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Everything posted by mikromundo

  1. Thanks Farshad... I forget to view this... I will see...
  2. Hi Shersod, good question..rsrs ... That's why I came to ask for help, why I did not install any component ... I already researched THE WHOLE PROJECT to see if there was something like this, but it does not. As I am a few months ago using uniGUI, I ask for help from you ...
  3. Good afternoon. What is happening is this: I copy the same DLL to 3 folders from my server. If I open the main folder, it does not display the uniFMASK error message (it is not uniFSMASK) if I open the same DLL from another folder I copied, the error is displayed.
  4. I don´t use third party components... but, really, in my LIB PATH have a declaration.... I will test again and write a feedback. thanks
  5. Hi, on first execute, my app ISAPI shows the error: Somebody help me !!!
  6. Hi, I´m using CONTABO.COM VPS with PLESK( win 2016 ). How can I configure my DLL with PLESK ?
  7. Thanks so much !!! Brazil uniGUI Group growing up !!!
  8. UniDBFormattedNumberEdit works perfectly!!!! Thanks !!!
  9. OH!!!!! I´m new user and still learning uniGUI... Thanks so much !!! I will test !!!! but this code could be adapt ? for i := 0 to Self.ComponentCount - 1 do begin if Self.Components.ClassNameIs( 'TUniDBNumberEdit' ) then begin UniSession.JSCode('$("#' + TUniDBNumberEdit( Self.Components ).JSName + '_id-inputEl").inputmask("9,99");'); end; end;
  10. Hi, how can I define a display edit/format for TUniDBNumberEdit ? Ex: The value 38,10 shows as 38,1
  11. Ok. Desculpe a demora... tinha encontrado... mas obg mesmo assim !!!!
  12. Qual a solução pra isso... algum TIMEOUT ?
  13. Great effect!!! Very nice !!! I´m using theme: triton.modified
  14. Eduardo, obrigado, mas meu dbgrid é dinamico...nao adiciono as colunas entendeu... por isso nao consigo usar o GETTEXT. Na VCL a gente consegue manusear com o DRAWTEXT....
  15. I´m using FRAMES too... When open in RESPONSIVE test, don´t show the SCROLL BARs. How can I put then ? ScrollBox or other way ?
  16. Thanks!!! I here again rsrs !
  17. no, I´m registered user. ok... this email it´s most easy to me, but I will change( contato@flaviomotta.com )
  18. I´m sorry ... The last version.
  19. It´s possible at RUNTIME ( OnDrawColumnCell ) change a TEXT( fieldvalue ) ? TUniDBGrid(Sender).Text Ex: varC_ConteudoCampo := Column.Field.AsString TUniDBGrid(Sender).Text := '***' + varC_ConteudoCampo '***';
  20. Hi, How can I correct integrate SWAL2 with uniGUI ? thanks
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