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Everything posted by lema

  1. lema


    Recently , a month ago, I moved my projects on a dedicated server at server4you.de No problem at all , fast and always avaliable. Have you ever tried the specific company?
  2. The demo project is included in the latest version.
  3. Hi to all. I share the uniGMap component. [Desktop and Mobile versions] It is based on code I have used in several projects and actually developed to fulfill my needs. It can add , edit , remove , locate markers , lines , polylines , circles , polygons , rectangles , directions , KML, infoWindows , change several map properties like zoom , type , control visibility etc , notify about map events through AjaxEvent like zoom , click , markerclick and get some object properties like Length , Area etc. It is absolutely free and you can use it freely in your own software. If you make any changes that you believe can help other developers too, please send them to me to integrate them into uniGMap. You can see it in action here : Although it is not a requirement, I would ask you to send a postcard from your hometown so that you help me grow my collection! If also you write 2-3 words, it would be perfect! So, lick your stamp and send your postcard to: Lefteris Maronikolakis, Bohali 92, 11524 Athens, Greece. latest version: 2017-09-15 v1.4.8 uniGMap.v.1.4.8.zip
  4. Hi Mike. Why not use the: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/1225-google-map-new-component/
  5. lema


    Very good fjtrooper. Congrats!
  6. It seems that Embarcadero listens to its customers. I hope this is true. https://forums.embarcadero.com/thread.jspa?threadID=76231
  7. Car & Fleet Tracking Software with ~30 forms.
  8. Here is another simple application (automotive field). Just one form showing DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Codes). MySQL , MyDAC. Running 24/7 , ~100 users , No problems. PS. I removed logos , captions , etc , because I need the client's permission.
  9. It is a simple web frontend for a technical bulletins database (automotive). It took me 2-3 hours to develop it. MySQL , MyDAC. No problems with ~100 users. PS. I removed logos , captions , etc , because I need the client's permission.
  10. lema

    Alert Box

    You must include the files Ext.ux.AlertBox.js , Ext.ux.AlertBox.css in the project. Use ServerModule.CustomFiles property For notification system you can also see the: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/1808-humanejs-notification-system-for-unigui/
  11. lema

    UniDBGrid event

    Hi ! Is there any UniDBGrid client event which triggers when data finish loading? Regards.
  12. Adding a mode which UI is blocked after each Ajax request will be a great feature. Nobody can guarantee low ping times or normal internet traffic on client side. BTW , is there an event to help us hide a screen mask when the data finishes loading on the UniDBGrid ?
  13. It is a good approach from Steema, fast and simple , but , I think that it has some incompatibilities with uniGUI. (eg. when you want to work with datetime values and include the src\date.format.js , it breaks down the uniDateTimePicker)
  14. There is also a high CPU load while the application shows the "Ajax Error".
  15. Just testing the Steema TeeChart for Javascript. http://www.steema.com/teechart/html5 chart.rar
  16. lema

    2003 or 2008

    Hi , I am going to lease a Windows VPS in order to host some uniApplications. What do you suggest? Windows 2003 or 2008 ? Is it better to install and use Apache instead of IIS ? TIA, Lefteris.
  17. Great looking interface Cristiano. Congrats ! Can you give me a hint on what did you use for the left and right panels? Off topic , sorry.
  18. Hello, After SessionTimeout passes , instead of InvalidSessionMessage , I get UnavailableErrMsg. This happens only to a specific client , no matter what browser I use , and always to isapi applications. (in standalone apps it works fine.) Clearing cache and cookies do not help. See the attached pic. It's from h ttp://canvas.unigui.com/ Do you have any idea of what can cause it?
  19. Hi , I really don't know if it is the correct way, but I use something like that: procedure TMapForm.AddMarker(id: integer; lat, lng, icon, Caption: string; JumpTo: Boolean); var s, m: string; begin //id s := IntToStr(id); //marker name m := 'marker_' + s; UniSession.AddJS( 'var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(' + lat + ',' + lng + ');' + 'var image = ''' + icon + '''; ' + 'var ' + m + ' = new google.maps.Marker({ ' + 'position: myLatlng, ' + 'map: googleMap, ' + 'animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP,' + 'myname: "' + m + '", ' + 'id: ' + s + ', ' + 'icon: image, ' + 'title:"' + Caption + '" ' + '}); ' + 'markersArray.push(' + m + ');' + //Push the marker into array. 'google.maps.event.addListener(' + m + ', ''click'', function(e) { ' + 'ajaxRequest(MapForm.EventPanel, ''markerClick'' ,' + ' [''marker=' + m + ''', ''lat=''+e.latLng.lat(), ''lng=''+e.latLng.lng()]);}); ' ); if JumpTo then UniSession.AddJS( 'googleMap.setZoom(17); ' + 'googleMap.setCenter(myLatlng); ' ); end; I have also defined in MainForm.Script the marker array. var markersArray = []; When I want to set a series of markers I just call in a loop the AddMarker();
  20. Hi , look at : http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/1771-exe-to-dll-deploying-iis7-am-i-missing-something/
  21. Hi ! Just comment out the 1st line of your Project source. {.$DEFINE UNIGUI_VCL} That's enough to turn the project into an ISAPI module.
  22. lema

    Web stress

    Thank you for your reply. If you can share your stress tools, it would be great appreciated.
  23. lema

    Web stress

    Hi to all ! What is your preferred web stress tool? I need to test a uni application (Memory and other OS resources consumption). Also , is there any option , method or property to find out how many active sessions are in memory? Best Regards, Lefteris.
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