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Everything posted by Alessandro

  1. Hello guys. I have already seen several examples that it is possible to make the Form transparent. Can I also set then uniPanel transparent? Thankful.
  2. Hello guys How do I prevent uniLabel from breaking? There is no wordWrap property [True / False] And in some cases I want it to break the line itself. Thank you
  3. Hi everyone, how do I change the background color of Hint? In normal Delphi, I use the command: application.hintColor : = clYellow ...and it gets ok. But in uniGUI this command is not working. Thank you
  4. Hello... I have a uniDBGrid with some selected items. I want to do a routine to execute only the items marked on the Grid. In normal Delphi it has the command: For I to DBGrid1.SelectedRows.Count - 1 then if DBGrid1.SelectedRows.CurrentRowSelected = True then showmessage('ok'); But I did not find similar in uniGui. how do I do? Can anyone help? Thank you Solved... procedure TFm_Form.btSaveClick(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; B : TBookmark; varAtualiza : boolean; begin varAtualiza := False; if Gr_Grade.SelectedRows.Count > 0 then begin DataSet.DisableControls; B := DataSet.GetBookmark; for I := 0 to Gr_Grade.SelectedRows.Count - 1 do begin (works) varAtualiza := True; end; end; if varAtualiza = True then begin uniMainModule.SQLTempo.Close; uniMainModule.SQLTempo.CommandText := 'update pokayoke a set a.situation = 0 where a.id=:id'; uniMainModule.SQLTempo.params[0].AsInteger := 1; uniMainModule.SQLTempo.ExecSQL; end; DataSet.EnableControls; close; end;
  5. Okay, I'm doing this right now. Where do I find the changeLog of version 1425? Thank you
  6. Hi, FMSoft_uniGUI_Complete_Professional_1.0.0.1404
  7. Good Morning! I do not know why, when and where this error occurs: Exception: TUniCustomDBGrid.MoveToRow (): Unexpected Row number: 1, 4: Addr: $ 00AAFFDD But occasionally it appears, when consulting the log generated by the system. I would like to know if it is possible to handle this exception and how it does. Thank you.
  8. Olá BUGUITO Eu não consegui reproduzir este exemplo. Você poderia me mandar um exemplo com fontes pra eu dar uma olhada? A mensagem de expirado é exibida ao final, porém, o label não mostra a contagem. Obrigado
  9. Hello!! Example: I have a "System A" that generates a report. This report is sent to the client in PDF format. I want to change the way the report is sent. Instead of sending the PDF, I want to send a link so that the final client can access the report at any time. In "System A" I generate a link (example, verification). I have another 'System B' that reads this link and opens the report. How to read this link and its parameters? Thank you. ------------------------------------------------------------- Olá!! Exemplo: Eu tenho um "Sistema A" que gera um relatório. Este relatório é enviado ao cliente em formato PDF. Eu quero mudar a forma de envio do relatório. Ao invés de mandar o PDF, quero mandar um link, para que o cliente final, possa acessar o relatório o qualquer momento. No "Sistema A" eu gero um link (exemplo, verificacao). Tenho outro 'Sistema B" que faz a leitura deste link e abre o relatório. Como ler este link e seus parâmetros? Obrigado.
  10. Hello! Did you make it? Can you give me an example with fonts? Thank you.
  11. See the attachment ... https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZPEjKN_zqG1b9j1uT5oYUIb078Le6kgC
  12. Good Morning! I would like to know if it is possible to change the UniScreenMask DisplayMessage at run time. From the tests I did here, I could not do that. Does anyone know how to do it? Ex.: Case Teste of 0: UniScreenMask.displayMessage: = 'ok'; 1: UniScreenMask.displayMessage: = 'Not ok'; end; Thanks
  13. Hello, Throughout my project, Edits and DBEdits have the property CHARCASE as ecNORMAL. It has some form, command or script to activate at once, throughout the project, so that the Edits are UpperCase, LowerCase or Normal (at runtime). Thank you
  14. Hello! How do I disable an uniDBRadioGroup item at run time? In old Delphi I used uniDBRadioGroup1.Controls[1].Enabled := False but this command in uniGUI is giving error. Error: Access violation at address 004BC6A2 in module 'Program.exe'. Read of address 00000008. Thank you
  15. For example for ExtLocale -> [pt_BR] UniDateTimePicker1 -> ClientEvents -> UniEvents -> beforeInit fn: function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.altFormats="dmY|m/d/Y|n/j/Y|n/j/y|m/j/y|n/d/y|m/j/Y|n/d/Y|m-d-y|m-d-Y|m/d|m-d|md|mdy|mdY|d|Y-m-d|n-j|n/j"; } FOR TIME: UniDateTimePicker1 -> ClientEvents -> UniEvents -> beforeInit fn: function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.altFormats="g:ia|g:iA|g:i a|g:i A|h:i|g:i|H:i|ga|ha|gA|h a|g a|g A|gi|hi|gia|hia|g|H|gi a|hi a|giA|hiA|gi A|hi A"; } Hello! I have another question about the same problem. Now it is with the TIME field. When I type 1200, the script changes the text to 12:00 (okay!)! But, when I type 2000, the script does not change to 20:00. I noticed that the field gives a "2000 is not a valid value" error message. And the maximum the script manages to convert is up to 1259 which transforms to 12:59. I await. Thank you.
  16. Hi. I could not make the procedure work. Can you give me a practical example of how it works? Thank you
  17. I also need to know how to do it. Following...
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