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Everything posted by Frederick

  1. In the desktop demo for Grid - Row Editors, how do I prevent a user from using the keyboard and entering a blank value for the phone extension? Although the TUniSpinEdit control has minimum and maximum values set, these are not respected. -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition preventblankinspinedit.mp4
  2. Please see attached video. After I double click the column or press the ENTER key on it, I want the label "Editing: No" to become "Editing: Yes". If I decide to cancel an edit and I press the ESCAPE key, I want the label "Escape: No" to change to "Escape: Yes" and the label "Editing: Yes" to change to "Editing: No". Note: I have also attached the testcase file. editgrid.mp4 editgrid.zip
  3. I have a editable string column in a TUniDBGrid that is linked to a datasource. How do I determine that it is in edit mode after I double click it and how do I know that it is no longer in edit mode after I press ESCAPE? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  4. This issue does not seem to have been fixed in UniGUI version
  5. In the OnKeyDown event of a TUniDBTreeGrid, I have the following code:- procedure TMainForm.treGridKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if Key=VK_DELETE then showmessage('here'); end; The message is not shown when I press the Delete key. In TUniDBGrid, this works. How do I get the Delete key to be recognized in the TUniDBTreeGrid component? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  6. Try the following:- UniMemo1 -> ClientEvents -> ExtEvents ... add Ext.Js event for AfterRender: function afterrender(sender, eOpts) { sender.bodyEl.dom.addEventListener( 'keydown', function(e) {if (e.key=='Enter') {e.stopPropagation()}} ); }
  7. I have attached the project files. Thanks. dbtreeexclaim.zip
  8. I have attached the project files. Thanks. dbtreeexclaim.zip
  9. Thanks. The missing property message is gone but the code does not perform as I would expect. Please see the attached video. Each time I add a record, the new record is properly positioned to but the rectangular highlight is pointing to another row. I want the highlight to be at the new record. I have also attached the project files. focustotunidbtreegrid.mp4 dbtreeexclaim.zip
  10. In a TUniDBGrid, I can use the following code to position to a row and column:- grdGrid.JSInterface.JSCall('getNavigationModel().setPosition', [grdGrid.CurrRow, grdGrid.CurrCol]); I can't use the same code for a TUniDBTreeGrid because the CurrRow and CurrCol properties are protected. How do I achieve the same result for this component? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  11. In TUniDBGrid, there is a Options.dgRowSelect property which I can use to colour the entire row. In TUniDBTreeGrid, the same property cannot be set at design time. How do I colour the entire row for this component? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  12. I have a PostgreSQL query with an "order by shortcode, code" parameter. When a TUniDBTreeGrid's datasource is set to it, the code order is not followed as the query correctly shows. What could be happening here? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  13. I have a PostgreSQL query that contains a column named SortCode with "!Stocks Without Variants" in some rows. When I set the KeyTreeFields of a TUniDBTreeGrid to "sortcode", the part that begins with "!Stocks" is missing. What can I do to show the entire column content? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  14. I have a TUniStatusbar with 7 panels. One of the panels is supposed to be hidden from view depending on the user's status. Is it possible to hide any panel without deleting it? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  15. If that is the case, I suppose that Hyperserver will bump the user to another node once a node's maximum session limit of 250 is reached.
  16. I see. So, since my UniServerModule.ServerLimits.MaxSessions is 250 and I have max_nodes in Hyperserver.cfg set at 8, I should have a theoretical limit of a maximum active sessions at 250 x 8 = 2,000 or 250 / 8 = 31.25?
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