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  1. a lot of thanks, Farshad !!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I think ajaxRequest does not work with Frames anymore ..
  3. Add this code to CustomMeta property in ServerModule. ( found in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28882691/solved-using-mouse-wheel-to-scroll-in-sencha-touch-application-on-desktop) var mouseWheelHandler = function (e) { var e = window.event || e, el = e.target, cmp, offset, scroller, delta, _results = []; e.preventDefault(); // prevent scrolling when in iframe while (el !== document.body) { if (el && el.className && el.className.indexOf('x-container') >= 0) { cmp = Ext.getCmp(el.id); if (cmp && typeof cmp.getScrollable == 'function' && cmp.getScrollable()) { scroller = cmp.getScrollable().getScroller(); if (scroller) { delta = e.detail ? e.detail*(-120) : e.wheelDelta; offset = { x:0, y: -delta*0.5 }; scroller.fireEvent('scrollstart', scroller, scroller.position.x, scroller.position.y, e); scroller.scrollBy(offset.x, offset.y); scroller.snapToBoundary(); scroller.fireEvent('scrollend', scroller, scroller.position.x, scroller.position.y-offset.y); break; } } } _results.push(el = el.parentNode); } return _results; }; if (document.addEventListener) { // IE9, Chrome, Safari, Opera document.addEventListener('mousewheel', mouseWheelHandler, false); // Firefox document.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', mouseWheelHandler, false); } else { // IE 6/7/8 document.attachEvent('onmousewheel', mouseWheelHandler); }
  4. Look at the PhoneBook example in Demos. In ExtEvents: function itemswipe(sender, index, target, record, e, eOpts) { if(e.direction=="right"||e.direction=="left") window.location.href="tel://"+record.get('1'); // Call the Phone Number } Regards,,
  5. This last solution works !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Hello. Is possible change the button captions (Update and Cancel) when i use roweditor in unidbgrids ? I need it in Spanish. Thanks !
  7. Muy buena José,, tiene hasta una tienda !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me hace mucha ilusión ver una web hecha con UNIGUI. Yo lo uso con mis proyectos de empresa, pero son web's de uso privado, Pues eso,, Enhorabuena, compatriota ,,
  8. The Delphi XE version is correct, but i've removed all "Ext.pas;Ext.dcu" files, which were in some folders, and now it works ! Thanks, Farshad !
  9. sorry ! .. "[DCC Fatal Error] uniGUI15Core.dpk(77): F2051 Unit uniGUITypes was compiled with a different version of Ext.TExtComponent"
  10. I have the same issue ( Delphi XE) but this solution not works for me. Regards
  11. Perfect,, but after uninstalling, I had to delete all files named "unixdbgrid.dcu" remaining in some directories ,, Thank you !!!!!
  12. Hello, This is the error: [DCC Fatal Error] uniGUI15VCL.dpk(47): F2051 Unit UniXDBGrid was compiled with a different version of uniDBGrid.TUniDBGrid It's the first time i have problems during installation, Thank you
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