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Everything posted by Javi

  1. Hi Farshad With version 0.86, was displayed correctly. Now with version 0.87.0 build 907, the QuickTips are displayed wrong. thanks ------------------------------------------------------- Hi Farjasdf Con la version 0.86, se visualizaba correctamente. Ahora con la versión 0.87.0 build 907, los QuickTips se visualizan mal. Gracias Javi
  2. Use SSL for now, I can not use it. Generating an HTML login. I have not sufficient skills to do so. Farshad, you somehow integrate text encryption. Thanks --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usar SSL, de momento, no puedo usarlo. Generar un HTML login, yo no tengo suficientes conocimientos técnicos para hacerlo. Farshad, vas a integrar de alguna forma la encriptación de texto. Gracias
  3. Hello How I can encrypt the password a user enters in the login window? I have seen that the password is sent in clear to the server. Thank you. ----------------------------------------------------- Hola ¿ Como puedo cifrar la contraseña que introduce un usuario, en la ventana de login ? Yo he visto que la contraseña se envia en claro al servidor. Gracias.
  4. Hello patmap. When the panel is collapsed, the title is not seen. Thanks ------------------------------ Hola patmap. Cuando el panel esta colapsado, el titulo no se ve. Gracias
  5. Javi

    Alert Box

    Thanks for the input:) I found a bug, if you pressed repeatedly on the same button, the message is still visible. ----------------------------------------- Gracias por el aporte He encontrado un fallo, si tu pulsas repetidamente sobre un mismo botón, el mensaje sigue visible.
  6. Javi

    Tab key, disable??

    Thanks Farshad Mohajeri Thanks ldb68. I'll remember,
  7. Hello It is possible, disable the tab key. How? thanks Javi ------------------------------- Hola Es posible, deshabilitar la tecla tabulador. ¿Cómo ? Gracias Javi
  8. Sorry if I do not understand well, but my English is very low and use GoogleTranslator. I need to modify the internal files of the application, not internal UniGui files. I believe that I create a thread from servermodule to manage these files. thanks
  9. Hi Are the properties "FixedRows" and "FixedCols" implemented for the component "TUniStringGrid"? Thanks
  10. Hello. Is it possible to move the property "WebMode" has TUniMainModule? I think it's logical. So you can create "TMainForm" and "DataModule" more personalized. thanks
  11. You have planned to implement some method for maintaining the application. In my case, once a day, the application needs to modify some files hot. Without stopping the application. I use ISAPI to provide access. Sorry, English is Google. Thank you.
  12. Hello Farshad I've put a TUniTimer in ServerModule, but the OnTimer event does not fire. Why? thanks
  13. Javi

    Play Mp3

    Finally works!! TUniHTMLFrame.Html <object class="playerpreview" id="myFlash" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="/files/player_mp3_js.swf" width="200" height="20"> <param name="movie" value="/files/player_mp3_js.swf" /> <param name="bgcolor" value="#ff0000" /> <param name="FlashVars" value="mp3=/files/TresCerditos.mp3" /> </object> This was the error <param name="movie" value="/files/player_mp3_js.swf" /> Thank you very much Anders Andersen.
  14. Javi

    Play Mp3

    Hello again. I managed to run the code in Firefox, but not IE8. Can you help again? Thank you very much. Javi TUniHTMLFrame.Html <object class="playerpreview" id="myFlash" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="/files/player_mp3_js.swf" width="200" height="20"> <param name="movie" value="player_mp3_js.swf" /> <param name="bgcolor" value="#ff0000" /> <param name="FlashVars" value="mp3=/files/TresCerditos.mp3" /> </object> procedure TMainForm.UniButtonPlayClick(Sender: TObject); begin WebForm.JSCode('document.getElementById("myFlash").SetVariable("method:play", "");'); end; procedure TMainForm.UniButtonStopClick(Sender: TObject); begin WebForm.JSCode('document.getElementById("myFlash").SetVariable("method:stop", "");'); end;
  15. Javi

    Play Mp3

    Thanks Anders Andersen. But how I can control the player from UniGui?
  16. Javi

    Play Mp3

    Thanks Farshad But I need to play sound in IE 8. I need to control the sound from the program: play and stop. Can you help me please. JavaScript world is completely unknown to me. Thank you very much. Javi
  17. Javi

    Play Mp3

    Hi I have seen play WAV <script> var audio2 = document.createElement('audio'); audio2.setAttribute('src', 'files/Inicio.wav'); audio2.play(); </script> But how I can plays back MP3? Thanks
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