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Everything posted by Phxtecno

  1. Could you show me the sintax to save Frame reference in a TList and how to access them from MainForm to use them later ? in my MainForm current code I do this: for i := 0 to UniPageControl1.PageCount - 1 do begin // search the frame if UniPageControl1.Pages.Name = 'TfraDevices' then begin //found the right frame if UniPageControl1.ActivePage = TUniTabSheet(UniPageControl1.Pages) then begin //if it's active, do syncronize key := tvWardsLayout.Selected.Item[0].Text; fraDevices.tabDevices.Locate('ID', key, []); end; end; end;//for
  2. I create the Frame instance manually by code, the same as you do in your demo, and it works. In your demo you use Frames like pseudo mdi-forms and I am doing the same in my application, because I feel it efficient. The different thing is that I have a treeview in my Main which in some situations I need syncronize with DbGrid present on some Frames; I need pass the current item to let the frame syncronize.
  3. Hi, on my Frame fraDevices I have added: function fraDevices: TfraDevices; begin Result := TfraDevices(UniApplication.fraDevices); end; and from my Main form I try to do fraDevices.tabCars.Open;
  4. Hi, I have an application with structure like the UniGui DEMO, with a Main form and many Frames loaded at runtime as TUniTabSheet. In the Main form when I need call methods which reside in the uniMainModule, for example open a table, I can use this sintax: uniMainModule.tabCustomers.Open; because using the suggested declaration in MainModule: function uniMainModule: TuniMainModule; begin Result := TuniMainModule(UniApplication.UniMainModule) end; Now I try to do the same things for a Table available on my Frames, but getting exceptions at runtime because of wrong declaration I guess... Can you help on this different declaration/sintax ? Regards, Marc
  5. Thank you, it works, partially; the color is ok, but do not change to bold style. Anyway I need highlight always the same column of the selected records, even when user click on other fields to select the row. I'll try to study on Sencha docs... Can you point me to useful links to study on ? Regards
  6. I use Frames, so used the event onCreate of frame, but nothing happens...
  7. but there is a way to get the currently selected row in a grid ?
  8. Thank you mate, I think this will work for all the grid in the application (?) I was looking for a solution in a single Grid, using the Event OnDrawColumnCell... Here is possible change font and color of the cell, but I don't see how make the change on the cell of the selected row only... Marc
  9. Hi, I need know how change the font color and style (bold) of a single cell in the currently selected row. Seems possible, but I have no idea about the sintax... Any body can help ? Regards, Marc
  10. Thank you ! I didn't see...
  11. Hi Ronny, which stress test tools do you mean ?
  12. Hi Farshad, had you opportunity to check this example ?
  13. Hello, to proceeed in my developing I need to know if I can rely on the DataSource.Autoedit property or better think to other solutions... Thank you.
  14. Hello, it happens to me the same as http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/2623-datasourceautoedit-dont-work/?hl=autoedit
  15. Here is a test project with a firebird DB and just 2 tables, main and lookup. Problem arise when I try to insert a new record. test1.zip
  16. I leaved default values except of course for Datasource, Datafield and Listsource, Listfield and keyfield. Lookup KeyField is an integer (Firebird), as the receiving Datafield.
  17. Hello, when I try a record insert, using uniDBLookupComboBox on a integer field, I get always the error "Could not convert variant of type (unicodeString) into type (Boolean)" If in place i use a simple DbEdit no exception raises. No exceptions also when I use the uniDBLookupComboBox to Update a record where the field has already a value. It happens with or without setting a Default value for the underlying DB field. In my application I have other uniDBLookupComboBox on some forms, but realized this problem only when I started to use it for record Insert. Any idea ?
  18. Hi, can anybody give some details about rules of ListFormat property in UniDBLookupComboBox ? Thak you, Marc
  19. Hi Aslan, in your UniSpCheckCombobox there are Captions and Values; does it means that it can manage two lists, with captions to show and corresponding values to post in the DB field ? Regards
  20. Oh, it's a mistery for me how you can find these solutions and sintax without a manual or reference...
  21. with last ver. the result is the same; onCloseUp of the DBComboBox (as editor in a column grid) I get the old value instead of ther new selected. Also I dont know if it's better get it from the dataset or from the column field... for dataset I use newValue := tabGrants.FieldByName('APPLICATION').AsString; from grid I use: newValue := gridPermission.Columns.Items[0].Field.Text; May be my sintax is wrong... I see the new selected value only in DataChange event, but as consequence of Post record...
  22. Very interesting... unfortunately I have no knowledge of JS and web tecnologies in general, thus it's hard for me fully understand the Architecture you have built around your original Delphi project, but soon or later I'll learn :-)
  23. ok, installing last ver... I have tried both combo editor and column pickList; the dynamic change of itemList or pickList seems work fine. my problem is dynamically get the value (item) choosen by user while is editing a record.
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