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Everything posted by jahlxx

  1. This was my answer more than 3 years ago
  2. Ok. Based on the unitreemenu demo. You can add nodes wherever you want, and you will see how vertical scrollbar is shown, but horizontal doesn't. UniTreeMenu.zip
  3. Hi. Some way to make overflow-x to work? Thanks.
  4. Maybe. I don't remember. But error with this build and not with previous builds? I've cleaned up all the sumdirectories under users\public, and reinstaled, and now it seems to be OK. Thanks.
  5. Hi all. First of all, happy new year. I'm having some problems after install build 1556 of unigui. I attach 2 images (they are in spanish). The error1 is shown when starting IDE, and the error2, after pressing "Aceptar". The error1, is shown randomly, after open one project, and compilind, and/or opening a form, etc. I need some help, please. Thanks.
  6. Ajax error with this: UniSession.AddJS('Ext.util.CSS.swapStyleSheet({url: "'+UniServerModule.STartPath+'files\custom2.css'+ '"})'); Ajax error: malformed hexadecimal character escape sequence
  7. Sorry. Taking this: UniSession.AddJS('Ext.util.CSS.swapStyleSheet(''/ext-'',''/ext-'');'); How can I load UniServerModule.StartPath + 'files\custom.css' ? Thanks.
  8. Hi. How can I load customcss in run time? I can't find info about this. I load a custom.css file in servermodule init, but I don't know how can I do it in run time. Thanks.
  9. Ok. for me, unigui26 Now, installing, [dcc32 Fatal Error] UniGUIOS.dpk(50): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'UniOSPaypalButtons.pas' ??
  10. Hi. I need to check UniQZ, but can't find the unit. Is there a demo version? Thanks.
  11. jahlxx


    Hola a tod@s. Lo pongo en español. Alguien en España tiene desarrollado algún módulo o librería o algo para el intercambio de información con la AEAT en lo que se refiere al SII? Gracias.
  12. Hi. This works, but not when Micro = true. Is possible? Thanks.
  13. Ok. This almost works. I tried something like this some weeks ago, and the problem is the same. Works when you close the form, but dont work when you close the application. Thanks.
  14. Hi. The components are created in design time, they are in the form, and the owner is the same form.
  15. Yes, it works, thanks. But is strange this behaviour. In older versions worked fine. Thanks.
  16. Hi. Is set to true
  17. Thanks, but it seems to be slower than afterscroll, andd raises the event even changing column. I need only when changing row.
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