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Everything posted by estrify

  1. Ahora mismo se puede hacer algo (marcar el campo y mostrar el mensaje), pero la validación aparece como si fuera un Hint y no como una marca al lado del campo. Además, para hacerlo tienes que: En la propiedad script del formulario añadir: Ext.QuickTips.init(); Marcar el componente como inválido mediante: UniSession.SendResponse('formulario.componente.markInvalid(''mensaje'');'); Este procedimiento tiene sus inconvenientes, por lo que he solicitado en algún post que esas dos acciones pasen a ser: * La primera, una propiedad del formulario * La segunda, un método de los componentes que lo admitan Pero no he obtenido respuesta a la petición... Supongo que tendrán otras prioridades... Tal vez ayudara que entréis en el post e intentéis apoyarlo (el post está en la URL Post markInvalid) Saludos
  2. Thanks for the info. In our case, the problem with the session is, by far, the most serious of all (too serious). Please, if you find something on the subject, let us know. Regards,
  3. Hi Stefano, We have some strange problems in our application that are also present accessing to your test. We would be pleased if you could have a time to try to reproduce the problem. When one session is closed or timeouted for a user, we have several problems starting new sessions for this user (with new explorer windows or pressing "Restart application"). In too many cases, UniGUI thinks that those new sessions are timeouted or closed ones, so it redirects to timeout page entering a loop. Normally, UniGUI does that when the explorer raises an exception (attached the exception for your web). We think the cause is something in the Session tracking mechanism (please, see the topic with this name). This behavior only occurs accessing through a proxy and is very inconvenient for the reputation of the application since it does not allow even present the user welcome screen. Thank you very much in advance for your help...
  4. Interesting. Although I see the lookup combo flashes much. We do similar sorting mechanism, but slightly different: when click on one column, the grid is ordered by this column as first criteria, and with prior ordered column as second criteria, and so on, allowing any needed sequence of ordering criteria. I hope new versions of UniGUI give us a little life.
  5. Hi again, Related with this, we caught the following exceptions on IE8. Pressing again and again "Restart application" UniGUI sends you to the Invalid session or session Timeout page. But sometimes, those exceptions are thrown (see attached files), the first of them rather more frequently than the second... Please, we need an urgent help because users can't use the application which creates a major upset... Thanks in advance...
  6. Hi Farshad, This is a tragedy!!!! ... FF12 Users say they have the same problem and no one can access the application... What can cause this behavior of the application??
  7. estrify

    Refresh button

    Hi, Now, if SessionRestrict is set to srOnePerPC, server closes automatically the first session starting a completely new one. Instead, it is possible to redirect the new session to the same state as closed one?, or close the new one and redirect to the first session opened?. This could help us a lot because we have some problems with user experience with UniGUI Web Application related with "reload" option (with back and forward buttons too). The reload is made: •with the obvious user action on the reload button or pressing F5: here, we can quarrel the user to avoid the usage of this feature, but it could be interesting if there is a way to disable the refresh (back and forward options also) •When the user download a file and IE blocking mechanism is activated, when the user "clicks" on the upper bar to confirm the download, UniGUI application starts a new session instead of downloading the file (our users can't change this option because it is established for all employees of the company). If there is a way to manage those situations within UniGUI, we would greatly appreciate a help. Thanks in advance.
  8. Hi Frashad, Please, could you comment briefly the session tracking mechanism used in UniGUI (cookie, hidden field, other) ?? Might it be possible to implement two or three ways and choose between them in the ServerModule?? This is because we have serious problems with IE8 users (in our company, most of configs of the browser are "closed" and we can't modify them). In many, many, many cases, UniGUI thinks that the user is accessing a session already closed when in fact it is a new session, showing the session terminating page even if you click the "Restart application" link again and again. Sometimes solved closing all open IE windows (which is annoying for the users because it forces them to close other applications). But we have many cases where that is not enough, which is a real problem because the affected user can't access UniGUI application. Thanks in advance...
  9. It works!!!... Thanks a lot...
  10. Has anyone tried to change theme at runtime?. How could be done? TIA
  11. Hi Stefano, I am sure you have found a solution. If not, here is a way to do something like what you need (look at UniComboBox1KeyPress event). The main problem is that UniComboBox doesn't have a property to tell you the text typed unless the text is in the list. To work around this, you can use client side events if ExtJS combo informs about the text typed when it doesn't match an item of the list (I don't know if it does) or use a server side variable to store the filter with server side key detection. I used this second option in this example. So you have to filter key strokes and process them properly (to detect shifts, ctrls, function keys, backspace, etc.). Regards, ComboBox2.rar
  12. estrify


    Hi Farshad, Please, could you consider the implementation of: a "markInvalid" procedure in those components that allow it a "QuickTipsInit" property on a form Now, we use JavaScript to do that, but there are problems mixing SendResponse (for markInvalid) and changing controls properties (i.e. SetFocus)... TIA
  13. Thanks but TImageList has the same issue that TUniImageList has. This extra functionality we request, if UniUI team find it useful, is to provide some help in situations described above.
  14. Please look at http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/1479-progressbar-multithreading-demo/ It contains a simple example showing how to do this with UniGUI.
  15. Because the file name is the same, but its content has been modified. It is like a .pas file: you have one with a conrecte and normally fixed name in your project, but you change its content when you need. Two examples of real nuisance we had: Real example 1: once a lot of forms were developed with one concrete theme and icons set, i.e. Picol icon set, we need to change it all to another theme and another icon set, i.e. Fugue icons set, visually very different. Instead of using original icons name, we use our own name convention, so changing icons is as simple as mapping file names. Our icons file names are exaclty the same, but their contents have been changed with the substitution. Real example 2: once a lot of forms were developed with a theme and one icon set as provided to speed up develpment, many original icons doesn't meet exactly what you want, i.e. size of some details, their color or their edge contrast, so you have to retouch those icons and reload them in a kind of "refine" stage.
  16. Reload: Simply load all images from their sources (now, you have to go image by image clicking on "Replace..." button and selecting its source file)...
  17. Hi Farshad, Do you find these kind of options useful and easy to include in future versions?. It's just sheer convenience for graphic design. Regards,
  18. Hi, Ok. If there no simple way to do this by now, is there a way to paint an image next to the column caption?. Thx in advance,
  19. Hi Farshad, It is possible to include a simple column movement at runtime to avoid the effect explained above (i.e. I tried a simple JS saving column model after detecting every movement and applying it when the grid need to be refreshed but events on server side doesn't inform correctly about the column clicked)? or tell me indications if there is a way to do with actual UniGUI version. Thx.
  20. Because a column within UniGUI is a very limited version of a column of ExtJS and I can't find the way to achieve ExtJS Column functionality within UniGUI like, i.e. the simply showing sort direction of a column. Do you know how to make it visible?. In a normal ExtJS, this indicator is shown by default. Thanks in advance.
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