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Everything posted by JDDEV

  1. Hi, I would like to cutomize UniBitButton to align icon and text on the left (not centered). How can i do that ? Thanks version complète PS : i can't answer direct on my topic. I don't see answer button !
  2. Hi, I am trying to customized font-size with the same exemple .ColorTitle .x-panel-header-default { background-image: none; background-color: #00FF27; font-size: 18px; } but it doesn't work ! have you a solution ?
  3. Thank's This is the solution : In the FormCreate function : UniLabelMsgInfo.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values['beforeshow']:='function window.beforeshow(sender, eOpts) {' +' sender.animate({ duration: 0, to: { x:2000, opacity: 0} }); ' +' sender.animate({ duration: 10000, to: { x:'+IntToStr(UniLabelMsgInfo.left)+', opacity: 100} }); ' +'}';
  4. Hi, Actualy, i use the property "UniApplication.RemoteAddress" to get the remote IP of the user. I would like to get this information before, when an exception broke the connexion "InvalidSession" or "TermnateSession" on the ServerModule. The goal is to "auto connect" the user if his IP is in my list of "Admin IP". Is it possible ? Thanks
  5. Ok, i understand that, but have you got a solution do display those sites with an other component or an other way ? Thank you.
  6. Sorry i don't understand the answer. The link explains how to find if the website use XFrame but i would like if it is possible to show this website UNIGui HTML components. If i try for exemple www.google.com on the demo (http://prime.fmsoft.net/demo/desktop/mdemo65.dll, Simple Web Browser), this website is not showing.
  7. FMSoft_uniGUI_Complete_Professional_1.10.0.1460
  8. Product Name(s) : uniGUI, uniGUI Plus, uniGUI Complete Is it the waiting answer ?
  9. Delphi Tokyo : 10.2 Version 25.0.29899.2631 UNIGUI
  10. Hi, I have to develop a form viewing on a TV (no user action is possible). 1) I would like to scroll a label from the right of his parent panel to the left, to look at a message. 2) i would like to scroll a DBGrid (with large number of lines) from the first line to the last, to look for all the lines of the grid. Thanks a lot to help me how can i use "animate" function... ex: UniSession.AddJS(UniLabelMsgInfo.JSName + '.animate({???}, 3000);'); UniSession.AddJS(UniDBGrid1.JSName + '.animate({???}, 3000);');
  11. Hi, My problem is not to display specificaly google.fr (it is not for search on the web). I would like to display url that don't work on TuniUrlFrame like "http://www.microsoft.com","https://www.apple.com/fr/"....(google.fr was an exemple)
  12. Thank's. Is it possible to display Google on unigui web app ? (with another object ?)
  13. Hi, I'm tryng to display "www.google.fr" or others web url on my uniUrlFrame object and a blanc page is displayed. There is no problem with the url "www.unigui.com" : the page is diplayed correctly. What is wrong ? Thank you the answer
  14. See exemple on http://prime.fmsoft.net/demo/desktop/mdemo.dll Grids -> Column looking & header
  15. Hi, I have an TUniForm to view a HTML message in a TUniHTMLMemo (readOnly + without scroll + WordWarp). The form has a fix width but variable height to autosize. So, i would like to calculate the height of the Form depending on the content of the message. How can i do that ? I tried with Lines.count but a long message without "< br >" code is staying = 1 ! Thanks.
  16. I find my error ! I was addJS a setTimeOut function to show a second message after 10s...it doesn't work !
  17. Hi, When i use "myForm.ShowModal", i have an "Ajax Error" talking about "setTimeOut is not defined". My Web Application is "StandAlone" mode. What is wrong ? Thanks
  18. Bonjour, Je viens de créer une Form permettant de personnaliser une boite de dialogue avec des options. Lorsque j'utilise myForm.ShowModal j'ai un message d'erreur de type "Ajax Error" avec la mention "setTimeOut is not defined". Je précise que mon Application Web est pour le moment en mode "StandAlone". Merci de me dire ce que j'ai oublié....car j'ai essayé de suivre les exemples...mais sans succès avec ma fenêtre !
  19. JDDEV


    I would need too TuniCheckListBox ! What about TShape on UniGUI ? Thanks
  20. JDDEV

    Flat Speedbutton

    Hi, I am interesting by the response too !!
  21. Hi, I'am using the Trial version to make a litle project to demonstrate the power of UniGUI to my chief...and i have some difficults : 1) when i want to show/hide the ScreenMask of my main form nothing is happed (the time to open my query is 10 seconds but no wait message is viewing) 2) when i want to change le title of the ServeurModule,...the default title "New Application" is back ! What is wong ? Is it because of the Trial version ? Thanks
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