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  1. Hi! Thanks a lot for implementing the new OnHttpCommand-Event, it was really helpful! But we noticed that not all common http-methods are supported in this event, for example DELETE, PUT or OPTIONS. Only GET and POST are still working. To implement an entire REST-ful webservice, we do need the methods: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE and OPTIONS. Is there any way to get the "OnHttpCommand"-event triggered on those HTTP-standarded methods? Thanks a lot!
  2. Thanks for the quick adjustment, it works as desired. Great future: 0001343: Server event to handle all HTTP calls. Thank you
  3. We are currently using self-programmed components which communicate via web services rest. We want to include these components in our Unigui application. That is why we need a service of Unigui and REST Web services can operate. A proposed solution would be to declare public 'OnCommandGet' and 'OnCommandOther'.
  4. Hi all! We are trying to combine the TUniServerModule with our REST-WebService-component (customized Indy HttpServer). In this case, is there any posibility to get an event like Indy's Http-Server 'OnCommandGet' or 'OnCommandOther' to handle individual http-reqeusts? We want to use only one port in the whole application to avoid cross-domain problems. Thanks a lot
  5. Cheers, now it has made ​​click in my head. I understand it. You've been a great help. I think my questions are answered.
  6. Hi Farshad, I do not understand the treatment: "P0, P1, P2, ... are event parameters in JS auxiliary statement." My example: JSAddEvent ('keypress', ['Key', '%1.charCode'], 'P1.stopEvent()', onkeypress); procedure TUniZeit24.OnKeyPress(This: TJSObject; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); var c:char; begin c := char(strtointdef(string(Params.Values['Key']),0)); if not (c in ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','-','+',' ']) then begin // Here i will stop the Keypress Event via stopEvent end; // do something with c end; Thanks
  7. Thank you Farshad, JSCall and JSStatement was the solution. Very helpful, thank you.
  8. Hello, I need help to program an own component based on TUniEdit (JSObjects.DefaultJSClassName: = 'Ext.form.field.Text' . My questions: 1. How you can access the keypressed event on the Objectmetode e.stopEvent? In the Procedure "LoadCompleted" I initialize the event as follows; JSAddEvent ('keypress', ['eventObj', '%1.nm', 'Key', '%1.charCode'], onkeypress); In Delphi onkeypress Ereigniss I would like to: Params.Values ​​['eventObj'] access e.stopEvent, how? This works: c: = char (StrToIntDef (string (Params.Values ​​['key']), 0)); 2. How can I set the maskRe config right? This does not work: JSConfig ('maskRe' ['/ [0-9] /']), or JSConfig ('maskRe', ['new RegExp (/ [0-9] /)']); 3. How to pass 2 parameters with JSProperty: JSProperty ('', [2], 'select text') / / this works and sets the start parameter how can you pass the end parameter? (select text ([start], [end])); Thanks for your help.
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