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Luciano França

uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by Luciano França

  1. How could I do if the component is created in RunTime See this code below does not work procedure TMainForm.UniBitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject); Var UniDBTreeList: TUniDBTreeGrid; begin UniDBTreeList := TUniDBTreeGrid.Create(Self); UniDBTreeList.DataSource := DataSource2; UniDBTreeList.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values['store.load'] := 'function store.load(sender, records, successful, operation, eOpts){var me=sender; me.remoteSort=false; me.sort({property:0, direction:"ASC"});}'; With UniDBTreeList do Begin Parent := Self; Left := 27; Top := 48; Width := 250; Height := 250; Hint := ''; Font.Color := clBlack; Font.Height := -15; Font.Name := 'Arial'; ParentFont := False; LoadMask.Message := 'Loading data...'; UseArrows := True; IdParentField := 'PARENTID'; IdField := 'ID'; with Columns.Add as TUniBaseDBGridColumn do Begin FieldName := 'MENU_ITEM'; Title.Caption := 'Menu'; Title.Font.Charset := ANSI_CHARSET; Title.Font.Height := -15; Title.Font.Name := 'Arial'; Width := 421; Font.Charset := ANSI_CHARSET; Font.Color := clBlack; Font.Height := -15; Font.Name := 'Arial'; ReadOnly := True; end; end; end;
  2. I'll just tell you one thing I've been following Unigui for some time and two days ago I bought my professional license and I see that Unigui from the little I know is something fantastic, and I congratulate the FMSoft team. And I don't think that "FMSoft" should create something separate from Sencha.Ext because the idea was to create something as close as possible to VCL and they managed to do it with mastery, I see that today Unigui is only so dear and loved by the community for being using Sencha.Ext in a rooted way, and we only have to thank both FMSoft and IDERA who caught a sinking boat (Delphi Rad Studio) and managed to give a good direction and rudder to the Same Year year more thanks and less complaints.
  3. I managed to increase the font size but I need a way to increase the height of the TUniMenuItem due to the large icons that are cut off How could I do that in this code below ? Procedure P_SizeMenuUni(FormSelf: TComponent; MenuItem: TUniMenuItem); var I: Integer; fSize: Byte; MainMenuName: string; Begin fSize := 17; for I := 0 to MenuItem.Count - 1 do Begin MainMenuName := MenuItem[I].Name; UniSession.AddJS( 'Ext.onReady(function(){' + 'var id = ' + FormSelf.Name + '.' + MainMenuName + '.getItemId( )+"-btnInnerEl";' + 'Ext.util.CSS.createStyleSheet("#"+id+" { font-size: ' + IntToStr(fSize) + 'px; color: black}");' + '});' ); UniSession.AddJS( 'Ext.onReady(function(){' + 'var id = ' + FormSelf.Name + '.' + MenuItem[I].Name + '.getItemId( )+"-textEl";' + 'Ext.util.CSS.createStyleSheet("#"+id+" { font-size: ' + IntToStr(fSize) + 'px; color: black}");' + '});' ); P_SizeMenuUni(FormSelf, (MenuItem[I])); End; End;
  4. I just tried and the page just keeps loading... something is wrong please see my code procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin With UniDBTreeGrid1.ClientEvents.ExtEvents do begin Clear; Add('function store.load(sender, records, successful, operation, eOpts)'); Add('{ var me=sender; me.remoteSort=false; '); Add(' me.sort({property:0, direction:"ASC"}); }'); End; end;
  5. I want to put a JS code by pascal but I can't. this my attempt fails the only way I can put a JS code is in Designer mode
  6. I don't think Idera killed sencha Look https://www.sencha.com/blog/ext-js-7-6-has-arrived/
  7. Yes I have an old account now I have just joined the unigui team with the purchase of a Unigui Professional license. I'm sorry but I use Google translator let's go to the question how could I do it by pascal code ? With UniDBTreeGrid1.ClientEvents.ExtEvents do begin Clear; Add('function store.load(sender, records, successful, operation, eOpts)'); Add('{ var me=sender; me.remoteSort=false; '); Add(' me.sort({property:0, direction:"ASC"}); }'); End;
  8. For example, the user opens a "product register" and suffers a power outage when entering again, the register would already show the state it was in
  9. Glad it was a limitation I was already worried about sessions being closed so easily I understand it to be a serious error that I need to correct, but I see that even after the error it should still continue to run. Much obliged .
  10. Yes I know I have to remove all the errors but is there any configuration to make Unigui not be so sensitive to errors? Because as I'm starting, I have several issues that I would like to solve so that I can acquire a license, but I can't keep a session open for more than 5 minutes and that scares me
  11. I'm doing several tests with the trial version "" Is there a way to close the session with Unigui in case of this error. is there a way for unigui not to close the session in case of an error ? Data_Expert32.exe: 00005394: 09:03:19 []:>--------------------------------------------------------------< Data_Expert32.exe: 00005394: 09:03:19 [TUniServerModule]:Server First Init. Data_Expert32.exe: 00005394: 09:03:19 [TUniServerModule]:Start Path = D:\Fontes Data Expert Sistemas\Fontes Data-Expert\ Data_Expert32.exe: 00005394: 09:03:19 [TUniServerModule]:Starting HTTP Server on Port: 8077... Data_Expert32.exe: 00005394: 09:03:19 [TUniServerModule]:HTTP Server Started on Port: 8077 Data_Expert32.exe: 00002DE8: 09:08:15 []:Exception raised while destroying session: Access violation at address 0040A84A in module 'Data_Expert32.exe'. Read of address FFFFFFFC Data_Expert32.exe: 00002DE8: 09:08:15 []:EAccessViolation : Access violation at address 0040A84A in module 'Data_Expert32.exe'. Read of address FFFFFFFC : Addr: $0040A84A Data_Expert32.exe: 00004630: 09:08:15 []:EUniSessionException : Invalid session or session Timeout. (Session not found: v6oRrdDynD10BC8362A ) : Addr: $01C2A373
  12. This example how could I do ? I tried this but it doesn't work With UniDBTreeGrid1.ClientEvents.ExtEvents do begin Clear; Add('function store.load(sender, records, successful, operation, eOpts)'); Add('{ var me=sender; me.remoteSort=false; '); Add(' me.sort({property:0, direction:"ASC"}); }'); End;
  13. i can't download the file "EAppUniGui" can you attach it for me in this post Grateful. > This attachment is not available. It may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it to this location.
  14. I already have a MadExcept license and I don't want to buy another Eurekalog license I'm doing tests with the Trial version of Unigui and I can't find the file "EAppUniGUI" can someone send me this file and explain how to configure MadExcept Grateful.
  15. still not understanding I would like a more detailed explanation about the Login form differences and why to use Indy Grateful.
  16. Guys, I'm new to the world of Unigui and I have two doubts. Is the "TUniLoginForm" Login form really necessary ? Does it have any additional security features compared to a "TUniForm" form ? Why does Unigui use INDY? when i install unigui in production using IIS or apache unigui still keep using INDY for something?
  17. Hello how are you. I saw your topic and I was curious about how unigui is performing in the latest versions in this year 2022, could you share. How many users maximum accesses and if it improved
  18. I tried using it with a TPanel and a TUniPanel but I could not
  19. Hi, I'm 44 years old, I'm 15 years old. I started Delphi 7, then I worked with PHP + JavaScript and Html. Currently I have an ERP in Delphi, and I intend to migrate it to UniGui, at the moment I am doing tests and studying UniGUI but soon I intend to buy the License. I confess to you that UniGui is an expetacular Framework, it is a Water divider and I do not understand how Embarcade (Idera) has not yet called "Farshad Mohajeri" because they are wasting time. Unigui is all that Delphi should be a Day. "Farshad Mohajeri" should be proud because it created a fantastic tool, I believe there is no other framework to create Sites as powerful as UniGUI. Here in Brazil there are reports of 300 simultaneous sessions with UniGUI without any problems with stability. I see that it would be interesting to open a new topic to see what the biggest system ever made with Unigui where this could be measured by the number of concurrent sessions what do you think?
  20. Would it be possible for me to create another component that would descend from two other components at the same time example: Type TMyPanel = Class (TPanel, TUniPanel) Using something like "Compiler directives" will it be possible? If that would work, I would have to create several components, but I am willing to do that if I could.
  21. I'm starting my studies with UniGui and would like to know how I can use MadExcept I know that it is possible to use EurekaLog but I consider MadExcept to be much better, but I'm not sure how to configure it. Thankful.
  22. At first I would like to know if there is any component of the Type "TGridPanelLayout" or Best DevExpress LayoutControl www.devExpress.com "LayoutControl" is a type of control that supports several other controls where it is possible to control an on-screen control so the user does not have access is something fantastic that I have used extensively in my VCL application.
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