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Everything posted by dkeene

  1. Hello, I tried to build this for Dephi XE8, and I get a error uniGUI22 not found I wasn't sure what to change here. Could anyone please help to make this work? I assume once you build this you can install them? Thanks Doug
  2. Hello, I tried to build this for Dephi XE8, and I get a error uniGUI22 not found I wasn't sure what to change here. Could anyone please help to make this work? I assume once you build this you can install them? Thanks Doug
  3. Hello, I tried to build this for Dephi XE8, and I get a error uniGUI22 not found I wasn't sure what to change here. Could anyone please help to make this work? I assume once you build this you can install them? Thanks Doug
  4. Hi, Fred you seem very knowledgeable so I will ask you personally. I am trying to make a multimedia app which can record voice and video, I can not seem to get your application example to work, it does not recognize uMacroStrInjectorHolder. Any thoughts?

    Also, is there a way to use components already available in Javascript in unigui, such as a video player/recorder audio player/recorder?

    Thank you


    1. Fred Montier

      Fred Montier

      Just remove it. Its just a stringholder.


      Also, is there a way to use components already available in Javascript in unigui, such as a video player/recorder audio player/recorder?

      use uniHTMLFrame and configure the JS Libraries.

    2. dkeene


      Thank you Fred. Do you have any experience with configuring JS Libraries? I got some uniHTMLFrame snippets to run, but I have problem with the dependencies and where to put them

  5. I get error that uMacroStrInjectorHolder is not found...
  6. Thank you for posting this!. Is this a component to purchase? I desperately need such a component... Doug
  7. Hello I am looking for guidance on the size of fonts shown on the screen versus printing on paper. so if I set the uniLabel.Font.Size to 12 is this 12 points, pixels, etc? Thanks
  8. Actually this is the problem! Thank you. I didn't realize the default ScreenMask.Enabled is false, so ScreenMask.Enabled:=True; ScreenMask.Message:='anything' ScreenMask.Enabled:=False; is a work around. Thank you Doug
  9. Perhaps this value can not be changed when the control is disabled.
  10. This error is easy to reproduce. Put a UniRadioGroup on a form and in another UniSpeedButton's Click method: UniRadioGroup1.ScreenMask.Message:=FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd @ HH:NN:SS', Now); will produce error: Cannot set property 'maskMsg' of undefined with the message box saying 0147.uniMask.maskMsg="2020-11-27 @ 07:47:57"
  11. I am not using the string for the screenmask, but storing a string for another use. I am able to set the value initially, but can't seem to change it. Does the string within the Error Box mean anything?
  12. Hello Hello I don't understand the following error, seems to be when I try to assign a string to a screenmask message (in delphi code) uniDBRadioGroup.ScreenMask.Message (a string value) :=' SELECT txt_NEPH_YN_03 AS MRESULT FROM patient_questionaire WHERE IDENCOUNTER=:IDENCOUNTER '; then in runtime I see an Ajax MessageBox with Cannot set property 'maskMsg' of undefined with the text of the box: O1DC0=new Ext.form.Label({id:"O1DC0_id"});O1DC0.nm="O1DC0";O1DC0.destroy(); O1DC4=new Ext.form.Label({id:"O1DC4_id"});O1DC4.nm="O1DC4";OE40.uniMask.maskMsg="SELECT txt_NEPH_YN_03 AS MRESULT FROM patient_questionaire WHERE IDENCOUNTER=:IDENCOUNTER";OE40.setElProp("title","Renal (03)",2);O1DC4.destroy();OE48.setDisabled(false);O1225.setText("Controls Selected: 0"); In reality the uniDBRadioGroup.ScreenMask.Message is able to hold the value ' SELECT txt_NEPH_YN_03 AS MRESULT FROM patient_questionaire WHERE IDENCOUNTER=:IDENCOUNTER ' so i don't know why the error is raised. Thank you Doug
  13. Thank you Farshad, this worked perfectly !!!!
  14. Hello I set up for so user can upload a file and it works correctly. So if user uploads a jpg or bitmap, I use UniFileUploadCompleted: procedure TfmTableEdit.UniFileUpload1Completed(Sender: TObject; AStream: TFileStream); var aWinControl: TWinControl; blob: TStream; aField: TField; begin //save to disk CopyFile(PChar(AStream.FileName), PChar(DestName), False); //overwrites. //place file in database field TBlobField(Self.MyQuery1.FieldByName( 'MyImage' ).LoadFromFile(DestName); end; Then I need to copy this image to another control: ms:=TMemoryStream.Create; with MyQuery.FieldByName('mImage') as TBlobField do begin Savetostream(ms); ms.Position:=0; aUniImage.Picture.Graphic.LoadFromStream(ms); end; So if the original image is a Bitmap, it works perfectly. If the original image is a JPEG, it errors with: EInvalidGraphic "Bitmap image is not valid" Am I missing something? The controls usually figure out what type of format. Thanks Doug
  15. Hello Is there a way to show/hide a BORDER around a TUniDBImage? Reason, if there is no image in the control, there is no way to see the control. So if the image is blank, i want to show the placeholder for the image as a border of the TUniDBImage control. Once there is an image, i want to hide the border. Thanks Doug
  16. could this be fixed for the next upgrade so this workaround is not needed?
  17. TUniDBRadioGroup and TUniRadioGroup have propery Color, at design time it can be set to anything.snap058.bmp
  18. Thank you i will check.
  19. why is there a difference between the two architectures? why can't they both work together? one could certainly design different forms for mobile or desktop, but they should both work in the same environment, which is a browser...
  20. dkeene

    Form Frozen

    Any idea what this means? VM57:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: MainForm is not defined at CheckIdleTime (eval at AjaxSuccess (ext-unicommon-min.js:9), <anonymous>:1:38549)
  21. Hi All I have license for both Mobile and Desktop Unigui. I started with Desktop for a mysql database App and it works well. However, I see many more useful components in the Mobile version, which unfortunately, won't work within the desktop applicatioin, for eample Toggle. Are there one-to-one corresponding desktop components in the mobile version i.e., desktop is a subset of mobile? are there components on the desktop which are absent in the Mobile? Can the desktop version of any unigui program be ported to Mobile? I like unigui but now i am wondering why i didn't start developing my database app in the Mobile version which could be run on a desktop Thanks Doug
  22. Hello I am able to change the "Color" property of a TUniDBRadioGroup during design time. When I try to change during Run TIme, I get an error: O4B2.setFieldStyle("background-color:#0000FF;background-image:none"); Am I doing something wrong? Thank you Douglas
  23. dkeene


    Hello I can change a TUniRadioGroup.Columns value at design time and it is reflected in the control. However, at run time, I change this value and it seems to have no effect. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks Doug
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