sender.editable = true; sender.typeAhead = true; sender.queryMode = 'remote'; sender.pageSize = 15; sender.triggerAction = 'query'; sender.remoteFilter = true; } Something is missing? I still can not get something like http://examples.extjs.eu/ combo with remote store Thanks advance. Francesco (jeans_larghi)
  4. I cannot find it! Where I can download 0.90? I need it!!!!!! Thanks in advance Francesco (jeans_larghi)
  5. I have a question: I know when will be released the version of uniGUI based on Ext JS 4? thanks advance.
  6. I'm creating a component inherited from TuniDbComboBox. On the override the constructor shows the following message: [DCC Hint] UniDBLookUpSesamo.pas(24): H2365 Override method TUniDBLookUpSesamo.create should match case of ancestor TUniCustomComboBox.Create I attach a piece of code: type TUniDBLookUpSesamo = class(TUniDBComboBox) private FeditAjaxPartenza: TUniEdit; FeditAjaxFine: TUniEdit; FuniHiddenPanel1: TUniHiddenPanel; procedure SeteditAjaxPartenza(const Value: TUniEdit); procedure SeteditAjaxFine(const Value: TUniEdit); procedure SetuniHiddenPanel1(const Value: TUniHiddenPanel); { Private declarations } protected { Protected declarations } public { Public declarations } constructor create(Aowner :TComponent);override; published { Published declarations } property editAjaxPartenza : TUniEdit read FeditAjaxPartenza write SeteditAjaxPartenza; property editAjaxFine : TUniEdit read FeditAjaxFine write SeteditAjaxFine; property uniHiddenPanel1 : TUniHiddenPanel read FuniHiddenPanel1 write SetuniHiddenPanel1; end; ... constructor TUniDBLookUpSesamo.create(Aowner: TComponent); var mioAjax, mioInizio,miaFine: string; begin inherited; ... ClientEvents.UniEvents.add( 'OnAfterCreate=function OnAfterCreate(sender)'#13#10'{'#13#10' sender.ty' + 'peAhead = false;'#13#10' sender.forceSelection = false;'#13#10' se' + 'nder.triggerAction = '#39'all'#39';'#13#10' sender.editable = true;'#13#10' ' + ' sender.maxHeight = 100;'#13#10' sender.resizable = true;'#13#10' ' + ' sender.queryDelay = 500;'#13#10' sender.minChars = 2;'#13#10' sen' + 'der.disableKeyFilter = true;'#13#10' sender.selectOnFocus = true;' + #13#10' sender.lazyRender = true;'#13#10' validationDelay = 500;'#13 + #10'}'+ ... Thanks and best regards
  7. I activated next and previous navigation buttons for use enter key as tab key (and shift+enter). I set navigateKeys.enabled: = true; everything works fine except when next UniDbEdit (in tab order) is enabled=false; Focus don't move to next available editor...
  8. hello, I want access to specific fields of data parameter. is possbile to do something similar to the example? thanks in advance. function OnAjaxRequest(sender, url, data) { alert(data); // OK alert(data.eventName); // ????? }
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