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Kachar ganyalong

uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by Kachar ganyalong

  1. how to set bigger UniTabsheet bar and font?
  2. I'm waiting for this answer too, I'm gonna need it.
  3. Thank you all, You answers making me stronger and better UniGui Developer!
  4. When there are 30 users connected to UniGui, will it have adventage using Multi cores CPU? More core is better?
  5. http://www.chironsoftware.com/dl/test/memreport.pdf
  6. Yes, Zeos 7.14 Stable version. and even i did not connect ZEOS to DataBase, Just put components without connection, I still have problem with memory leak. So I've bought UniDAC and I'm happy with the stability.
  7. The result After stress test Zeos Produced a lot of memory leak message; UniDac still fine. so i use UniGui+UniDac+MariaDB now
  8. After I deleted all ZEOS components and replace them with IBX components, The memory leak problem gone.
  9. I use: Zeos 7.14 Firebird 1 uniDBGRid ZeosComponents are in uniMainModule please see: http://www.chironsoftware.com/dl/test/memreport.pdf does it happens because of Zeos? Should I change Data Component?
  10. I've read this http://www.unigui.com/doc/online_help/importance-of-memory-managemen.htmand don't understand because it is a bit complicating. How can I simply store session's string variable(currentuser:string)? unit MainModule; interface uses uniGUIMainModule, SysUtils, Classes; type TUniMainModule = class(TUniGUIMainModule) procedure UniGUIMainModuleCreate(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } currentuser:string; // can I store session variable like this on UniMainModule? public { Public declarations } end; function UniMainModule: TUniMainModule; implementation {$R *.dfm}
  11. no, i was created it myself. i think this might be a problem.
  12. Please see in this pict http://www.chironsoftware.com/dl/test/p1.pdf
  13. I used to have this problem with the older 0.9 trial version , now I've purchase the license and download the latest. the old setting that caused problem: Delphi 2010 unigui 0.9 Firebird 2.5 IBX I use IBDATASET to connect link unidatagrid to Ibdataset Error are: 1. Out of memory - this one, I think it is because the " select * " (I have checked Task manager, It was using massive RAM) -> SQL should fix by limit record request 2. "Access violation" when new user enter the web and click login. it will send SQL to Firebird sever and it Error-> this happen randomly and when it happened, it always happen until restart. I think it's cause by IBX or Firebird transaction so I will change to MySQL new setting i will use: Delphi 2010 Lastest Unigui MariaDB ZEOS clientdataset connected to ZeosDataset Fastreport -> each report will have it own Database connection (ZeosFrxDB) will it ok? any recommendation? is ADO better? I will re-create my project by using this demo(is it the best practice?) :"Demo_FastReport_corrected.rar" from http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/2669-fastreport-demo/?hl=fastreport
  14. I can do it now, thank you! love Win8 and Win10 Theme so much.
  15. There are only 4 themes in my sample project, how to get other themes
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