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Everything posted by 9223000

  1. Hello! How can I set the icon for the UniDBTreeGrid record, depending on the value of the field? For example, if the value of the field is = 1, then set the icon on the url(/files/icon1.png)
  2. Please tell me. How to do also but on UniTreeView? What should I specify instead of "this.grid.getView()"?
  3. uniGUI Complete Trial Edition 1.0.0 Build 1424
  4. Hello! How to activate cell editing in UniBGrid? The cell is activated for editing if the user "Press Enter" or "mouse left button double clicks" How can one of these events be implemented programmatically, after WebFocus on UniDBGrid? I'm trying to do this: procedure TMainForm.UniBitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject); begin with UniMainModule.FDQ_regProjectSheets do begin Append; FieldByName('regProject_ID').Value := ParamByName('iProjectID').AsInteger; FieldByName('NameShort').Value := 'New products list'; Post; end; UniDBGrid_ProjectSheets.WebFocus; UniSession.AddJS('$("#'+UniDBGrid_ProjectSheets.JSName+'"'+').dblclick();'); // UniSession.AddJS('$("#'+UniDBGrid_ProjectSheets.JSName+'"'+').trigger(jQuery.Event("keypress", {which: 13}));'); end;
  5. Thank you for your advice! Working!
  6. Please comment why UniScreenMask does not work So on the form UniLoginForm posted: 1) UniButton: .OnClick: Sleep (3000) 2) UniScreenMask: .AttachedControl: UniButton .TargetControl: UniLoginForm When the user presses the UniButton button, the OnClick event appears, and UniScreenMask executes correctly. If you call the method from the code like this: UniButton.Click; , then UniScreenMask does not work. Is this a bug?
  7. Thank you! I read at the weekend JavaScript, jQuery, jQueryUI and in the end everything turned out. Super.
  8. Hello, community! I'm in web development very poorly understand, ask for your help and advice. Actually I can not figure out how to use the web components. Example jQuery clear. However, how to use the components HTML5. I'm trying to use TUniHTMLFrame, but by analogy with both jQuery can not achieve a result. Can anyone be kind enough to make an example of use the components "HTML Canvas Guages" https://github.com/Mikhus/canvas-gauges
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