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Everything posted by morphine

  1. Hi, See UniGUI Demos- Desktop - TOOLBUTTONS. When using UniNativeImageList, ImageIndex ,it does not show the icon in uniDbGrid.
  2. Hi , Please can you confirm if there is a bug when using UniNativeImageList - ImageIndex in uniDbgrid? Thanks.
  3. Hi, Using UniNativeImageList as per UniGUI Demo- TOOLBUTTONS
  4. Hi , When adding Toolbuttons to uniDbgrid all works fine except when trying to use ImageList. UniPanel works fine with ImageList. See UniGUI Demo- TOOLBUTTONS. Unigui v1.90.0.1564 Thank You
  5. Thank you for your time @Marlon Nardi Works perfect....
  6. @Marlon NardiThank you for your reply. Works as expected for: Chart.ChartType:=Column; Red Arrow Chart.ChartProperties.Values['valueAxis'] := '{majorGridLines: {visible: false},labels: {font: "8px Tahoma", rotation: "auto", format: "#,#"} }'; Blue Arrow Chart.ChartSeriesDefaults := 'labels: {font: "16px Tahoma", visible: true, position: "outsideEnd", template: "#= kendo.format(''{0:n3}'', value) #"} '; How would you change the font size highlighted in purple? Chart.ChartType:=Bar; Blue Arrow Chart.ChartSeriesDefaults := 'labels: {visible: true, position: "outsideEnd",font: "16px Tahoma", template: "#= kendo.format(''{0:c}'', value) #"}'; How would you change the font size indicated by the RED arrow? I tried numerous CONFIG OPTIONS - https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/dataviz/ui/chart Appreciate your assistance.
  7. Hi @Marlon Nardi Firstly, thank you for a great component. Please can you assist? Labels disappear when trying the following : Chart.ChartProperties.Values['categoryAxis'] := '{labels: {font: "8px Tahoma"}}';
  8. Perfect, thank you. Last question, where can I change the disabled button's background color or opacity to make it "look" disabled?
  9. Hi All, How would you enable / disable - UniPanel1.ToolButtons[0] to stop the user from clicking on the button? Thanks.
  10. Hi All, Is there a way to install the component for Delphi XE ? I noticed there is no .dpk file for Delphi XE. Thanks.
  11. Hello All, Please could you advice me on how to add a checkbox to a DBgrid? The field is not Boolean. I have tried the following : procedure TfrmTest.Test1GetText(Sender: TField; var Text: string; DisplayText: Boolean); begin if Sender.AsInteger =1 then Text :='<input type = "checkbox" value ="1" checked > '; if Sender.AsInteger =0 then Text :='<input type = "checkbox" value ="0" > '; Is there a better way of doing it without using HTML? Thanks.
  12. I'm also using Amazon Web Services - EC2 - Elastic Compute Cloud. First year is free. Very stable. Installed Postgresql server, no problems. http://aws.amazon.com/ec2/
  13. For some reason it is generating the same URL twice. "C:\Users\Desktop\Web App\Debug\Win32\cache\Project1\4uzDtQrwZ8Yt8s4\C:Users DesktopWeb AppDebugWin32cacheProject1uzDtQrwZ8Yt8s4\ReportXXX_112604.80" This works fine without URL pdf.FileName := 'ReportXXX' + FormatDateTime('hhmmss.zzz', Now()) + '.pdf'; report.PrepareReport(); report.Export(pdf); rptURLFrame.URL := pdf.FileName; thank you
  14. Hi All, Is it possible someone could add a small demo like the one for Quickreport ? Everything works fine , the problem is I keep on getting the following error : " File C:\Users\Desktop\Web App\Debug\Win32\cache\Project1\4uzDtQrwZ8Yt8s4\C:Users DesktopWeb AppDebugWin32cacheProject1uzDtQrwZ8Yt8s4\ReportXXX_112604.807.pdf not found. " Thanks for the great components Best regards
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