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Luciano França

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Everything posted by Luciano França

  1. How could I put lines in this updateRule logic ? Procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); Begin UniSession.AddJS('Ext.util.CSS.updateRule(''.x-myfield-focus'', ''background-color'', ''#ffcccc'')'); // As ? Add('background-image: none; '); End;
  2. Any alternative ? There should be a way to re-inject the delayed customCSS.
  3. I don't understand how this can help me. see I have appearance settings that I save in the database and I need to pass these settings to CustomCSS Can you change this attached example ? Modifed CustomCSS.7z
  4. Solution Partial Add(' const fsize = file.size; '); Add(' const Tamfile = Math.round((fsize / 1024)); '); Add(' if (Tamfile >= 8096) { '); Add(' alert("Arquivo muito grande escolha um aquivo menor que 8mb"); '); Add(' document.body.removeChild(el); '); Add(' resolve(undefined); } '); how to exchange Alert for MessageDLG in javascript
  5. Hello, after a long time I came across a problem, if a very large file is chosen, Unigui will crash. How could I check the file size and show an Alert to the User. How could I put a file size check in this code below and abort if it is too large. With FileHTMLFrame.HTML Do Begin Clear; Add('<!doctype html>'); Add('<html> '); Add(' <body> '); Add(' <button id="BtnFileHTMLFrame" style="color:black;font-size:16px;" onclick="selectFile()">Aguarde o envio do Arquivo...</button>'); Add(' <script> '); Add(' async function selectFile() { '); Add(' let file = await fetchFile() '); Add(' let filename, fileData '); Add(' let filetype = ''Unknown'' '); Add(' if(file){ '); Add(' filename = file.name '); Add(' filetype = file.type '); Add(' let reader = new FileReader(); '); Add(' reader.readAsDataURL(file); '); Add(' reader.onload = function() { '); Add(' fileData = reader.result '); Add(' let params = {"filename": filename, "filetype": filetype, "filedata": fileData} '); Add(' params= JSON.stringify(params); '); Add(' top.ajaxRequest(top.Form_UploadFileWeb.FileHTMLFrame, ''selected_file'', [''file_info=''+ params]); '); Add(' } '); Add(' reader.onerror = function() { '); Add(' let params = {"filename": filename, "filetype": filetype, "filedata": fileData} '); Add(' params= JSON.stringify(params); '); Add(' top.ajaxRequest(top.Form_UploadFileWeb.FileHTMLFrame, ''selected_file'', [''file_info=''+ params]); '); Add(' } '); Add(' } else { '); Add(' let params = {"filename": filename, "filetype": filetype, "filedata": fileData} '); Add(' params= JSON.stringify(params); '); Add(' top.ajaxRequest(top.Form_UploadFileWeb.FileHTMLFrame, ''selected_file'', [''file_info=''+ params]); '); Add(' } '); Add(' } '); Add(' const fetchFile = async () => { '); Add(' return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { '); Add(' const el = document.createElement(''input''); '); Add(' el.type = ''file''; '); Add(' el.style.opacity = ''0''; '); Add(' el.accept = "' + Ext + '"; '); Add(' el.addEventListener(''change'', () => { '); Add(' const file = el.files[0]; '); Add(' document.body.removeChild(el); '); Add(' resolve(file); '); Add(' }); '); Add(' document.body.appendChild(el); '); Add(' el.click(); '); Add(' const onFocus = () => { '); Add(' window.removeEventListener(''focus'', onFocus); '); Add(' document.body.addEventListener(''mousemove'', onMouseMove); '); Add(' }; '); Add(' const onMouseMove = () => { '); Add(' document.body.removeEventListener(''mousemove'', onMouseMove); '); Add(' if (!el.files.length) { '); Add(' document.body.removeChild(el); '); Add(' resolve(undefined); '); Add(' } else { '); Add(' resolve(el.files[0]); '); Add(' } '); Add(' } '); Add(' window.addEventListener(''focus'', onFocus); '); Add(' }); '); Add(' } '); Add(' </script> '); Add(' </body> '); Add('</html> '); End;
  6. I have several settings that I save in my database such as font sizes, colors, etc. How could I give an update on "CustomCSS" because I realize that it is only loaded when creating the "TUniServerModule" Unit ServerModule; public { Public declarations } Procedure UpdateCSS; End; Procedure TUniServerModule.UpdateCSS; Begin With Self.customCSS Do Begin Add('.x-myfield-focus { '); Add(' border-color: #7eadd9; '); Add(' background-color: #FFFFE1; '); Add(' color: #FF0000; '); Add(' background-image: none; '); Add(' } '); End; End; //============================================================================================================ Unit Main; procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin UniServerModule.UpdateCSS; UniEdit2.JSInterface.JSConfig('focusCls', ['myfield-focus']); UniComboBox1.JSInterface.JSConfig('focusCls', ['myfield-focus']); end;
  7. How do I change the color when receiving editing objects like: UniEdit UniMemo UniCombobox I found this post but it doesn't work.
  8. The color sizes are very small, how could I increase them? Grateful.
  9. I made a modification in a situation where accessviolation procedure TMainForm.htmlGetFileAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); var aFileName : String; aJSONData : String; aJsonObj: TJSONObject; aFileStream :TFileStream; aMemoryStream : TMemoryStream; afileType : String; aOutputFile : String; function getJsonString(wObj: TJSONObject; aItem: String): String; var aObjItem : TJSONString; begin aObjItem := wObj.Get(aItem).JsonValue as TJSONString; Result := aObjItem.Value; end; function getJsonStream(wObj: TJSONObject; aItem: String): TMemoryStream; var aObjItem : TJSONString; aBytes : TBytes; aString : String; i : Integer; begin aObjItem := wObj.Get(aItem).JsonValue as TJSONString; aString := aObjItem.Value; i := Pos('base64,', aString); if i > 0 then aString := Copy(aString, i+7, Length(aString)); aBytes := TNetEncoding.Base64.DecodeStringToBytes(aString); Result := TMemoryStream.Create; Result.WriteBuffer(aBytes, Length(aBytes)); end; begin UniImage1.Picture.Bitmap := nil; UniMemo1.Clear; if (EventName = 'selected_file') then begin aJSONData := Params.Values['file_info']; aJsonObj := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(aJSONData) as TJSONObject; try If (Not Assigned(aJsonObj)) Or (Not Assigned(aJsonObj.Get('filename'))) Or (Trim(aJsonObj.Get('filename').ToJSON) = Emptystr) Then Begin ShowMessage('No file was selected'); Exit; End; aFileName := getJsonString(aJsonObj, 'filename'); if aFileName > '' then begin aOutputFile := UniServerModule.StartPath+'UploadFolder\'+ aFileName; aFileType := getJsonString(aJsonObj, 'filetype'); aMemoryStream := getJsonStream(aJsonObj, 'filedata'); try aMemoryStream.SaveToFile(aOutputFile); finally aMemoryStream.free; end; if Pos('text', aFileType) > 0 then begin with TStringList.Create do try LoadFromFile(aOutputFile); UniMemo1.Text := Text; finally free; end end else if Pos('image', aFileType) > 0 then begin aFileStream := TFileStream.Create(aOutputFile, fmOpenRead); try UniImage1.LoadFromStream(aFileStream); finally aFileStream.Free; end; end else if Pos('pdf', aFileType) > 0 then ShowMessage('File is PDF') else ShowMessage('Filetype is unknown') end else ShowMessage('No file was selected'); finally aJsonObj.Free; end; end; end; Completing the Topic how to open Simulate automatic Click.
  10. Wow, I was looking for a way to invoke Frame Click and my colleague did it in a much simpler way. Much obliged.
  11. I believe the colleague is wrong and there is no solution for this I did a search just with the term "TUniHTMLFrame" and opened all the topics related to it and didn't find any solution.
  12. I'm sorry I already did that How to do this search right on the forum I tried by terms "simulate Click UniHTMLFrame" ? "Click UniHTMLFrame" ? "Simulate Click" ?
  13. I looked for it and couldn't find it on the forum, I think it's a simple thing. based on this topic: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/24462-detect-cancel-opendialog-in-tunifileuploadbutton/ and I will use a "UniHTMLFrame" instead of "unifileuploadbutton" How do I need to simulate Click? UniHTMLFrame1.JSInterface.JSCall('fileInputEl.dom.click', []); // Error UniHTMLFrame1.JSInterface.JSCall('dom.click', []); // Error UniHTMLFrame1.JSInterface.JSCall('click', []); // Error UniHTMLFrame1.JSInterface.JSCall(UniHTMLFrame1.jsName + 'dom.click', []); // Error
  14. My friend amazing work I and the entire Unigui community are very grateful
  15. what is wrong in this code See attached. Procedure TMainForm.htmlGetFileAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: String; Params: TUniStrings); Var aFileName, aXMLData: String; aJSONData: String; aJsonObj: TJSONObject; aFileStream: TFileStream; Function getJsonString(wObj: TJSONObject; aItem: String): String; Var aObjItem: TJSONString; Begin aObjItem := wObj.Get(aItem).JsonValue As TJSONString; Result := aObjItem.Value; End; Begin If (EventName = 'selected_file') Then Begin aJSONData := Params.Values['file_info']; aJsonObj := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(aJSONData) As TJSONObject; Try aFileName := getJsonString(aJsonObj, 'filename'); If aFileName > '' Then Begin aXMLData := getJsonString(aJsonObj, 'filedata'); aFileStream := TFileStream.Create(aXMLData, fmCreate or fmOpenReadWrite or fmShareDenyWrite); Try aFileStream.Position := 0; UniImage1.Picture.LoadFromStream(aFileStream); Finally aFileStream.Free; End; ShowMessage('Selected file is: ' + aFileName); End Else ShowMessage('No file was selected') Finally aJsonObj.Free; End; End; End; FileDownloadDemo.7z
  16. I'm here banging my head to make it generic for any type of file saving in "AStream: TFileStream"
  17. So I liked your solution so much that I'm wanting to ditch "TUniFileUploadButton" and use your approach for everything, including images
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