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Everything posted by FFREDIANELLI

  1. Someone found some incompatbility between version 1.50 and tms crypto and tsilang ? I'm suffering to discover what to remove of the application after update...
  2. yes... how to use ?.... im a vcl programmer .... may be a little example ?
  3. Hi, exist some event similar to the 'oncolexit' of vcl dbgrid ? i use it to fill the next column depending on the value of actual. Thanks in advance for some help !
  4. not true with apache, you can replace the isapi dll without touch others running. i think that with iis too.
  5. 54 years , cobol,dbase,foxpro,foxpro windows, delphi,php,asp... burroughs b-6900 ; sinclair ; tk85; prologica,cobra c300;cp500;scopus................
  6. Comprei antes da alta !!! estou bem no principio da conversão de um Erp, alguns módulos vão vara web, as dificuldades que tive estão sendo solucionadas pelo suporte, bem prestativo.
  7. With Fit, it gain a nice space with the borders, but not fit... image on support page.
  8. i tryed both... but without effect... this tunitabsheet with a dbgrid inside is inside an accordeon, can this be the problem ? I will transfer this to the support site than i can paste images...
  9. I tryed a lot of configurations without sucess.. Please... someone... how to do a dbgrit fit the containner ( like allclient in vcl ) ? in my case a tunitabsheet
  10. Just for others that may use the same code, it only worked after removing everithing after the '=' sign that came with the UniApplication.Cookies , it return 'wmn_nome=fabio' that is not the name of the cookie, so the code that worked changed to: var I: integer; begin if UniApplication.Cookies.Count > 0 then for I := 0 to UniApplication.Cookies.Count - 1 do if Pos('wmn_', UniApplication.Cookies) <> 0 then UniApplication.Cookies.SetCookie(copy(UniApplication.Cookies,1,pos('=',UniApplication.Cookies)-1), '', Date - 1); UniApplication.Terminate('Safe logout executed , Thanks !'); end;
  11. How to Delete a Cookie ? i wold like to delete all the cookies starting with 'wmn_*' , is it possible ? or do i have to set the value to '' one by one ?
  12. Forguet it... its another dll so different memory allocation... only database file can solve this...
  13. Can i use one array in the servermodule to store the UniApplication.UniSession.SessionID? the array in servermodule will be visible for all sessions ?
  14. its my english... i have a menu application that start other idapi dlls inside tuniurlframe, this uniurlframe is inside a tunitabsheet that is no more needed when the webpage is closed. how the application can know that the session unigui was closed ?
  15. How to know that a unigui session started inside a tuniurlframe was closed ? I would like to know when it was closed to hide the tunitabsheet where the uniframe is located...
  16. sorry if this was alwready answered ... where is the best place to put a blocking of dennyed ips ? thinking in disturb minimum possible the server. on create of datamodule ?
  17. How do you managed to run the code, i receive the error Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null
  18. yes antivirus are a pain in the @s , we use norton and in the last years Kaspersky, anyway put exclusion on the directory of ERP exes and in this case idapi folder solve the problem and accelerete the loading time.
  19. I never had antivirus problems , i use upx and aspack at least 15 year.
  20. I will have a menu in my ERP (like i have in vcl) with between 40 to 50 dll that are loaded as the option chosed in menu (different parts of the system) , the most slow function is load the files from disk to memory if isapi have to read 6 mb against 25 the impact is big. The same thing to update this dlls in development time when as usual i copy to the server the a lot of times... of course that the final memory used is the same but a big impact in load time, life time of expensive disks of server, just as some reasons.
  21. Hi Friends , in my vcl application i usualy compress my executables with 'upx', that reduce the size of exe to 25% of the original size, i was wondering if with dll will be the same thing, and the answer is yes, at my first test without any bad inpact in load time and execution. So i wold like to know if someone else use this with unigui and found some problem.
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