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Everything posted by Frederick

  1. In the OnKeyDown event of a TUniDBTreeGrid, I have the following code:- procedure TMainForm.treGridKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if Key=VK_DELETE then showmessage('here'); end; The message is not shown when I press the Delete key. In TUniDBGrid, this works. How do I get the Delete key to be recognized in the TUniDBTreeGrid component? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  2. Try the following:- UniMemo1 -> ClientEvents -> ExtEvents ... add Ext.Js event for AfterRender: function afterrender(sender, eOpts) { sender.bodyEl.dom.addEventListener( 'keydown', function(e) {if (e.key=='Enter') {e.stopPropagation()}} ); }
  3. I have attached the project files. Thanks. dbtreeexclaim.zip
  4. I have attached the project files. Thanks. dbtreeexclaim.zip
  5. Thanks. The missing property message is gone but the code does not perform as I would expect. Please see the attached video. Each time I add a record, the new record is properly positioned to but the rectangular highlight is pointing to another row. I want the highlight to be at the new record. I have also attached the project files. focustotunidbtreegrid.mp4 dbtreeexclaim.zip
  6. In a TUniDBGrid, I can use the following code to position to a row and column:- grdGrid.JSInterface.JSCall('getNavigationModel().setPosition', [grdGrid.CurrRow, grdGrid.CurrCol]); I can't use the same code for a TUniDBTreeGrid because the CurrRow and CurrCol properties are protected. How do I achieve the same result for this component? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  7. In TUniDBGrid, there is a Options.dgRowSelect property which I can use to colour the entire row. In TUniDBTreeGrid, the same property cannot be set at design time. How do I colour the entire row for this component? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  8. I have a PostgreSQL query with an "order by shortcode, code" parameter. When a TUniDBTreeGrid's datasource is set to it, the code order is not followed as the query correctly shows. What could be happening here? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  9. I have a PostgreSQL query that contains a column named SortCode with "!Stocks Without Variants" in some rows. When I set the KeyTreeFields of a TUniDBTreeGrid to "sortcode", the part that begins with "!Stocks" is missing. What can I do to show the entire column content? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  10. I have a TUniStatusbar with 7 panels. One of the panels is supposed to be hidden from view depending on the user's status. Is it possible to hide any panel without deleting it? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  11. If that is the case, I suppose that Hyperserver will bump the user to another node once a node's maximum session limit of 250 is reached.
  12. I see. So, since my UniServerModule.ServerLimits.MaxSessions is 250 and I have max_nodes in Hyperserver.cfg set at 8, I should have a theoretical limit of a maximum active sessions at 250 x 8 = 2,000 or 250 / 8 = 31.25?
  13. Frederick


    Thank you for the examples.
  14. My Hyperserver settings are currently:- [hyper_server] ... initial_nodes=2 max_nodes=8 max_sessions=0 sessions_per_nodes=0 ... With sessions_per_nodes=0 and max_sessions=0, do these mean that there is no limit to the number of sessions that can handled by the max_nodes of 8? The Hyperserver monitor is showing a Max of 20 sessions. What does this mean?
  15. Frederick


    How do I repeat this behaviour? I run two instances of the app in two tabs of the same browser or one instance each of the app in two different browsers and I am not seeing this. I declare a variable in the public section of the MainForm: public { Public declarations } cVar : String; and add a button in the MainForm to change the variable to something in the OnClick event: cVar:='Changed'; and show the variable in the MainForm's OnShow event: showmessage(cVar); After clicking the button in the first instance of the app, I run the second app but do not see the "Changed" message. -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  16. In the attached screenshot of Hyperserver, which memory resource information should I use to determine the expected RAM needed to handle up to 500 active sessions? Currently, no user has logged in. -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  17. Based on the documentation on default Hyperserver settings and the attached Hyperserver screenshot, will they be sufficient to handle up to 500 simultaneous active sessions at any given time? If not, what settings should I change to allow this? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
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