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Everything posted by artem_niko

  1. Greetings! I have such a question. How can I make a blur , instead of color, when ScreenMask is triggered? Something like this: https://myrusakov.ru/css-blur.html In the CSS file itself, I have the processing done so now: .x-mask-msg { padding: 5px; webkit-border-radius: 4px 4px 0px 4px; moz-border-radius: 4px 4px 0px 4px; ms-border-radius: 4px 4px 0px 4px; o-border-radius: 4px 4px 0px 4px; border-radius: 4px 4px 0px 4px; background-image: none !important; background-color: transparent !important; } .x-mask-msg-inner { padding: 0; background-color: transparent !important; color: transparent !important; } .x-mask-msg-text { height: 120px; width:120px; padding: 130px 10px 10px 10px; background-image: url(../ext-theme-uni_bootstrap-x30/resources/images/loadmask/3.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: 60px; /* tamano da animação */ background-color: transparent !important; opacity: .7; rotate: (45deg); }
  2. That's it, I figured it out myself already and made a decision. That's how it's done: procedure TUniFrame1.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin (Parent as TUniTabSheet).Free; end; Also, I get this message: Could not set cell position: row: [0], column:[1] :Cannot read properties of null (reading 'isModel') What can this message be related to? As such, there is no error, but maybe because of it, the closing code in the timer does not work the second time when I create the tab and frame dynamically again.
  3. This won't work because UniPageControl isn't on my frame. It is the parent for UniTabSheet, which is the parent for UniFrame1 proper. Maybe there is some way to determine the parent of the component and delete it?
  4. Good afternoon! In general, such a task. On Pagecontrol , I dynamically create UniTabSheet1 . On the created UniTabSheet1, my UniFrame1 is dynamically loaded. The essence of the task: according to a certain condition, using UniTimer1, delete both UniFrame1 and UniTabSheet1, and not just delete, but with the destruction of components so that there are no AV errors later. Currently, so far, I'm going this way: In the OnClick event in UniButton, it is written like this: procedure TUniFrame1.Uni Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Free; end; I call the code above via UniTimer1: procedure TUniFrame1.UniTimer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin if N = 0 then begin UniButton1.OnClick(Sender); end; end; As a result, my UniFrame1 disappears, I understand that it is deleted, but UniTabSheet1 remains. Actually, the question is, how to also completely destroy UniTabSheet1? Or how to register the destruction code in the button event at once UniFrame1?
  5. Hello! Try check this property in UniFileUploadButton:
  6. Well, it works, yes. But, if you temporarily switch to another tab, i.e. if the tab with the project loses focus, and then return, the timer will continue working from the moment it was before the tab lost focus. That's what I'm talking about. For example, if 10 seconds have passed, I went to another tab and stayed on it for 10 seconds, and then returned back to the project tab, then the timer will continue to work from the 11th second, and not from the 21st...
  7. Something, after reading the link, after reading your answers, got confused. I tried the code from the link, but I couldn't get UniThreadTimer to work. Can I have a code example, how to do it correctly?
  8. It turns out that you can simply replace UniTimer with UniThreadTimer and that's it, then everything will be as it should and work continuously?
  9. Good evening! What is the fundamental difference between UniTimer and UniThreadTimer? The fact is that if you put a UniTimer on a form that simply displays the current time or performs some action, and, for example, switch to another tab in the browser, at that moment UniTimer stops working, until you return back to the tab with the project. Why is this happening? What is the difference between these components? Is it possible to make the timer work, regardless of which tab I am on in the browser?
  10. Good afternoon! How can I make it so that when you set the UniDBGrid.Enabled property:=False, then the component would not turn gray, but would remain as with the UniDBGrid.Enabled property:=True, but was not available for any actions on the part of users? Otherwise, the information in it is less visible:
  11. I'll try to check later on an empty project. How can I hide this button?
  12. What do mean? I didn't delete any files. I use one CSS file for the project. This error occurs when I just put the component on the frame and that's it.
  13. i'm understant this... But, I can't use UniSyntaxEditEx, because I'm get error, when compile project:
  14. Thanks, it works! Such a question. Why is it that when you use this code (or manually turn on the button), the ability to use text alignments, change the style, color of the text, etc. is disabled? For example, in this mode, I want to replace the word BEGIN with <b>BEGIN</b> so that this word is highlighted in bold, but, at the same time, that format, text indents, line breaks, would remain working, as it remains now.
  15. Hello! How make this button always activate? It is disabled by default. I need the text in UniHTMLMemo to always be shown in HTML format
  16. This may also be useful to me in the future. But, at the moment, I am interested in triggering an event when clicking on the tab title. Or maybe it's possible to add just a regular button to the UniTabSheet header in general?
  17. Good afternoon! Such a question: is it possible to make the UniTabSheet header as a button? So that clicking on the title triggers the same event as when clicking on a regular button. Or is it impossible to do it?
  18. This is not exactly my case and not exactly what I need. What follows the link may work if the form is created in advance, at the application development stage. In my case, the form is created dynamically. Therefore, I asked how it is possible (and is it possible) to find an already dynamically created form by name and close it -there may be many dynamically created forms, I need to find them specifically by name.
  19. Hello! So, this is question: how fInd dynamically created form using Screen.Forms? In short, the essence is this. I create, dynamically, a form. But before I create it, I check whether it already exists, i.e. whether it was created earlier. If there was, then I close it and create it again. The problem is that I can't find her by name. The name of the desired form is known to me in advance. I tried it through Screen.Forms[], but I can't find the right form: function TMainForm.FindFormByName(const AName: string): TUniForm; var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to Screen.FormCount - 1 do begin if (Screen.Forms[i].Name = AName) then begin Screen.Forms[i].Close; end; end; end; The Close event of the dynamic form contains the necessary and working code for destroying and unloading all its components. This code works correctly only if I close it with a cross, manually. I also need to close an existing form by name so that this Close event works automatically.
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