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Everything posted by MOGSY

  1. MOGSY


    Is there any way of hiding columns in stringgrid?
  2. MOGSY


    procedure TFrameTesting.strgDrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; var Value: string; Attribs: TUniCellAttribs); var S,aStat : string; begin S:=TUniStringGrid(Sender).Cells[ACol, ARow]; Attribs.Font.Size := 12; if aRow = 0 then Attribs.Font.Size := 10 else begin aStat := getStatus(S); if aStat = 'CLN' then begin Attribs.Font.Color:=clYellow; Attribs.Font.Style:=[fsBold]; end else if aStat = 'CLR' then begin Attribs.Font.Color:=clGreen; end else if aStat = 'RES' then begin Attribs.Font.Color:=clGray; end else if aStat = 'POG' then begin Attribs.Font.Color:=clRed; end else if aStat = 'SOL' then begin Attribs.Font.Color:=clBlue; end else begin (sender as TUniStringGrid).Columns[ACol].Width := 0; end; end; end;
  3. MOGSY


    Hi Thanks for the link, i have tried it but I do not receive the _edit event. What I would like to do is check the second row data on each column "ignoring the title row" and if it has no data, then I would like to hide that column. I was thinking if I could set the width of the column to zero then the column is hiden. This works in delphi.
  4. MOGSY


    sorry for spelling error. I would like to hide some column in string grid either by setting the width to zero or any other suggestion. if uniStringGrid1.Cells[thisColumn, 1] = 'Test Data' then begin uniStringGrid1.Columns[thisColumn].Width := 0 else uniStringGrid1.Columns[thisColumn].Width := 100
  5. MOGSY


    Hi How can we change the column width dynamicaly, depending on the content of the first row. Is it possible to hide a column depending on data in the column? if uniStringGrid1.Cells[thisColumn, 1] = 'Test Data' then begin strgCars.Columns[thisColumn].Width := 0 else strgCars.Columns[thisColumn].Width := 100;
  6. Hi for dbgrid at run time, it is possible to set the width, visible, however index has no effect and column position will stay as it was specified on the select statement. works aDataSet.FieldByName(aField).Visible := True; aDataSet.FieldByName(aField).DisplayWidth := aWdt; do not work aDataSet.FieldByName(aField).Index := aIndx; I would appreciate your help Thank you
  7. Hi I found how it is possible to see this, just have the browser maximised and play with maximising the window, you can see it happens all the time. by the way how is possible to make the browser to be maximised when the app is running?
  8. I am using chrome, in the demo version this happens when clicked first time, the second time is OK. but it is easy to reproduce it happens more often when there are more items in the menu.
  9. HI This happens in MainMenu sample application as well, please see attached Document.rtf
  10. HI I have just updated to latest release of V_1.10.0.1470, after this update the main menu is behaving in strangest way. It adds a tinny up and down arrow to the menu specially after selecting an item from the sub menu. Some menu items are squished to one pixel high. Regards
  11. Thanks, on my version I have UniPageControl -> LayoutConfig -> BodyPadding
  12. How to change the TUniPageControl font size? The default size seems very small. I assume CSS probably the only option but just in case Many Thanks
  13. MOGSY


    Hi I would like to use FastReport, however, it is not working for me. If I try to run the report from the main Form, it opens a blank page. If I place the same report in another form, it shows the form but also create a empty form. Following an example of the code I try to use.I would appreciate your help. frxReport1.ShowProgress := False; frxReport1.PrintOptions.ShowDialog := False; frxReport1.EngineOptions.SilentMode := True; frxReport1.EngineOptions.EnableThreadSafe := True; frxReport1.EngineOptions.DestroyForms := False; frxReport1.EngineOptions.UseGlobalDataSetList := False; frxReport1.ShowReport; Thanks MM
  14. I believe it is related to adding CSS, I have removed the css but the issue remains.
  15. HI What is the cause of error from localhost: localhost:8077 says C is not a constructor regards MM
  16. MOGSY

    dbGrid Error

    Hi This issue happens not on the first try. The same SQL statement works fine if it is run for the first time, however, when the query changed at times returns this message. Any idea where this message is generated? Regards
  17. MOGSY

    dbGrid Error

    Hi I am trying to use the dbGrid and FireDac, when executing sql command to fetch new records at time I get the following error. The sql is correct and it works perfect on SQL management studio and also on delphi dbgrid. Could not set cell: row[8], column[0]: cannot read property "internalId of undefined" I would appreciate your help. Many thanks.
  18. Hi I am trying to do an address search, I am using the following JS code, however, I get the error "can't read property "places" undefined. I would much appreciate your help. UniSession.AddJS('var gm = googleMap; '+ 'if (typeof gm == "object") '+ '{ '+ ' var imagecar = "car.png"; '+ ' var searchBox = new gm.maps.places.SearchBox("219 Leicester Road, Marlfield, LE67 9RF"); '+ ' var places = searchBox.getPlaces(); '+ ' if (places.length != 0) '+ ' { '+ ' places.forEach '+ ' ( '+ ' function(place) '+ ' { '+ ' markers.push '+ ' ( '+ ' new google.maps.Marker '+ ' ( '+ ' { '+ ' map: gm, '+ ' icon: imagecar, '+ ' title: place.name, '+ ' position: place.geometry.location '+ ' } '+ ' ) '+ ' ) '+ ' } '+ ' ); '+ ' } '+ '} ' ); error_message.html
  19. MOGSY


    Hi I have the following Javascript added to get current location, and receive the Ajaxevent no problem, however the event keeps firing continuously, how is possible to control the firing of the event? regards UniSession.AddJS( 'navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition'+ '( '+ 'function(position)'+ '{ '+ ' ajaxRequest(navigateFrame.UnimHTMLFrame1, "_GeoLocation" ,' + ' ["lat=" + position.coords.latitude, ' + ' "lng=" + position.coords.longitude, ' + ' "acc=" + position.coords.accuracy, ' + ' "alt=" + position.coords.altitude, ' + ' "altacc=" + position.coords.altitudeAccuracy, ' + ' "head=" + position.coords.heading, ' + ' "ts=" + position.coords.timestamp ' + ' ]);' + '} '+ ', '+ 'function(error)'+ '{ '+ ' switch(error.code) '+ ' { '+ ' case 0: '+ // UnKown ' alert(error.message); '+ ' break; '+ ' case 1: '+ // Denied ' alert(error.message); '+ ' break; '+ ' case 2: '+ // UnAvailable ' alert(error.message); '+ ' break; '+ ' case 3: '+ // TimeOut ' alert(error.message); '+ ' break; '+ ' } '+ '} '+ ') ' ); procedure xxx.UnimHTMLFrame1AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); begin if SameText(EventName, 'loaded') then begin ............. end; end else if SameText(EventName, '_GeoLocation') then begin if (Params.Values['lat'] <> '') then begin Lat:= strToFloat(Params.Values['lat']); Long:= strToFloat(Params.Values['lng']); end; end; end;
  20. The suggested link when installing the components following error occurs. Try this link: http://forums.unigui...ook-mobile-app/, may help Can not find the following files! [dcc32 Fatal Error] uniGUI17Core.dpk(30): E2225 Never-build package 'rtl' must be recompiled [dcc32 Fatal Error] mMsoftEdit.dpk(37): E2202 Required package 'uniGUI17Core' not found
  21. Can not find the following files! [dcc32 Fatal Error] uniGUI17Core.dpk(30): E2225 Never-build package 'rtl' must be recompiled [dcc32 Fatal Error] mMsoftEdit.dpk(37): E2202 Required package 'uniGUI17Core' not found
  22. Hi How to get coordinate from a device and how is possible to run navigation on the phone please. Regards
  23. HI How to use bookmark on a unidbgrid to keep the cursor position? Many Thanks
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