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Everything posted by cristianotestai

  1. Hi Farshad, I have signed a runtime Ext event UniPanel as follows and work ok! UniPanel1.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values ​​['onmouseover']:=' onmouseover function (sender)' + '{Sender.body.applyStyles (' + QuotedStr ('background-color: # E5F2F7') + +');' 'FmHome.UniImage1.show ()' + '}'; What I need is for example to delete this event and a second time add again. Ex: 1) Event OnShow the MainForm I add the event. 2) I have a UniButton, and in the OnClick event, I need to eliminate the Ext Event to UniPanel. 3) In another UniButton, in the OnClick event, I need to add back the Ext Event or create another Ext Event to UniPanel. I'm trying so, but without success: To delete: UniSession.AddJS ('fmHome.UniPanel1.un ("mouseover", fmHome.UniPanel1.Onmouseover)'); or UniPanel1.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values ​​['onmouseover']:= ''; or UniPanel1.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Clear; To add again: UniPanel1.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values ​​['onmouseover']:=' onmouseover function (sender)' + '{Sender.body.applyStyles (' + QuotedStr ('background-color: # E5F2F7') + +');' 'FmHome.UniImage1.show ()' + '}'; What i need to make in this case? Tks again..
  2. Hi Farshad, I have two questions about validation of the source code generated by the application and also about standards compliance mode of the application generated with Ext JS / Unigui. 1) I did a check through the site http://validator.w3.org/, referring to my project(www.markbook.com.br) and the report was listed with 22 errors and 11 warnings. You could try to diagnose what is more serious and what is normal for this validation? 2) After the release of 0.85 (I think), the compatibility mode in accordance with standards that are informed by Firefox is "Quirks Mode" and an X appears (image error). As verified in other sites, it is recommended to be "Standards Compilance Mode". There is some consideration regarding this current standard? Thanks for attention, Best Regards.
  3. Thanks Farshad! I managed with Anchors .. Only the main page after login, where I have a panel to the top and some panels in the center and another panel at the bottom, I had some work to achieve the desired effects .. but it worked! Tks for the comment of the site .. Yes, it is UniGui(fantastic) with Delphi!! I'm also using DataSnap to the business classes and to encapsulate the database access. Best Regards..
  4. Hi, I have a question regarding the centralization of my main page. My purpose is to have the home centered on the user's browser, regardless of the resolution and screen size that is running, as is seen in most sites today, as an example: fifa.com, twitter.com, etc.. Attached below the image as an example, where in a display of 16.4 "appears perfectly, but in a lower resolution, the login panel is distorted to the right side. I tested the properties MonitorScreenResize and Position, but without success. I use MainFormeDisplayMode = mfPage. Tks.
  5. Tks Farshad, I did not know that used the property body to apply the style for Panel. Gradually I will know the EXT framework. Thanks again for your help.
  6. Hi Farshad.. Examining the Ext JS Api in document # http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/ext-3.3.1/docs/source/Element.style.html#method-Ext.Element-setStyle method, I tried to identify the correct object name and value to change the color value for the UniPanel. I tried the following commands, among others, but none worked: (Onmouseover Event) sender.el.setStyle ('backgroundColor', 'rgb(12, 83.131)'); sender.el.setStyle ('backgroundColor', '#F26F51'); sender.el.setStyle ('background-Color', 'rgb(12, 83.131)'); sender.el.setStyle ('background-Color', '#F26F51'); Something wrong?
  7. Hi, I tried to use some forms to handle the event OnMouseMove to UniPanels, but without sucess. What I need is to change the color and also the visibility of the some childs components, as UniImage and UniLabel. Something like: Sender.Color := '$00808040'; UniImage1.Visible := False; UniLabel1.Visible := False; Is there any simple example for this need?
  8. Hi, I have a TImageList with some 32x32 PNG images. In the project where the server is a StandAloneServer and a project option is enabled the "Enabled RunTime Themes", the images are perfectly in UniToolButton components. But if the "Enabled RunTime Themes" is unchecked, images appear distorted without the correct definition of the image. The problem is that when is generate the server as an ISAPI dll, this option is unchecked by default. Any idea to solve this problem when the server is an ISAPI dll? Attached the images.
  9. Farshad, I found what is creating that file. It was the code below one of my classes: var tIpObj: TIdIPWatch; begin inherited; tIpObj: TIdIPWatch.Create = (nil) / / create file iphist.dat try IP: = tIpObj.LocalIP; finally tIpObj.Free; end; end; I will not use it and now is ok! Tks for help friend.
  10. Yes Farshad, I do not know why he tries to create this file iphist.dat. In my local machine, creating a Stand Alone Server to load the app it creates this file in the same directory of the app. In the production server (IIS 7.0), when I run the action(login button), occours the AV, where he can not create this file iphist.dat(inetsrv directory).
  11. I'm sorry.. I shared and gave full permission to the users IIS_USRS and IUSR accounts, and the AV occours..
  12. Farshad.. Is ok now the loading login page, but occours the AV below, in log file: MbWebServer: 00000B2C: 14:55:01:EFCreateError : Cannot create file "c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\iphist.dat". Access is denied MbWebServer: 00000B2C: 14:55:05:EAccessViolation : Access violation at address 020DB88D in module 'MbWebServer.dll'. Write of address 0000000C but, i did not find the file in the inetsrv directory.. any idea? Tks again..
  13. Hi Farshad, Now i config IUSR acess and occours the same error.. Tks for help..
  14. Hi, I need help to deploy my app on my IIS 7.0. My app is in the directory: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\markbook I set the Application Pool as instructed on the website of UniGui. Also the user IIS_USRS is with full permission to access the directory. ext-3-3-0 folder is also located in wwwroot\markbook Attached are two images related to the problem, the principle refers to the Web.config file. I never realized deploy to IIS, so sorry for simple questions. Tks.
  15. Hello! I am Brazilian too! Tks for the tip, but I would like a more elegant solution, for example, that the server understands the user session is already open and cancels the request ... something in this sense, or another appropriate solution. Best Regards.
  16. Hi, I think that is not yet available... Popup is in RoadMap for 1.0 as below(http://www.unigui.com/wpblog/2010/12/10/roadmap-for-unigui-1-0-0/) Possibility to include below components will be investigated UniMaskEdit UniRichEdit UniHTMLEdit UniShape & UniPaintBox (Using HTML 5 maybe? ) Enhanced Calendar Control Popup Menu TAction Support TreeGrid Best Regards.
  17. Farshad, You're right, I saw in new tests, generating new sessions. Tks for explanation. I have two important questions: 1) Is there a way to prevent the user from constantly pressing F5? If the user is constantly pressing F5, it creates a lot of sessions and the server can crash and fall. I did some testing with my application and also with the programs Demo UniGui and this scenario occurs, causing server crashes and unnecessary increase in memory. 2) In sites like gmail, for example, if my session is to open the inbox, or writing a message and I press F5, it does not create a new session apparently just does reload the page and remains on the screen previously. Currently, if I'm in a session and press F5, it creates a new session. Is there any way possible to do as the above example? Tks again and congratulations for excelent work.
  18. Hi Farshad, I believe have a serious problem in my app about memory not released by server. If i open several sessions, i have noticed increased memory in the server process, which is normal, but at the end of the session, low memory is released, causing memory always be high. I fixed some problems with "Memory Leak", but for moment, my objects is ok. For example, when the first session starts, the memory is about 3.5 mgb, and for each new session is increased approximately 600kb. When the sessions are closed very few kb are released. I did tests with SessionTimeout = 1 minute and open several sessions by pressing F5 on Browser, and analyzed the memory of the server in task manager control. Any ideas or any possible problem of not releasing the memory UniGuiServer? Tks for help.
  19. This is the workaround that i'm using.. and work fine.
  20. Hello Farshad, I have some initial questions about management of the session: 1) If I close the browser page the session remains active. How to proceed in this case? The session should be terminated, or i'm wrong? 2) If I press F5, the application is loaded again and a new session is created. Is this correct? Each F5 a new session is created, without finishing the previous. 3) When a session is finished I would go back to my login page, which is the home page of the application, how should I proceed? I tried putting the code in TerminateTemplates property, but it tries to load, and occurs the error that session was terminated. How to solve this problem? Tks for help! Ps: MainFormDisplayMode = mfPage
  21. Hi, I tried see the docs of Ext.Calendar, but don't found about hide the hours.. Farshad, The property ShowNavBar = False hide All NavBar. I need an option para hide only the button prev and next, or better, have the property ShowPrev and ShowNext para hide/show the buttons. This i need for allow the navigation only by UniCalendar. I found other possible bugs: 1) Bug in OnDayClick Event(Sender: TUniCalendarPanel; ADate: TDateTime; Allday: Boolean), where in my tests the value Time of parameter ADate always is 00:00:00. 2)In "sometimes" in my code in the unibutton: dmSessionModule.cdsAtividade.Delete; dmSessionModule.cdsAtividade.ApplyUpdates(0); Close; or dmSessionModule.cdsAtividade.Cancel; Close; Ocours a "Object O6C7 not found in session list. It could be timed out, refresh page and try again." If i did not put the "Close" statement to close the form, the error never occurs. Tks for attention.
  22. Hello Farshad! More any points related about UniCalendarPanel as below: 1) Possible bug: Por example, if the current view of the UniCalendar is week and I change the date in UniDateTimePicker for a day of another month and then change the view of UniCalendar to month, the month in UniCalendar remains the last and not the current month in the selected date of the UniDateTimePicker. 2) Where i can translate the words ".. more" which appears when a certain day has several activities and too which can translate the phrase that appears in the vision day: "Monday, June 27, 2011" and the word Today in the calendar? I tried to see the file ext-lang-pt_BR.js, but could not identify where translate. 3)There is the possibility to configure the size(width) of the window that shows the titles of the activities when the label is selected (+ 1 more ..)? Tks for good work!
  23. Hi Farshad, I have two questions: 1) I need a property or field in the class TUniCalendarEvent to keep an identifier which i will use internally to find the record in my TClientDataSet. I see the EventId property, but it is read only. What i can use? 2) There is a way to hide hours in UniCalendarPanel? For example, the hours of 12:00am until 06:00am they are not common activities. These topics are very important for me. Regards.
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