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Everything posted by FFREDIANELLI

  1. Yesss.... This one worked well , thanks for the support !!!
  2. No Answers until now ? i have the same problem... is it by desing ?
  3. How to not show titles on dbgrid , i need to save some space...? if i disable titles at desing time it works but at run time the titles are still there... Running...
  4. How to togle full screen on mobile ? in the forum exist this but there is not script property on mobile... is it possible ?
  5. Just to complete the useful observation of Abaksoft . I use in the menu tools to call a bat that compress the exe and send to distribution directory to be automaticaly updated in the stations. The problem of calling delphi in a bat is that if i call a bat inside the ide delphi it not receive the administrative privileges , so no pack or delete was possible, after some research i changed the call of pack.bat with the use of psexec The parameter like is \\fabio_d64 -u fezer\fabio -p YOURPASSWORD c:\dpd_10\pack.bat $PROMPT()
  6. Unigui is incompatible with it, it replace the normal jpg loader with its on , just disable the devexpress packets and load your imagd again. i solved my problem in this way, it seems that if you recomçile devexpress with some different parameters it works... but to me no success , but you will not use devexpress anyway...
  7. YEEESSSSS.... literaly the compilations jumped from 3 minuts each to 6 seconds !!! , thanks !!! I thinks that this post should be fixed on top of this forum... a lot of people have the same problem.
  8. To me its verrrrrrry slow , I7 32GB SSD , nothing solved.... every compilation i have to take a cofee
  9. thanks, and how i should pass parameters ? Like exe or dll ?
  10. Hyperserver .... im Sorry... i do not understand how to configure it... , i have one menu.dll that call others 20 different applications.dll , i converterd menu to menu.exe etc.. and it runs , but when it try to load other application it loads menu again inside it.. i tryed put [hyper_server] binary_name=wmnu.exe binary_name=ap1.exe binary_name=ap2.exe... only the last one is responsive. Second approach was to put several hyperserver, one for each dll, it loads himself again... my actual menu send to the others dll loaded parameters like language to use, user name..., etc, how the hyperserver resend it to the others dll i mean exe...? with isapi way &... or exe way ? maybe this is my problem ? Im using apache...
  11. one panel inside other panel , ok it fits, but i do not find any demo with a dbgrid fill a panel , do you have the demo name of this ?
  12. How to align a unidbgrid to fill free space on unipanel ? allclient, no effect...
  13. Thanks Farshad. but why the function to not have another name... ? for the newbies will be easyer... But works very well !!!
  14. if i put a showmessage in the place of prompt it stops and show... so prompt it's not modal ? or something can change this ? showmessage(copy(k, 5, len(k) - 5));
  15. This is the segment of the program that was adapted from inputbox to PROMPT, This program in vcl accept a sql query with #[n/Ano:] in the place where it asks for the parameter for example: Select * from sometable where year(data)=#[n/Year:] and month(data)=#[n/Month:] in vcl it stops ask first for the year and in another ask the month Procedure TMainForm.UniSFBitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject); var s, s1: string; i: Integer; c: string; k, tipo, pergunta: string; P1, p2, p3: Integer; iValue, iCode: Integer; begin pGrid.Visible := false; Pquery.Visible := false; pResult.Align := alclient; pResult.Visible := true; if ((POS('UPDATE', strupper(qQueryQUERY.value)) > 0) OR (POS('DELETE', strupper(qQueryQUERY.value)) > 0) OR (POS('INSERT', strupper(qQueryQUERY.value)) > 0) OR (POS('EXEC', strupper(qQueryQUERY.value)) > 0)) AND (usunivel < 11) then BEGIN showmessage('Seu nível de acesso não permite executar esta alteração'); exit END; qResult.SQL.Add(qQueryQUERY.value); s := qResult.SQL.Text; ref := ''; while POS('#', s) > 0 do begin P1 := POS('#', s); p2 := POS(']', s); k := copy(s, P1, p2 - P1 + 1); tipo := copy(k, 3, 1); if tipo = 'n' then begin repeat Prompt(copy(k, 5, len(k) - 5), '', mtInformation, mbOKCancel, PromptCallBack); val(valor, iValue, iCode); if iCode <> 0 then valor := ''; until valor <> ''; strchange(s, k, valor); ref := ref + valor; end; if tipo = 's' then begin repeat //---- In Debug it just pass here and do not stop... Prompt(copy(k, 5, len(k) - 5), '', mtInformation, mbOKCancel, PromptCallBack); until valor <> ''; strchange(s, k, valor); ref := ref + valor; end; end; // sLabel1.Caption := 'Aguarde...'; Application.ProcessMessages; qResult.SQL.Text := s; try if (POS('UPDATE', strupper(qResult.SQL.Text)) = 0) AND (POS('DELETE', strupper(qResult.SQL.Text)) = 0) AND (POS('EXEC ', strupper(qResult.SQL.Text)) = 0) THEN BEGIN qResult.open; for i := 0 to qResult.FieldCount - 1 do begin if qResult.Fields.DisplayWidth > 100 then qResult.Fields.DisplayWidth := 100; end; END ELSE BEGIN try qResult.Execute; showmessage('SQL executado'); except showmessage('Erro ao executar comando'); end; END; except showmessage('Erro ao interpretar query...'); end; end; procedure TMainForm.PromptCallBack(Sender: TComponent; AResult: Integer; AText: string); begin if AResult = mrOK then begin valor := AText; end; end;
  16. synchronous operations is alwready on...
  17. OK , but it pass thru it without asking nothing what can be the cause , some clue ?


    how to use inputbox in unigui ?
  19. I,m here just to say sorry , i was wrong , I nice sunday reinstalling everithing and returned to worK. thanks again.
  20. Thanks , I will try to investigate all again , for now is working without these...
  21. I'm a little worried because the assumption that unigui would be compatible with any non-vcl component is no longer true in the new version?
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