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Posts posted by morphine

  1. @Marlon NardiThank you for your reply.



    Works as expected for:  Chart.ChartType:=Column;

    Red Arrow
    Chart.ChartProperties.Values['valueAxis'] := '{majorGridLines: {visible: false},labels: {font: "8px Tahoma", rotation: "auto", format: "#,#"}  }';

    Blue Arrow
    Chart.ChartSeriesDefaults := 'labels: {font: "16px Tahoma", visible: true, position: "outsideEnd", template: "#= kendo.format(''{0:n3}'', value) #"} ';

    How would you change the font size highlighted in purple?




    Blue Arrow
    Chart.ChartSeriesDefaults := 'labels: {visible: true, position: "outsideEnd",font: "16px Tahoma", template: "#= kendo.format(''{0:c}'', value) #"}';

    How would you change the font size indicated by the RED arrow?

     I tried numerous CONFIG OPTIONS - https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/dataviz/ui/chart


    Appreciate your assistance. 


  2. Hello All,
    Please could you advice me on how to add a checkbox to a DBgrid? The field is not Boolean. I have tried the following :
    procedure TfrmTest.Test1GetText(Sender: TField;
     var Text: string; DisplayText: Boolean);
    if Sender.AsInteger =1 then Text :='<input type = "checkbox" value ="1" checked > ';
    if Sender.AsInteger =0 then Text :='<input type = "checkbox" value ="0" > ';
    Is there a better way of doing it without using HTML?



  3. For some reason it is generating the same URL twice.


    "C:\Users\Desktop\Web App\Debug\Win32\cache\Project1\4uzDtQrwZ8Yt8s4\C:Users DesktopWeb AppDebugWin32cacheProject1uzDtQrwZ8Yt8s4\ReportXXX_112604.80"


    This works fine without URL


    pdf.FileName := 'ReportXXX' + FormatDateTime('hhmmss.zzz', Now()) + '.pdf';



    rptURLFrame.URL := pdf.FileName;


    thank you

  4. Try the following code:

    procedure TfrmPrintForm.PrintReport();
     frxPDFExport.FileName := 'ReportXXX_' + FormatDateTime('hhmmss.zzz', Now()) + '.pdf'; // Create a unique name for report. 
     frxPDFExport.DefaultPath := UniServerModule.LocalCachePath; // Export Path;
     frxReport.PrepareReport(); // Create Report
     frxReport.Export(frxPDFExport); // Export Report
     rptURLFrame.URL := UniServerModule.LocalCacheURL + frxPDFExport.FileName; // Displayed on UniURLFrame


    Hi All,


    Is it possible someone could add a small demo like the one for Quickreport ?


    Everything works fine , the problem is I keep on getting the following error :


    " File C:\Users\Desktop\Web App\Debug\Win32\cache\Project1\4uzDtQrwZ8Yt8s4\C:Users DesktopWeb AppDebugWin32cacheProject1uzDtQrwZ8Yt8s4\ReportXXX_112604.807.pdf not found. "


    Thanks for the great components


    Best regards

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