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Everything posted by markokas

  1. Dear all, To run Java script is used .. UniSession.AddJS() There is a huge script in more blocks, I would like run next block of scripts after browser processed first block. I can make this by AjaxEvent... is there any other approach? br,mk.
  2. Thank you for your help. It looks that we found the problem - it was Client PC. br,mk.
  3. The UniGUI version is: the log file has many of: tracksw: 00002474: 23:46:38 [CommandGet]:EUniSessionException : invalid session Is maybe some options to make reconnection in UniGUI? br,mk.
  4. It is very interesting in the same time ("waiting requests") TeamViewer works normally ....also ping's are OK ....? br,mk.
  5. I did, it is no difference, It is interesting that that happens ony in connection from abroad client .... if client is from our country is no problem ..... but if I test ping from abroad .. it seems quit stable ..... it works stable 3 or 5 minute .... then requests hangs .. maybe could be some problem on port communication, I am using standalone server .. it is possible somehow to test if the communication is problem on the server port, or should be better that use ISAPI on 80 port? br,mk.
  6. It is just: TADoQuery TClientDataset In applications for reporting (not use frequently) FastReports are used .. br,mk.
  7. Dear all, It happens that requests somehow hangs .... I think that it happens if the internet connection is poor between client and UniGUI server. After while the client get "server not response, try latter" .... After commit ... then requests are processed and decreased to zero. How is possible to solve this issue? Is it some timeout to change time of requests, or something else? best regards, mk.
  8. Hi all, Is it possible to make partially transparent form .. or maybe panel ... for example 50 % transparency? Any ideas? br,mk.
  9. Thank you! It works. br,mk.
  10. Hi all, Is it possible to change column index in the UniGrid runtime? Or How to change order of columns in the grid? example: grid.Columns[1].index:=5; br,mk.
  11. I think that is not. But if you have several applications .. you will also need different ports. Maybe is also not so secure vs. ISS (dll) br, Marko
  12. Dear Ronak, Great job! Thank you.
  13. Hi all, Is there any way to make color selection in app. - to pick up from color pallete. I do not want use Memo toolbar editor. Any idea, or I miss something? br,mk.
  14. Hi all Is it possible to hide completelly top form status bar (icon, title, system icons). Probably is possible wih changing some of CSS, maybe to set height to 0, any hints? br,mk.
  15. Dear all, Is it possible to change color of series in the UniChart component in WebMode? I have tried: Unichart.SeriesList[0].Color:=clgray; Also if I changed in design time it looks like that is no effect to WebMode. Any ideas? br,mk.
  16. I tried to use IIRF extension for IIS, the command proxyPass. It starts loading page then stopped ... ProxyPass ^/portal/(.*)$$1 any ideas? br,mk.
  17. Thank you Bruno for insight, very helpful, Probaly I can use also Openlayers in this way ... br,mk.
  18. Hi all, Is it possible to access UniGUI apps as standalone server throught port 80 on IIS. For example I have two UniGUI standalone web server applications, one works on port 8081 and other on 8082. I can access first one like http://www.example.com:8081/ and other one as http://www.example.com:8082/ I would like to access application on port 80 (other ports in many companies are closed), as http://www.example.com/ap_8081/ or http://www.example.com/ap_8082/ Is it possible something like that to make on IIS, or some other workaround? I know that I can make ISAPI but I need standalone applications... Any ideas? best regards, Marko Kastelic
  19. I did, but I need also other functionalities. I check also component from patmap and still are missed functionalities, like re-position of marker. It would be nice possibility to call all properties or functions inside HTMLFrame ... br,mk.
  20. Hi all, What is best practice using UniGUI, to access all functions/properties of google maps or Openlayers. GoogleMap component (from patmap) has limitation. Can I use HTMLFrame to execute JavaScript functions inside? What is best approach? Thank you for your comments, mk.
  21. Yes I did, Now it works perfectly, I built report from start (probably something wrong, I have used old *.fr3 from my previous application). Thank you Farshad for your help, Your components are great work! br,mk.
  22. I set AutoCoInitialize, but is no differenece, in logfile is maps_2009_2010: 0000116C: 11:32:48CommandGet:EUniSessionException : Invalid session or session Timeout. The pdf in localcache is created, but has only header of report - without masterdata br,mk.
  23. I test it also this way, but the problem is not solved .. Works only in VCL in web mode does not work, it looks like that tfrxDbDataset some how does not work in web mode ...
  24. Dear all, I developed application using UniGUI as standalone web server, using Delphi XE2, win 7 32 bit. To make reports I have used FastReports, but it works normally only in the VCL mode. On the web mode get access violation or report is not make correctly. The printer is available/installed. As I read the Fastreports are thread safe. Is it possible to use Fastreport in webmode? Maybe is possible to make report only in VCL session (so web sessions calls VCL sesion to make reports)? Do you have some example, workaround, or what is the best practice to make PDF report? Sample code sql:='select * from tablename'; // open AdoQuery - Rlogpst is connected to TFrxDbDataset Rlogpst.Close; Rlogpst.sql.Text:=sql; Rlogpst.Open; // loading fastreport design from file report.LoadFromFile(ExtractFilepath(paramStr(0))+'porociloSIu.fr3') ; // assign some variables in fastreport report.Variables[' xx']:=0; report.Variables['xy']:=''''+combo1.text+''''; report.PrintOptions.ShowDialog := False; report.ShowProgress:=false; report.PrintOptions.ShowDialog:=false; report.EngineOptions.SilentMode:=True; // unique file name fn:=FormatDateTime('YYMMDD_hhmmnnss',now)+'_'+UniMainModule.ruser+'.pdf'; // set pdf export pdf.FileName:= UniServerModule.LocalCachePath+fn; pdf.DefaultPath:=UniServerModule.LocalCachePath; report.PrepareReport(); report.Export(pdf); // making a link to download created pdf file elink.Caption:='<a href="'+UniServerModule.LocalCacheURL+fn+'" target=new>Click to download: ('+fn+')</a>'; What could be wrong, it works only in VCL session ... Thank you for your help in advance, Best regards, Marko Kastelic
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