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Everything posted by SergioFeitoza

  1. Hi I am new in the use of tokens and when I put the great second demo to work it sends the email ,correctly Then I receive the link in an e-mail and click on it. Up to here everything is OK. Then I receive a message "link expired or already in use". I think it is because one of these two queries are not OK (for the duration of the link) INSERT into token values(0, now(), :token) SELECT ID from token where adddate(now(), interval 1 day)<now() AND token=:token Supposing that I want to have the confirmation link valid for only 15 minutes , what should I write in the function adddate(now(), interval 1 day) ?
  2. OK well understood . I think I know now the way.and will try to do it
  3. Hi irigsoft. Thank you very much . I will try to use the concept .
  4. Hi Ron This example is very didatic . As I can not open the data base could you please confirm the fields of table TOKEn ? I want to check if I am doinf something wrong in the queries INSERT into token values(0, now(), :token) and SELECT ID from token where adddate(now(), interval 1 day)<now() AND token=:token
  5. URL with parameters - General - uniGUI Discussion Forums
  6. Hi Ron Thank you very much . Very useful implementation. I am using the idea to implement it here. Thanks a lot
  7. Hi Sherzod . It sounds strange but it is Unigui. Please forget the words Linkedin and Instagram. My question is related to my engineering code that I will put in the air today or tomorrow. I could deploy it and I am doing only final adjustments. I will post the working link here in few days. About my question, What I need to do in to create - from the very beginning - a CHART that show me the evolution of the number of persons which REGISTER in my page. I will leave the software as free for 3 months to detect unavoidable bugs. . The main thing is working well. To do this chart is very easy to do manually inserting the values in a table However I want to do the update the table (basis for the chart) automatically in the moment that the person register in the LoginPage Let me put the question in another way. Is it possible to insert a counter in my Unigui code which automatically save he daily number of registered users values in a table? Regards ******* RON: tomorrow I will test and answer you Thanks a lot Seems to be reat
  8. Is there any kind of function that enable (cy cide) to know the number of registered users?
  9. Just to Register, to facilitate to whom need here is the final solution (the last part of this post) afterrenfer
  10. Do you know any Unigui demo of a login + register system with e-mail confirmation?
  11. Suggestion to ADD A BUTTON IN THE DEMO COOKIES procedure TLoginForm.DeleteAllCookiesClick(Sender: TObject); var I : Integer; begin if UniApplication.Cookies.Count > 0 then for I := 0 to UniApplication.Cookies.Count - 1 do UniApplication.Cookies.SetCookie(UniApplication.Cookies[I],'',Date-1); end;
  12. Just to close: I found TUniGUIApplication.Parameters Property
  13. Hi Sherzod, thank you in advance for the frequent help Now I went through the demo COOKIES and understood that what is missing to me is the concept of Cookies. I think that I understood something with the demo. When I clicked the button GET ALL COOKIES I saw (see figure) that sergio and 123 (the default username and password) are there. So, it seems that in some moment of the past I created this and remained there. I understood also that we can assign a expire date to the cookie. Question 1: How can I delete that cookie sergio 123 ? Question 2: about TUniGUIApplication Properties: (looking to TUniGUIApplication Properties ) Is there a demo to enable me to understand how to assign the application “parameters” property ?
  14. Thank you very much Sherzod I understood the idea Actually this phase is in my code exactly as you wrote with the words"demo" Question: Should I write instead of "demo" something like ? S1 := (Sender as TUniGUISession).UniApplication.Cookies.Values['_loginname']; S2 := (Sender as TUniGUISession).UniApplication.Cookies.Values['_pwd']; Handled := SameText(S1, 'myDEFAULTLOGIN') and SameText(S2, 'myDEFAULTPASSWORD'); Or leave the two spaces blank ?
  15. Some time ago I set a login name and a password as default to avoid to retype everytime during my development.( see figure) Now I am trying to remove them to enable a normal use of typing both. However I do not remember where I fixed these defaults I think it is related to this cookie Inside my code edtLogin.Text := UniApplication.Cookies.GetCookie( '_loginname' ); edtSenha.Text := UniApplication.Cookies.GetCookie( '_pwd' ); but the question is : where the default _loginname and _pwd came from ? Can you help me? I think I am not telling about the property “empty text”
  16. Thank you alfr. It is another possibilty but worked well with solution above
  17. Thank you vey much Sherzod . It worked well
  18. How to show a border in Tunicontainerpanel ?
  19. Caro Flavio Muito obrigado. Sua solução é interessante mas já consegui resolver de forma simplificada. Na verdade quero apenas encerrar este software e possivelmente não farei outros Abraços e sucesso
  20. Excellent and useful solution. I did run and look at the code to try to find what causes the responsiveness Could you please tell me which property or event cause this ?
  21. Hello and Thank you very much Sherzod . This is exactly what I needed. Worked well
  22. I have a Tuniradiogroup with 8 items ( o to 7). How to code if I want that items 4, 5, 6 are not visible ? Check the figure
  23. Hello Marlon Thank you very much. It worked well Problem solved. Your Falcon components are great Regards Sergio
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