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Franco Grech

uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by Franco Grech

  1. Hello guys, I hope someone can help me. I'd like to put a countdown timer into a label. Something like this: https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_countdown.asp Could you help me how can I implement this (client-side) feature on TuniLabel? Thank you for any help!
  2. In TopAxis section you want to take the information from LeftAxis collection. Typical "Copy and Paste" mistake 😂 It works.
  3. This is the line the error is occuring. If I'm using only one field on top it's ok. This issue happening when I have more than one fields on top. Any idea how can I fix it?
  4. I see because in the new version 1.95 you changed the grid component. I'm talking about 1.90. I checked the versions one by one and it looks like this issue affected the pivotgrid from 1565.
  5. I updated my project with the latest version (1.90.1573). I'm using the TuniDBPivotGrid component. After the uniGUI upgrade I'm getting this error message. Argument out of range Nothing was changed in my code, and everything is fine if I put back version 1563. How can I solve this issue?
  6. I see what you mean. Thank you. I'll check
  7. Hello guys, I have a question and I hope someone has idea how can I solve this. I have an app what I have to use HTML form (checkboxes, editboxes and memoboxes). The user has to type the information into this html-form. I can show this forms in HTMLframe but how can I collect the information from this form? The uniGUI see the htmlcode what I uploaded into the HTMLframe component. Thank you for any help! Regards,
  8. Use Apache/Nginx Reverse-Proxy. It'll automatically solve this kind of issue. Your unigui server can working without SSL for internal communication.
  9. Hello @Wicket I know this function, it's ok. My problem is that, I want to see this forwarded IP in HyperServer console as well. Now I see only the proxy IP.
  10. Hello guys, How can I change the settings in Hyperserver to show the forwardedIP instead of RemoteIP. I'm using Apache reverse proxy and due this I see the IP of ProxyServer only. Inside the uniGUI application I see the IP of remote client in forwarded IP. Thank you for any help!
  11. Thank you for your answer. I'd like to use this sample in your Android app. Project_mobile.zip
  12. Thank you so much your work it's really nice. I'd like to ask that how can I use camera to record a new video. In my app I'm using the UniGUI mobile upload component where I already set the accept ('video') property. The mobile app every time wants to create photo. When I'm testing this function in Chrome browser, it works properly. Thank you for any help!
  13. We had similar issue under IIS and Fibplus database access component. Is it work without IIS?
  14. I agree 100% with Peter. We're your client. Like the Peter's client we buy the subscription based on the plan which you made in every year. It's a typical buyer seller situation. The Seller want to sell the service which will be include the functions based on the plan. We as Buyer we bought a product / service. If we have any problem with the product (and we followed the procedure what the seller suggested) then the Seller has to fix it or the Seller has to find the other solution how can bypass the issue till fixing the main problem. The subscription/contract has to keep ongoing till every problems (which was submitted by the buyer) will be fixed. I thought the issue which has no alternative solution. The other question. For example I renew the subscription for the next year because the following year the uniGUI will be supports a function what I'm looking for a long time. In this year you doing some releases. These releases aren't care for me because the bugfixes and the new functions weren't affect my project. In this case I spent money for ...? I don't want to complain but our client has not to much patient when we (developer) advertise a new function. They want to know the direction of develop, because they already paid (or they will pay) for the new functions. Please don't forget that your money coming from our client. Please think about that, what you're gonna do if you're at the other (our) side.
  15. Use Mikrotik CHR on your VDS. It can handle the VPN requests more easier.
  16. Good morning everyone. How i can do it under unigui to make some cells editable and some of them not editable in a UniDBGrid in the same row. Thanks for any help
  17. Good Day to all of you. I am having an issue with the UniStringGrid, I Would like to Load HTML to a cell in the Grid, i managed to do this, however i have a gaps in the Cells This is the UniStringGrid and Between the cells there are Gaps how i can remove this? The Code that its in the Cells: function TPricePanel.GetBoxTXT(ADayNo, RightText, LeftText, BoxColor : string) : string; begin Result:= //'<div class="container" style="min-width:' + Self.DefaultColWidth.ToString +'px; min-height:' + Self.DefaultRowHeight.ToString + 'px; position: relative; background-color: ' + BoxColor + ';">' + #13#10 + '<div style="margin: 0px; min-width:' + Self.DefaultColWidth.ToString +'px; min-height:' + Self.DefaultRowHeight.ToString + 'px; position: relative; background-color:' + BoxColor + ';">'+ #13#10 + '<div style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 10px;" >' + #13#10 + '<p style="font-size: 12px;">' + ADayNo + '</p>' + #13#10 + '</div>' + #13#10 + '<div style="position: absolute; bottom: 0; right: 10px;">' + #13#10 + '<p style="font-size: 15px;">' + RightText + '</p>' + #13#10 + '</div>' + #13#10 + '<div style="position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 10px;" >' + #13#10 + '<p style="font-size: 15px;">' + LeftText+ '</p>' + #13#10 + '</div>' + #13#10 + '</div>'; //'<div class="box" style="background: blue;"></div>'; end; Thanks for any kind of help
  18. Currently we're using this structure to processing the incoming WebAPI requests. I added URL redirect function with separate main-server. We'll follow this structure to setup the HyperServer as well after we finished our project. The security and safety is the first that's why we never put App.Server directly to internet. Behind a firewall and Apache reverse proxy. The router protects the servers with ddos and flood protection. The loadbalance reverse proxy making the https with LetsEncrypt and chooses a AppServer by number of requests. Sorry for the schematic picture.
  19. Oh come on guys. 😩 Use Apache reverse proxy with load balancing. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=apache+reverse+proxy+with+load+balance&t=newext&atb=v253-1&ia=web It works. Simple and usefully. Leave the Hyperserver as it is. The 3rd option what you prefer is a security nightmare! The uniGUI has more important issues which are still waiting to fix them. I don't want to link the thread where the subscribers complain about the quality of support.
  20. Hello Sherzod, I'd like to ask you something, Regarding this thread, how did you do that the other panels collapsed by automatically? I try to find out but I couldn't. Thank you for your help! Franco
  21. Good day everyone I am having some issues with UniActionList, I wrote a component which stores to DB each time someone execute a Action, however i facing an issue when i put the Action on a button it doesn't call the Action.execute which i need in order to store the action in the DB. However this whole thing is working in VCL. procedure TMainForm.actADD_NEW_COSTUMERExecute(Sender: TObject); begin con1.Open; lst1.Items.Add('act_new'); - like this not end; procedure TMainForm.mgctnlst_OpenModulesMGExecute(Action: TBasicAction; var Handled: Boolean); begin lst1.Items.Add(Action.Name); end; procedure TMainForm.unbtbtn1Click(Sender: TObject); begin actADD_NEW_COSTUMER.Execute; --Liks this works end; The "TMainForm.actADD_NEW_COSTUMERExecute(Sender: TObject);" is on the button onClick evet like this not working its not calling the Execute procedure in the Action But Like this works "procedure TMainForm.unbtbtn1Click(Sender: TObject);" If anybody faced the same issue and someone managed to solve it, i would glad to any kind of help.
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