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Posts posted by pro_imaj

  1. 18 hours ago, Farshad Mohajeri said:

    What is the ETTN variable and how is it populated?

    What is Cevap parameter?

    Probably we need a test case for this.

    The problem is not with unigui. I solved the problem by changing the TByteSoapArray part to TByteDynArray in the pas file that occurs when the problem is imported with the WSDL service.

    Thank you.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Farshad Mohajeri said:

    Make sure you set the Stream.Position := 0 before saving it.

    I try this way again, the same, corrupted PDF file occurs.

          dosyayaz := TFileStream.Create
            (ExtractFilePath(UniServerModule.LocalCachePath) + ETTN + '.' + 'PDF',
          dosyayaz.Position := 0;
          dosyayaz.Write(Cevap.DocumentFile, Length(Cevap.DocumentFile));


  3. 7 hours ago, pro_imaj said:


    When I load the saved HTML file with UniHTMLFrame or UniURLFrame, Turkish characters appear corrupted.

    Charset = UTF-8 is used in HTML code. When I open the file with Crome, there is no problem, when I open it with Unigui components, there is a problem with Turkish characters, how can I solve this?

    UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.LoadFromFile ('D:\FilePath\FileName.html');


    This is how I solved the problem.

    UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.LoadFromFile ('D:\FilePath\FileName.html',TUTF8Encoding.UTF8);


    • Upvote 1
  4. Hi,

    When I load the saved HTML file with UniHTMLFrame or UniURLFrame, Turkish characters appear corrupted.

    Charset = UTF-8 is used in HTML code. When I open the file with Crome, there is no problem, when I open it with Unigui components, there is a problem with Turkish characters, how can I solve this?

    UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.LoadFromFile ('D:\FilePath\FileName.html');


  5. 4 hours ago, M.Ammar said:


    if I understand you correctly you need the same grid settings and operations  for many forms, I know this is simple solution but have you considered inheritance?

    I mean one form as parent with some generic code for sorting and filtering etc.. , I use the same in my projects and it saves a lot of time only have to deal with some exceptions .


    Thank you.

    Now I'm working through it.


  6. 1 hour ago, x11 said:



    Use OnColumnSummaryResult + property Summary.

    Show record count in column "ID":

    procedure TfmMain.dbgTodayColumnSummaryResult(Column: TUniDBGridColumn; GroupFieldValue: Variant; Attribs: TUniCellAttribs;
      var Result: string);
      if SameText(Column.FieldName, 'ID') then
        Result := qToday.RecordCount.ToString;



    Thanks for the answer.

    How can I tie all of these operations to a standard, can I standardize dealing with each form separately. I wanted to know this.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Sherzod said:


    Lütfen daha detaylı açıklar mısınız?

    As a standard when I add Grid to projects.
    I do filtering for all fields, A-Z Sort for all fields, SUM for some fields and Count for some fields, I do this for all grids I add to the project.

    The Datasource they are connected to is different and therefore different on the foreheads.

    For example; I do many things such as putting an edit on the hidden panel for the filter in each field and then selecting it in the relevant field, and this is both tedious and time consuming.

    I want to find out if there is a way to do these operations in a shorter time, I'm dealing with too many grids now and these processes take a long time.

    For example; To ignore Delphi VCL cxGrid subtotals, right click Sum with your mouse is enough.

    Thank you.

  8. On 10/23/2020 at 5:54 PM, Hayri ASLAN said:


    You should use ShowMask("........") instead of changing UniBitBtn2.ScreenMask.Message


    When I do the way you say, the application that runs as an exe is smooth.

    When I compile and run it as a DLL, when the process is finished, a blue dot appears in the middle of the screen like the attached one and it waits like that.

    What could be the reason for this?


    Yeni Proje.png

  9. Hi,

    Clicking a button I do a long process. While I am processing ScreenMask.Message, I change it but nothing is reflected on the screen. UniSession.Synchronize ();  Tried many ways but did not work.

    I want the user to keep track of what process is in while continuing with ScreenMask.Message

      Say: integer;
      I: integer;
      Say := 0;
       UniBitBtn2. ScreenMask.Enabled := True;
      for I := 0 to 10 do
        UniBitBtn2.ScreenMask.Message := Say.ToString + ' Cound Sending...';
        Say := Say + 1;


  10. 17 hours ago, Hayri ASLAN said:


    If you know any javascript libraries, please post here. We may implement it to UniGUI.


    There are some js libraries on this subject, but I haven't come across an example like the one I posted in the video.

    There are a few examples, it may be necessary to examine them in detail.

    I don't know about integrations because I don't have a command of javascript.

    Below is a very valuable article on this subject, maybe it can open someone's horizons.

  11. Merhaba,

    Grid filter özelliğini kullanmak için ColumnFilter olayına ilgili grid'in bağlı olduğu Query'ye parametre göndererek yapabiliyoruz, Query'e parametre gönderme dışında Grid'de zaten var olan bu bilgi üzerinden nasıl filter işlemi yapabiliriz. Query.Filter özelliği de alan sayısı arttıkça kurguda sorun oluyor, Unigui örnekleride hep Query parametre gönderme şeklinde bunun başka bir yolu var mıdır.

    Grd Export özelliği ile mesela verileri grid üzerinden ulaşılıyor diye düşünüyorum.


  12. 13 hours ago, Hayri ASLAN said:



    Cevap için teşekkürler @Hayri ASLAN bey.

    Konu içinde konu çok doğru değil fakat, ne forumda nede dökümanlarda bulamadım (isterseniz yeni konu olarak açayım), kullanıcı kendine göre virtualgrid'i ayarladıktan sonra ekranı yenilediğinde tekrar ilk haline dönmesini nasıl engelleriz, yani yaptığı ayarlara göre nasıl virtual grid'i açabiliriz.


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