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uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by mikromundo

  1. It´s possible to add OnResize event in uniContainerPanel ?
  2. Projeto que demonstra o poder do uniGUI e sua produtividade para facilitar a construção/migração de projetos novos/legados. Versão Project that demonstrates the power of uniGUI and its productivity to facilitate the construction / migration of new / legacy projects. Version
  3. Sorry. I use it in RUNTIME... I need to configure in runtime sherzod.
  4. Yes. I did it according to the opening of the post. But it had no effect. I would like to understand if this property depends on anything else to work properly.Yes. I dit it. But dont
  5. Thanks... But this demos don´t use .SORTABLE property. I wish to understand how can I use ?
  6. Thanks and sorry for not explaining it better. Actually this post I found, but it is SPECIAL, that is, I need to execute it. I would like to use the GENERAL CLASS, to affect ALL components.Thanks and sorry @sherzod...
  7. What I need to use this feature ? I test with one DEMO but don´t sort when I click on column.
  8. Hi @Jean-Marc Kiener You can do anything with RadCORE. The question is: Do you want to take advantage of ALL or PART of the features? Speaking ONLY of the layout, you can remove EVERYTHING and enjoy the layout and do everything you already do your way. Speaking of TODO. You can enjoy EVERYTHING and create NEW features the way you already do it in your day to day. If you DO NOT USE the inheritance FORM / FRAMEs that come with RadCORE, you do it your way and you're done. That simple. I DO NOT OBLIGATE YOU to follow a rule, I just GIVE AN OPTION, you take the DIRECTION. RADCORE's proposal is to TRY to reduce its coding with the most repetitive things and to REUSE the maximum code. That it may seem to PLAIN, but IF YOU UNDERSTAND how RODA GIRA, you can change everything and adapt to any situation or simply, when necessary, DO DIFFERENT. RADCORE'S GOOD not being a COMPONENT is just that. YOU CAN PAINT AND EMBROIDER IT. RadCORE uniGUI follows the guidelines of FMSOFT, so a lot of things that you would have to worry about configuring, are ready. I managed to make a nice layout with little CSS application, trying to exploit the most of the component's NATIVITY, this proposal followed by all versions of RADCORE, do not use third party components for LAYOUT. There is 3 versions of RadCORE: VCL, FMX and uniGUI
  9. TICKET system being developed with the RADCORE Project (uniGUI)
  10. I tested IW, I do some things with PHP but the productivity and feeling of being on VCL with uniGUI was decisive for me. I would like to ask you all a section with SUCCESS CASES, I excuse me to show the migration of my ERP in an environment (almost a framework) for uniGUI, Project RADCORE. Congratulation @Farshad Mohajeri YouTube:https://youtu.be/0et3aWqdtCA
  11. I found it !!! TStringField( Column.Field ).Visible := False;
  12. Hi, How can I HIDE( visible= false ) a uniDBGrid Column via delphi or JS ? I see an old post, but don´t work. thanks !!!!
  13. Great!! thank so much... http://jsfiddle.net/thirtydot/9SEMf/869/
  14. Yes...I know...rrrsr Thanks so much !!!
  15. I found this, but I can´t resolve the color. I put this onMouseUp: var myColor:TColor; Pxl:TBitmap; begin Pxl:=TBitmap.Create; Pxl.Width:=1; Pxl.Height:=1; BitBlt(Pxl.Canvas.Handle,0,0,1,1,GetDC(0), x , y,SRCCOPY); myColor:=Pxl.Canvas.Pixels[0,0]; end;
  16. Hi Sherzod, I want to put the mouse ON THE IMAGE and click...and GET the COLOR of the PIXEL clicked.
  17. Hi, Someone can help me !!! How can I get a PIXEL COLOR on uniIMAGE or uniPANEL ?
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