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Everything posted by mikromundo

  1. thanks sherzod.. I would like to call for example a sequence of forms. I show FORM1 and if I click CONTINUE, I show FORM2 and so on. I couldn't reproduce it.
  2. Hi, how could I create a wizard? I am trying to use callback with forms using showmodal but I am not trying to succeed. Thanks for any help!!!.
  3. Have fun !!! uniGUI Racing.rar
  4. Hello, I am a user and enthusiast of uniGUI and I am promoting a YouTube channel with tips and marketing of a base project with native components and some techniques that speed up the development process with a nice layout. The Brazilian community is growing and we wish to contribute to the growth of uniGUI. YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClAoKfysP8spZBEtlII3GQg WhatsApp Project RadCORE Group https://chat.whatsapp.com/FSqt24K73uz4qSwMWLWtm9 WhatsApp UniGUI - The Community Group https://chat.whatsapp.com/FrlSDHAoVX51ihEZPgEN93 Unigui Forum http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/22690-radcore-project/
  5. The 'problem' solved !!! Windows update....
  6. Why LOCAL the canvas BORDER don´t show and REMOTE shows ? /* Border HTMLFrame */ canvas { border: 0px !important; } Any browser....
  7. Not yet but i wish. My question is whether there is a way we can interpret the examples and apply them in uniGUI. Forgive me the question but I am a beginner (few months) on uniGUI and I know very little about JS. I have been asking a lot of questions because I am really enjoying uniGUI and through my projects some people have also been interested to know and besides a few people who interact with us, this forum has been very helpful. The little I have learned, I have been going through other groups here in Brazil and through some tips on my channel. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmOeXd_aUQYhzRMdG8qLZ1ES0utdC3aV7 ( sorry my "google" english )
  8. Hi, someone can make a example to show how can I make something with uniGUI reading ExtJS docs ? Example: https://docs.sencha.com/extjs/6.6.0/modern/src/Anim.js.html How can I use it in uniGUI ?
  9. Thanks BELO...but its a little more complex... I want ANY KEY pressed fires the event.... and Get the key with DELPHI
  10. Following this example How can I send ANY KEY PRESSED and the SENDER to Get in the FRAME ? Ex: I click SPACE BAR in uniEDIT( named edCODIGO ) and in AJAXEVENT I Get it
  11. Sorry...Thanks BELO...I talk to you in WhatsApp Group and forgot to answer here !!!
  12. How to REMOVE the mask before save to database ( with JS )
  13. @Sherzod how can I ANIMATE the rotation with JSCODE ? Ex: angle start = 0 to 180deg Do you could be help me ?
  14. i create a new project and that rocks!!! thanks!
  15. Hi. Do you see the link ? Please... if not.... @GerhardV applies DIRECTLY but i don´t have success... Can anyone help me ? I suggest an additional SAMPLE on DEMOS about this. Thanks!!!
  16. uniIMAGE, uniPANEL, uniLABEL....using just uniGUI / JS I posted a LINK with a example but this shows error. I would to fade transitions between images.... Rotate it.. Scale it... CSS Transform do it.. But I need to use with uniGUI functions and don´t directly in the CSS arquive.
  17. Hi, How can I animate / rotate / fade controls with uniGUI without jquery ? I have tried this but don´t success.
  18. I have the same issue... with THEME MATERIAL changes.. but TRITON( mobile ) do not change...
  19. Hi, In uniBitBtn we have SCALEBUTTON and other properties to adjust icon position, in uniMBitbtn, the icon 'brokes'. The original ICON is: What Can I do ? OBS: And HOW to change the COLOR ? I use .x-button .x-button-el{ color : white !important; } but continues BLUE
  20. It´s GREAT !!!! I don´t know this . Thank so much Sherzod !!!!
  21. I use this and can clear: for I := 0 to UniTreeMenuPrincipal.Items.Count - 1 do begin UniTreeMenuPrincipal.Items.Text := ''; end; but this don´t: UniTreeMenuPrincipal.Items.Clear;
  22. Hi, I copy the SEARCH TREE function from DEMO to use on TREEMENU, but shows duplicate itens: Somebody can help me ?
  23. You could get the uniGUI DEMO( ALLFEATURES ) and make a simple test: See the SPACE AREA near the LOGO. TABSHEET1 -> TABVISIBLE = FALSE TABSHEET1 -> TABVISIBLE = TRUE
  24. Hi Sherzod...thanks... I will try extract from the project
  25. Hi, I have a pagecontrol into another one with 2 TABs and I will post 2 screens to show my problem: 1) TABVISIBLE = TRUE 1) TABVISIBLE = FALSE How can I adjust this ? The pagecontrol Alignment is SERVER and AlClient
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