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    Arezzo, Italy

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  1. Hi everyone, what is the correct method to intercept the click on clearbutton in a dblookupcombobox? Thanks in advance
  2. Hi, I am having a problem with using the unisession.sendfile function when I try to send zipfile the first time the browser displays the message "operation failed: network error". If I try again the file is sent correctly. The problem occurs only in the production environment, in the debug phase it works correctly. Who can help me? Unigui run on Windows Server 2016 Thank's in advance.
  3. Hi, in unigui release 1549 i get the error "Unsupported stream format" in this program step: _Img.image is a blob field . _stm := TMemoryStream.Create; _img.Image.SaveToStream(_stm); _stm.Position := 0; uniImg.Picture.LoadFromStream(_stm); FreeAndNil(_stm); in Windows 64/32 platform work's fine this step work's fine in all platform (Linux and Windows) _img.Image.SaveToFile(_tempfilename); uniImg.Picture.LoadFromFile(_tempfilename); FreeAndNil(_stm); Have suggestions?
  4. RadCore is an amazing project, it allows me to focus on application problems while leaving RadCore with all the reactive visualization problems. I highly recommend using it in your UNIGUI projects. Congratulations to Flavio for the results!
  5. in case that Alignment Control is set to an Alignment Client it does not seem to work correctly, in some cases even if the imageindex is changed the image does not change
  6. Hi , what is the correct method to change the imageindex of a tunitabsheet at runtime?
  7. Hello, I have to create a unigui application that has to download pdf files generated by another unigui application sent via unisession.sendfile (which runs on a different server). If I try to download them directly from the browser I get the correct pdf files, if I try to download them via: var IdHTTP1: TIdHTTP; Stream: TMemoryStream; Url, FileName: String; begin Url: = ''; Filename: = 'download.pdf'; IdHTTP1: = TIdHTTP.Create (Self); Stream: = TMemoryStream.Create; try IdHTTP1.Get (Url, Stream); Stream.position: = 0; Stream.SaveToFile (FileName); finally Stream.Free; IdHTTP1.Free; end; i get not the pdf but a text file. Where am I doing wrong? Thank's in advance.
  8. Hello, what is the best solution to generate reports for UniGui in Linux environment? Thank's in advance
  9. A temporary workaround? Best Regards!
  10. While waiting for the fix, how can I get around the problem? Best Regards.
  11. Hi everyone I am having problems to displaying jpeg images in TUniImage components in a application compiled for Linux 64 , if I load jpeg images I get error "Cannot assign a TJPEGImage to a TPicture" The same code compiled below for Windows 32 or 64 bit runs perfectly. The code is: var _stm: TMemoryStream; _stm: = TMemoryStream.Create; DBField.SaveToStream (_stm); _stm.Position: = 0; UniImage.LoadFromStream (_stm); FreeAndNil (_stm); Where am i wrong? Thanks in advance
  12. flexdev


    Found the problem.. to call file upload I used a button with modalresult = mrOK, if I set modalresult in the buttun = mrnone it works, if I set modalresult = mrok it doesn't work, it is systematic.
  13. flexdev


    I have identified the case: the uniupload component is used inside a form derived from a strongly customized ancestor form, if used inside a descendant form from this ancestor the the error is generated, if used in a descendant form from a simpler ancestor form it works.
  14. flexdev


    Hi everyone, in my application when I try to use the tunifileupload component inside a form, after I have selected the file, the component freeze and I receive the error in log file FrontEnd.exe: 00002710: 19:52:11 [Unknown picture file extension (.)-]:EInvalidGraphic : Unknown picture file extension (.) : Addr: $00000000005E3FAB FrontEnd.exe: 00002634: 19:52:17 [Unknown picture file extension (.)-]:EInvalidGraphic : Unknown picture file extension (.) : Addr: $00000000005E3FAB FrontEnd.exe: 000021D0: 19:52:22 [Unknown picture file extension (.)-]:EInvalidGraphic : Unknown picture file extension (.) : Addr: $00000000005E3FAB FrontEnd.exe: 0000185C: 19:52:58 []:UniErrorException : Event:upload, Object: O4AB not found in session list. It could be timed out, refresh page and try again : Addr: $0000000000000000 in other applications I have no such error, the only thing I use a customcss to customize the appearance
  15. If TUniContainerPanel containg a UniImage and a Label and setting AlignmentControll to uniAlignmentClient not work fine, the label always write near TuniImage, never inner TUniImage,
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