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Everything posted by NizamUlMulk

  1. I have an html page with an applet. The applet gets the username from the domain. The applet calls an ajax function inside html page that calls an asp page as <%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT"%> <% Const address="http://localhost/secgen" Const portNumber="/SecGen.dll?user=" Dim urlName urlName = address&portNumber Session("loggedUser") = Request("user") urlname = urlname&Session("loggedUser") %> <%=urlname %> Then the unigui application dll begins, with the username passed as parameter. The first thing to do on MainForm is create an frame. How can create frame now? I can´t pass this "wormhole"
  2. Thanks. All privileges granted to IUSR_*
  3. Iguess the problem is here: The access violation is fired when a frame is created. This dll is called from an asp web page into an iframe. I need create various frames, but when I create the first as .. ... anotherFrame := TMyFrame.Create(Self) ; //Self is Main Form anotherFrame.Type := myType; ... The frame decide if show an unitreeview (in MainForm), or an unihtmlFrame (in MainForm), or show another uniform window (with the main form controls unvisibles), etc. Perhaps that error prevents the normal working of ServerModule or MainModule .....
  4. The IIS is ok. As Unigui manual says
  5. After installed the purchased version of Unigui ( y ExtJs I cann´t run anymore my project (made with trials). Need urgent help. Where can I consult?. While put here the tips. My development is ISAPI (32 bits debug with XE8) 1.- Session expires before 2 minutes, I cann't test any nor debug anything with that short time. I always have wroted then event (yet on trial version) TUniMainModule.UniGUIMainModuleSessionTimeout putting 4ex. ExtendTimeOut := 1800000; I even tried with TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleBeforeInit begin AjaxTimeout := 300000; Options := Options - [soRestartSessionOnTimeOut];// - [soShowLicenseInfo]; SessionTimeout := 600000; end; but is ignored too (Or means something different from what I think). 2.- For each uniform that shows the application start again firing the "On Show" method of MainForm relaunching a new instance of w3wp.exe. 3.- I have a lot of frames, but the create constructor fires exception "Class TUniSimplePanel not found" 4.- I mount my site under IIS and put the uni- folder under the "unigui" root folder (same level than dll), and the ExtJs folder 1 level up, I must put any more on client side? 5.- UniTreeView loses the elements (nodes and images) Items.NodeData dissapears from dfm file (fortunately Delphi make backups into history folder) 6.- When change in runtime de Formstate of Mainform it's ignored (Ex. OnShow formstate=wsMaximized) 7.- The Log from unigui component writes: secgen.dll: 0000114C: 14:09:18 []:Starting Server. Module Handle: 0000000006060000 secgen.dll: 0000114C: 14:09:18 [TUniServerModule]:Server First Init. secgen.dll: 0000114C: 14:09:18 [TUniServerModule]:Erasing Cache Folder... secgen.dll: 0000114C: 14:09:18 [TUniServerModule]:Cache Folder Erased. <108> Files deleted. secgen.dll: 0000114C: 14:09:18 []:EAccessViolation : Access violation at address 0606CC04 in module 'secgen.dll'. Read of address 0000002C : Addr: $0606CC04 secgen.dll: 0000114C: 14:09:18 [TUniServerModule]:HTTP Server not Started! secgen.dll: 0000114C: 14:09:18 []:Server Started. Module Handle: 0000000006060000 secgen.dll: 0000114C: 14:09:18 []:Error creating SEQ file:C:\inetpub\wwwroot\sec-general\cache\cache\secgen\UivgRh4kni1Cy2J\_SEQ\9, Error:3 secgen.dll: 0000247C: 14:09:19 [HttpExtensionProc[]]:EUniSessionException : Sesión inválida o expirada : Addr: $063F07B2 Writes an access violation unknowed, not fired and .... the expired session
  6. years ago that i have this code: procedure TUniMainModule.UniGUIMainModuleSessionTimeout(ASession: TObject; var ExtendTimeOut: Integer); begin ExtendTimeOut := 1800000; end; but is ignored
  7. I was linked the e-mail address, what follows?
  8. var elFrame: TUniframe; begin elFrame := TUniframe.create(UniApplication); OR elFrame := TUniframe.create(nil); end; Este código me tira el error "Class TUniSimplePanel not found". Cómo se soluciona? Uso versión pagada ext- ext- , uni-
  9. Hi skepsis, Farshad. I've purchased UniGui in 2015, because the Session Expired always appear, now, coming again with a Unigui project same message still appears, in a few seconds, 2 minuts or minus. How can I supperate this obstacle?. I've aggregated a Timer for trigger each 60 seconds, but only a time fires, because the session timeout appears.... Help! Another thing, why not fires the UniFormCreate for uniforms?
  10. Ok. Thanks. Now when install package UniGui22dcl raises No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page message If i changes for designtime and runtime all packages then problematic is UniGui22Core. UniGui22Core raises that message. What can I do?
  11. Hola desde Paraguay, intentando sacar adelante un lindo proyecto Unigui
  12. I have some problems when compiling .... Ex. Ext, ExtPascal, ExtHTTPServer, ExtPascalUnits said to have been compiled with a different version. If I want compile a group or package by package ... which is the XE8 correspondient? UniGui2019PLusGroup raises a lot of errors ... as uniGUIProjectFile not found .... and the dcu is in path library
  13. Good morning zigzig, Farshad. Where can I see the version of unigui components? I resolved the case. In dpr file UniApplication is nil, in UniMainModule the UniApplication variable doesn't have Parameters property. When cast TUniGUIApplication(uniApplication) the parameters are empty in UniMainModule. Only in MainForm UniApplication exists and have the Parameters property.... The problem was I need the parameters at OnCreate moment for UniMainModule..... I was modified the application for wait for MainForm.OnShow for read thats parameters. Now it works!
  14. yes, that is the "notation" Farshad... but, into application. How capture that? In UrlParameters demo uses UniGuiApplication object for capture them (UniApplication.Parameters.Values['edit´] for example). But in ISAPI not uses UniApplication. If I add UniguiApplication to uses clause, together with uniGUIISAPI... the UniApplication is nil, never initializes.... Is it correct?. How Instantiate UniApplication into ISAPI project and read then the parameters html?
  15. Thanks Farshad. I saw that example. In isapi we haven't UniApplication variable, what must use for read parameters?
  16. Hi Forum! This is the case: A HTML page with ASP define variables, Session variables. code: <html> <% Dim urlname urlName = "localhost:/cgi-bin/mydll.dll" Session("virtualSnipper") = MySnipperFunction(Session.id) %> <head> <title>My Title</title> </head> <body> <iframe name="framei" id="framei" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="98%" src="<%=urlName %>"> </iframe> </body> </html> When mydll.dll (an unigui web application) is called, the session has defined "virtualSnipper" value. Hoy can read that value into my unigui application and where (datamodule, mainform, dpr) ? is it possible?.. Thanks
  17. Hi. I've an unigui version where UniMainModule only has 3 events: Create, Destroy and SessionTimeOut.... how to do the "before close event"?
  18. Hola foro! Necesito pasarle datos a la aplicación unigui. En mi caso es una "isapi". Alguien sabe como pasarle variables de sesión cargadas en HTML, php o ASP, por ejemplo, a la aplicación?. Qué unidades usar y/o en qué eventos? Muchas gracias
  19. Hola Comunidad.. He visto en el foro que ese release ya está disponible. Sabe alguno de dónde descargarlo o donde encontrar el método para hacerlo?
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