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Everything posted by shawdown

  1. shawdown

    uniGUI Beta

    Hello friends. In my project I use iGrowl to display some messages to users. In version is working perfectly. In beta version displays the wrong way. The following sources are attached. iGrowl.zip
  2. Perfect. We no longer have the beforerender event of TUniImage available?
  3. Hello, I'm starting beta testing to contribute to the tests and compiling my project in the latest version. Whenever I try to use the code below in the beta version "" my project gets white screen and no error is returned in the logs. But in that stable version "" is working perfectly. ClientEvents.ExtEvents.add('beforerender=function beforerender(sender, eOpts) { sender.addClass("icon_normal"); }'); Was it a bug? Do I have an alternative? Simples CSS .icon_normal { border:0px solid transparent; } .icon_normal:hover { border:2px solid transparent; } This UniGUI Log ApoioVendas.exe: 00001294: 17:16:28 []:>--------------------------------------------------------------< ApoioVendas.exe: 00001294: 17:16:28 [TUniServerModule]:Server First Init. ApoioVendas.exe: 00001294: 17:16:28 [TUniServerModule]:Erasing Cache Folder... ApoioVendas.exe: 00001294: 17:16:28 [TUniServerModule]:Cache Folder Erased. <62> Files deleted. ApoioVendas.exe: 00001294: 17:16:28 [vExtRoot]: ApoioVendas.exe: 00001294: 17:16:28 [vUniRoot]: ApoioVendas.exe: 00001294: 17:16:28 [vTouchRoot]: ApoioVendas.exe: 00001294: 17:16:28 [vUniMobileRoot]: ApoioVendas.exe: 00001294: 17:16:28 [vUniPackagesRoot]: ApoioVendas.exe: 00001294: 17:16:28 [TUniServerModule]:Starting HTTP Server... ApoioVendas.exe: 00001294: 17:16:28 [TUniServerModule]:HTTP Server Started. Port: 8077
  4. Yes. Worked perfectly. Thank you very much.
  5. Perfect My need was to capture when the scroll bar was at the top. Here's an example. var me = sender; me.body.el.dom.addEventListener('scroll', function(event) { var element = event.target; if (element.scrollTop === 0) { ajaxRequest(me, 'scrolledToBottom', []); } }) Thanks Friend.
  6. Following is an example. TestCaseForForum.zip
  7. Perfect solution for UniScrollBox. I tried with UniHTMLFrame but it does not work. Any suggestion?
  8. Problem solved. I got it using jquery and changing the webservice to the idIttpServer of unigui.
  9. Perfect. Thank you very much for your attention.
  10. Any suggestion? Should I disable EnableSynchronousOperations from my project?
  11. As if it were a separate thread in VCL applications.
  12. Yes, using IdHTTP and TUniTimer.
  13. I'm doing a "chat" messaging system. After the user login I make a request to an http server that only responds if a new message arrives or reaches a time limit of 120 seconds. The problem is that when I make this request unigui is waiting for the response and it is not possible for the user to continue using the application. I would like to know how to run this http request in the background without freezing the application. Because unigui is waiting for the http server response. Sorry if I can not be very clear because I'm using Google Translate. If necessary I can give an example of this situation.
  14. Hello everyone. My project is set to EnableSynchronousOperations set to true. I need to make a request from a json on a remote server, but this call may take some time to get up to 2 minutes. How to capture this json without freezing my application? So while waiting for this json to be captured I can go using the application.
  15. Internet Explorer 11 and Firefox are working perfectly. But in Google Chrome the problem continues.
  16. I'm using "Google Chrome Version 63.0.3239.132 (Official Version) 64-bit (Last Update)" In Internet Explorer 11 there is also a problem. The problem continues even with the code being reported. UniSession.AddJS('Ext.defer(function(){Ext.get("'+ UniHTMLMemo1.JSName +'_id-inputCmp-iframeEl").focus()},100)'); In firefox it works perfectly.
  17. A simple example is attached. 1º - Click Button "Edit Focus" 2º - Click Button "HTMLMemo Focus" 3º - Click again in Button "Edit Focus" 4º - Click again in Button "HTMLMemo Focus" and now have problem. This example running in Thanks friend. focus.zip
  18. This code is not working in my project. It does not display any errors but the focus is not set. I am using version Any suggestion?
  19. shawdown


    Hello Developer thank you very much for your attention. The problem does not happen when I use the code you entered. UniHTMLFrame1.JSInterface.JSCode('Ext.DomHelper.insertFirst(Ext.get("'#1'_id-innerCt"), {tag: "div", cls: "yourCls", html: "<b>N</b>ew line"});'); One last question. Do you think it's appropriate to use UniHTMLFrame to create a chat like the example below? What do you suggest? https://bootsnipp.com/snippets/featured/like-hangout-chat
  20. shawdown


    Hello everyone. I am initiating a chat with the UniHTMLFrame component and some doubts appeared. 1 - How do I make the vertical scroll bar go down or up completely? 2 - What better way to add text at the beginning of html? I am using the following code. UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Text: = 'My Message <br>' + UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Text; 3 - After adding a message at the beginning of the html how can I preserve the current position of the scroll bar? "so no matter what text size was added at the beginning of the html, UniHTMLFrame continues to display the same content it was before adding text at startup. Sorry for my bad English. And thank you all.
  21. Hello "Delphi Developer" for this extension I created this unit. Maybe it's useful to someone. with TuniCallOut.Create do Begin Theme := cssYellow; Width := 600; Text := 'mensagem teste'; Target := UniButton2; Show; End; Callout.rar
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