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Everything posted by dkeene

  1. dkeene

    Yes No slider

    are there any plans to include this in the desktop version?
  2. dkeene

    Screen Mask

    Does anyone have any suggestions here? It seems like a pretty simple task. I have a form that takes a long time to load. I would like a screen mask to show during that time.
  3. dkeene

    Screen Mask

    Hello Is there a way of getting a screen mask to appear during a lengthy form create or form show? Thanks Doug
  4. dkeene

    Yes No slider

    is there any way to use mobile components on Desktop Applications?
  5. dkeene

    Yes No slider

    Thank you Sherzod. Is this component already a part of Unigui? I have not used plugins.
  6. dkeene

    Yes No slider

    Hello I am looking for the functionality of one component (DB aware)snap056.bmp that indicates Yes/No slider choice to user. Is there in unigui without using a radio group of 2 items. Thanks
  7. Thank you Hayri I will try this method. Doug
  8. It happens rarely on my giant application and would not likely be reproducible. Are there ways to check in the browser if there is a problem?
  9. dkeene

    Dropdown Font

    Hello, Sherzod Was there any solution to this issue? Like a property of UniCombobox.Dropdown.Font? Thanks Doug
  10. Hello All I have a unigui application that works nicely but on occasion the unigui page showing in the browser becomes frozen and not responsive to clicks. No errors show in Delphi. I know it's a broad question but is there a way to diagnose this problem? I am not very familiar with Chrome diagnostic tools, so any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  11. dkeene

    auto installer?

    Hello, is there currently or might there be a way to automatically install new versions of unigui as they are released?
  12. dkeene

    Dropdown Font

    I am trying to minimize the use of javascript etc. and keep these more delphi-like.
  13. dkeene


    Thank you mhmda! that seemed to be the trick Doug
  14. dkeene


    Hello I am creating forms at runtime from a main form. Some of the forms may take a while to show, and I am trying to make a screenmask to show on the launching form that shows when user clicks the button to launch the form and stop showing when the form is shown. uniSpeedButton is clicked: try MyfmTableEdit:=TfmTableEdit.Create(uniApplication); //this takes a while //SHOW SCREEN MASK with message like 'please wait while processing...'; MyfmTableEdit.ShowModal; //AND HIDE SCREEN MASK finally end; I checked the demos and didn't understand how to apply here... Any thoughts?? Thanks Doug
  15. dkeene

    Dropdown Font

    Unfortunately not really helpful. Is there a way the properties font could apply to the dropdown also? Isn't that what the font property is meant to do?
  16. dkeene

    Dropdown Font

    Hi I use comboboxes and I assign a font to the edit box part of the control. How can you (using delphi) make the dropdown box use the same font as the edit box? I prefer not to use css and js thanks Doug
  17. Fred, thank you for your expertise. Does using the webcam require a valid certificate? I have not been able to get this to work on a development machine, which does not have a valid certificate. Thanks Doug
  18. Any thoughts on this? Thank you Douglas
  19. Please disregard help on this thread. Thank you D
  20. Yes I am sure. I can "see" the items as strings in the debugger when I am debugging. I am not sure this is the problem, but I am getting the error.
  21. Hi I am using unidbcombobox and am trying to populate the dropdown list via RemoteQuery. for some reason that I have not been able to explain or fix, I get an error when closing the form: project raised exception class EStringListError with message 'List index out of bounds (0)' This seems to happen ONLY when the result (TStrings) has been populated during the remotequery event, i.e., the result dropdown has string items in it. I have tried using unidbcombobox.mode= umNameOnly and umNameValue I tried deleting the strings while TUniDBComboBox(aComponent).Items.Count>0 do begin TUniDBComboBox(aComponent).Items.Delete(0); end; but this gives the same error: list index out of bounds (0). Any thoughts? Thank you Doug
  22. Perhaps one could use the form's ActiveControl property, but I try during the procedure TForm.DBComboboxRemoteQuery(const QueryString: string; result: TStrings); begin if self.ActiveControl is UniDBCombobox then begin ....do something end; end Despite the control that triggers this event, Self.ActiveControl is nil... Any thoughts?> Doug
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