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Everything posted by dieger

  1. You can try to check request.params property to identify anothers properties on request. But be careful, because some requests do not pass this parameter in the same format.
  2. Hi KingOrmon, I put the code above on MainForm.Scripts property: Ext.Ajax.on('beforerequest', function(conn, request){ if (request.e == 'click') { Ext.getBody().mask('Wait, please...', 'Loading') } }, Ext.getBody() ); Ext.Ajax.on('requestcomplete', Ext.getBody().unmask, Ext.getBody()); Ext.Ajax.on('requestexception', Ext.getBody().unmask, Ext.getBody()); Ps.: It even works with menus! Regards
  3. Hi Mr. Farshad, Is there any way to insert a panel above UniMainMenu of MainForm, simulating a header of a web page? Ps.: I´m using mfPage mode. Thanks.
  4. I can not see the option on the property ClientEvents.ExtEvents to detect when a user changes the selected row in a DBGrid (OnRowSelect) to load a mask for example. Is there any possibility of providing this event? Thank you.
  5. Hi all, I'm using a TUniMainMenu in my application. I see that has no options for ClientEvents. I would like to enable a mask on the screen when the user clicks in a given menu item. Is it possible?
  6. dieger

    Block session

    Hi docjones, thanks for your reply. I had tried the above option, but when I change the property UniServerModule.ServerMessages.TerminateTemplate.Text, this reflects in all other sessions. My goal is just to change this option but reflect only the current session. It would be like having a TerminateTemplate for each session and could not do it that way.
  7. dieger

    Block session

    Hi Mr. Farshad, What is the best place (event) to block a session start? I want to test if my application to receive a particular parameter, then start, otherwise I block the session to start and redirect to another app. Thanks.
  8. Hi waterinfo, Please share it with us. Thank´s
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