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Everything posted by GoldLine

  1. Hello, I've some qustions for pivotgrid handling: Is there a possibility to change header-column width programmatically? How can I change/translate summary text "Grand total" in last row? Is there a possibility to expand all and collapse all nodes programmatically? Thx.
  2. Hello, does anyone know how to integrate Font Awesome PRO v5 files in order to use those icons in UNITreeMenu. I've searched in form but didn't found examples how to do that. Thanks.
  3. Hello, that's exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks a lot!
  4. Hello, can I change the timer for "showanimation" and "hideanmation" of TUnimForm? Thanks.
  5. Hi Sherzod, that's it. Life can be so easy ;-) Thanks!
  6. + 1 (=57 years) Started 1986 with Intel 8086 CPU 512KB RAM 2 Floppys. Operating system MS-DOS 3.2 and Turbo Pascal 3.0A for development.
  7. Hello, after opening query I need to deslect first row in unidbgrid. This should only hapen after opeing query so that user has complete unselected data. Is there a way to do that? (THack(OrderGrid.SelectedRows).CurrentRowSelected:= false ; with THack = class (Tunibookmarklist) end; dosn't works;)
  8. Hi Abaksoft, you are rigtht, Thanks.
  9. Hello, I've made a small testcase with UniEdit and UniButton components. UniEdit has OnExit event routine and UniButton has OnClick event routine. If UniEdit has the focus (cursor is in UniEdit control) and UniButton is clicked only OnExit event is fired and not OnClick event from UniButton. Can you please check that. Thanks, Testcase.rar Testcase.rar Testcase.rar
  10. Hello, (how) is it possible to change / set background color of TUniTabSheet?
  11. Hi, I need ExtJS grouping methods expandAll, collapseAll and isExpandAll for unidbgrid. Does anyone know if the possibility exists to call these methode via jsinterface of unidbgrid? Thanks in advance ### I've found a solution by myself: unidbgrid.JSInterface.JSCall('view.features[0].expandAll'); => expands all groups unidbgrid.JSInterface.JSCall('view.features[0].collapseAll') => collapse all groups But I don't how to call ExtJS grid grouping function isAllExpanded Boolean Any idea???
  12. Hello, I want to use SweetAlert dialog with LoginForm in order to inform user about credenetial check. But after confirm SweetAlert Message (click on okay button) the login form is always closed. My code: procedure TfrmLogin.btnAnmeldenClick(Sender: TObject); var s: string; const msg = '%s darf nicht leer sein.'; begin s:= ''; if (length(edEmail.Text) = 0) then s:= 'EMail'; if (length(edKennwort.Text) = 0) then begin if s.Length > 0 then s:= s + ' / '; s:= s + 'Kennwort'; end; if s.Length > 0 then // Error !!! begin ModalResult:= mrNone; // !!! dlgAlert.Error('Eingabe unvollständig.', Format(msg, ), procedure(const ButtonClicked: TAButton) begin //frmLogin.ModalResult:= mrok; // ??? end ); end; end; Do you have an example how to use SweetAlert in conjunction with Login dialog? Thanks in advance! **** => Solution was send by chat support of UNISF, Thanks a lot!
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