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Everything posted by AntonioCuomo

  1. j have a unitreemenu with unimeuitems when j click on items of menu procedure TMainForm_menu.Modifica1Click(Sender: TObject); begin with UniForm_RapportiLavoro do begin Azione := act_modifica; ShowModal(); end; end; all items do not run the menu display all nodes and childs
  2. when in project j use the unit genericcolection for reading file xml with txmldocument at shootdown of application unigui display error of memory leak. on internet j read use coinitiale. the property autocoinitialize run?
  3. j have resolve: if ABSTRapporti.State in dseditmodes then begin MessageDlg('Salva Rapporto di Lavoro', mtConfirmation, mbYesNo, procedure(Sender: TComponent; Res: Integer) begin case Res of mrYes : begin abstrapporti.post; ABSTRapporti.Close; close; end; mrNo : begin abstrapporti.cancel; ABSTRapporti.Close; close; end; end; end); end; but not is elegant and correct
  4. my e-mail is correct… why?
  5. unigui complete professional
  6. j have these code: procedure TUniForm_RapportiLavoro.UniSpeedButton3Click(Sender: TObject); begin if ABSTRapporti.State in dseditmodes then begin MessageDlg('Salva Rapporto di Lavoro', mtConfirmation, mbYesNo, procedure(Sender: TComponent; Res: Integer) begin case Res of mrYes : abstrapporti.post; mrNo : abstrapporti.cancel; end; end); end; ABSTRapporti.Close; close; end; The dialog of messagge is open after then close of form Rapporti and the code of anonimous procedure not execute. v. of unigui is
  7. Whynot possible download source at http://forums.unigui.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=7138? thank
  8. I tried a small test but it works fine. Unfortunately, my application is large and has many forms with the property parent = Unipanel3. modified the unifileupload unit: (with uses unitform1) function TUniFileUpload._Execute(Blocking: Boolean): Boolean; var ........ begin AdjustServerParams; FCanceled := False; FCacheFile := ''; FUploadForm := TUniForm.Create(UniApplication); FUploadForm.Position := poDefault; FUploadForm.Parent := UniForm1; <--------------------------------- and it run correctly. Tunifileupload should have the parent property for apllies at FuploadForm Antonio
  9. j have create a uniform with component tuniuploadile. the form has: uniform_upload.parent := uniform_main Uniloadfile.execute result false. If uniloadfile execute from uniform_main is true why?
  10., Today j have verified also with 1.70.01492
  11. J have a db msaccess and with component fdmsaceessservice j compact db. when execute then method repair or compact display error : 'Unknown OLE error [Colinitialize not called, ProgID: "JROJetEngine. with application vcl desktop run. thank, Antonio
  12. Is possibile insert property VAlues in unidbcombox also unidbragiogroup? Antonio Cuomo
  13. j 62 year and j use delphi by v. 1 and turbo pascal v. 2.0 for cpm on commodore 128
  14. How can collapse all group of unidbgrid? example: unidbgrid.grouping.allcollapse thank
  15. The link a database is on Mainmodule. j tested also with a link on Datamdule. Probabily the absolute not is multi thread?
  16. If j have a TABSDATABASE on unimainmodule the component is shared with all session? How have a TBSDATABASE for every session? Example: User1 ---> DB0001.abs User2 ----> DB0002.abs User3 ----> DB0003.abs .... if j change at connession the filename for all user the DB is the DB of last user. Is ABsolute Database not compatible?
  17. example code; path_db := path_applicazione + '\db\Arc_' + Ambiente +'.db'; UniMainModule.aBSDArchivio.Connected := False; UniMainModule.aBSDArchivio.DatabaseFileName := path_db; UniMainModule.aBSDArchivio.Connected := True;
  18. AntonioCuomo


    I have created a unified application with TABSDATABASE on a Mainmodule. On Main j have a unibutton with event click: "Unimainmodule.absdatabase1.filename = 'xxxxx.abs'" (absdatabase is closed); whe j click the button unigui show message: "ABSDatabase1 file 'xxxxx.abs' does not exist' The file exist and then property "databasefilename" is correct after assignment. The idea is a db for each remote user. Unfortunately I have developed an important application and now I can not distribute it. Unfortunately my development is geared to this type. I had discarded intraweb and aspx hit by unigui but now i'm locked. Help me....
  19. my application after the login change the name of database (unimainmodule.abdsdatabase.databasefilename := nomeuser + '.abs') . but the application not read the database : error --> database xxxxx not exist Idea is for every user the db with vcl or fmx run Is impossible change the name of database at runtime. thank
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