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Luis German

uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by Luis German

  1. Hello: Reviewing themes, I would like to have some parts of two themes, that is mix them. Is there any way to change the themes or define any new? Regards Luis
  2. Hello: I want to enable ColReSizing using Stringgrid. I put goColSizing=true but the columns continues with ColResizing unabled on run. Any help? Thanks Luis.
  3. I notice that the speed goes down when i run the process opening several times in the same browser. And the unitime does not generate the event in the time of frecuency specified. I am testing using an interval of 5 seconds. When the browser is loaded with 10 or more sessions, the grid refresh goes down and the interval time is generated after 5 seconds. Replace unidbgrid by unistringgrid component the unistringgrid refresh inmediatly
  4. I changed the settings as you say with no new results. Have you tested with the same application opened 10 times?. Running it once there is no problem.
  5. Only max 20 records, No problem with the query, i am testing with a similar VCL applications and run optimized.
  6. I am using Unitimer that refresh data from a query on a Unidbgrid every 10 seconds. I notice that the refresh operation of the grid goes slow while i open more and more sessions. Loading simultaneolsy the data into another controls like memo or lookup combox, these controls show the data inmediatly. What to do in order to speed up the way Unidbgrid shows the information? Regards Luis
  7. Sherzod i was making a mistake.. all is now runing, Thanks Luis.
  8. I am trying to hide the TabBars then put on UnipageControl tabBarVisible=false with no results.
  9. An additional question what to do when the underline letter is not the first like Option (O&ption)
  10. Vcl underline the first letter when runing ... it is what i need, Unigui does not underline the first letter on run.
  11. Hello: I put &caption on a button but on running it is ignoned. On ide using & On run.....
  12. Hello: Did you find any solution? Any help would be appreciated. Regards Luis.
  13. I suppose that change title on uniServerModule will change the hint of the try icon but not get good results. self.SetTitle('New hint....'); After this instruction ... tryIcon hint no change..... Any suggest? Thanks Luis.
  14. Hello, Can someone explain why the delay between keyevent and see the message? Thanks Luis.
  15. Testing the project, i notice that it takes a long time to process the data. Many times when using code bar scanners, data process with big speed is requiered. How to process the data as soon a #13 character is receipt, that is eol is detected ?. I activate synchronous mode but i notice no change. Thanks for your soon help Luis.
  16. We are really needing this operation to be functional. We need to offer practical interfaces to the users.
  17. Hello: Any solution for this case? I would appreciate Luis.
  18. That Edit operation starts when user type anything Without one or more clicks.
  19. I need autoedit without any click like standar Vcl Grids.
  20. I found this question in the forum "I need for all my grids, simply a property for editing a field when it receive focus. Without dataset.edit. Edit start when user type anything, otherwise cursor remain in editor and dataset in dsbrowse. Without one o double click. Or modify "ClickstoEdit" accepting also zero value. It's very important when user must insert (or modify) several rows in sequence, exactly as standard dbgrid. Some operation must be very fast in input and too much click and double click are tedious when user must use keyboard a lot." I have the same question. Any idea Thanks Luis. Using Complete Professional
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