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Everything posted by cristianotestai

  1. Legal, estarei também postando as questoes por aqui!
  2. Hi Farshad and all! I'm need of assistance in a matter that I'm a few days ago trying to understand and find a solution. I am sending a simple example attached with two UniPanels which CSS properties are assigned in afterrender event, where through the property "position: fixed", they are fixed at the bottom and top of the browser. In the browsers on desktop, everything works perfectly, but testing on an iPad(iOS 5.1), the panels do not appear. I need to do the same example work on IPad/IPhone(iOS) and Android. I studied several articles on "position: fixed" on mobiles. Before the release of iOS 5, was not supported by some reasons. But since the release of iOS 5, the property "position: fixed" is supported, as can be accessed at the links below in the IPad/IPhone, and work ok: http://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2011/12/position_fixed.html " http://bradfrostweb.com/blog/mobile/fixed-position/ My question is why and what would be the solution to work properly on IPad/IPhone, where other examples without UniGui, the "position: fixed" is supported. As I said earlier, this code example from my test project, I tried two different ways to assign the css, but neither worked. Thank you very much for your help in this matter. I need that my "chat panels" in real project work too in mobile. Best Regards! PanelFixed.rar
  3. The Embarcadero reviewed the license for Rad Studio XE3. At least some good news: "We now have a final license agreement. There should be nothing in the final EULA -- when it is truly finalized in the RTM version -- that should cause any problems for partners or our customers. The license (EULA) is basically similar to the XE2 file. The EULA (which is included with every shipping product) will become "final" when the we sign off the release to manufacturing build. We have included portions of the final EULA below. Note that any Professional edition restrictions still included are only related only to the use of "dbExpress" technology and do not restrict the use of technolgy partner or other 3rd party client/server or multi-tier technologies by Professional edition customers."
  4. Hi zilav,

    Have you seen my answer in post "Help with Center Page"?



  5. Hi, I have in production (eg www.mysite.com) on a Windows 2008 server with IIS 7, an Isapi app(MyApp.dll) running ok. On the server the directories are configured in: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\mysite Where, within the mysite folder is my MyApp.dll and other necessary folder, such as ext-3.4.0, files, etc.. What I need is to create another application, called MyAppTest.dll (which is the same application in a test environment) and can use it. How should I do to have both applications in use? I need to create different ports for each one? Setting up another domain? Thank you for all the help.
  6. Hi, I agree with you Zilav and Farshad .. you're right.. but what is your opinion on this scenario: There is a simple registration form activities. For each activity there is a field for the user to inform the customer, related to the customers entity. To this i see two alternatives: 1) On the registration screen, create a field for the customer number with a button for a auxiliary consult(other screen), where the user can inform the customer number without consulting, or performing a consult through this screen. Point Positive: With an auxiliary screen, you can have multiple forms of information search and filters, with only customers according to a pre-selection(essential for Web). Negative point: You need to validate the output of the field, because the user can enter an invalid client number, without using the query screen auxiliary. 2) Not having query screen customers, but have a ComboBox for the user to enter the initials of the client's name and the ComboBox will present the names found in the database. Point Positive: No need for field validation. Negative point or Requirements: You will need an efficient way to show customers every change of text entered by user, as does most of the sites. Need to be careful because it will be necessary to provide multiple requests to the server or perform some caching process for the client side. If the second view is the most appropriate, any idea how to accomplish it? Thanks
  7. Hi, I have a TUniHtmlFrame, and server side i do: UniHtmlFrame.HTML.Add('test'); How is the syntax using UniSession.AddJS? UniSession.AddJS('fmMain.UniHtmlFrame...???'); Thanks
  8. Yes estrify, i understand your concern.. and this indeed may occur.. as in my case i have not had this situation in two fields with validations in sequence, this did not happen to me.. In your case, what types of validations you need to do the outputs of UniEdits?
  9. Hi, Your question is same of the post http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/2021-problem-with-events-in-sequence/ See the considerations by farshad and me.. In the validation, using showmessage() will to kill upcoming server events. Regards, Cristiano
  10. Hi Farshad, The uservalid could be set to true or false by AddJS or other form of interaction between client side and server side. But as ajaxRequest works in the background, what i would like to make is not possible.
  11. hi zilav, I want to show the mask only when the user is valid because it is only this time it is loaded all the home screen, just for this. This was the reason to separate the two functions, because if you are in the same function, would not have given mask in server side after the user validation process. But understand, and for now will do the mask before calling the function and put in a single function. Thanks for attention zilav.
  12. Farshad, ok.. but.. I have the following situation: I need to enable the screen mask on the client side after running a procedure in server side, as shown below (only to demonstrate the need..), where it should await the return of the procedure to continue execution. Any idea to enable this? // Client Side { s = 'test'; /*just example..*/ if (s != '') { ajaxRequest(fmMain, 'DoValidUser'); if (uservalid == true) { sender.showMask('loading'); /*the DoValidUser procedure should return true/false for showMask to be executed*/ ajaxRequest(fmMain, 'ShowControls'); } } } // Server Side procedure fmMain.DoValidUser; begin //Valid User Server Side.. end; procedure fmMain.ShowControls; begin //Show Controls Server Side.. end;
  13. Hi, I'm trying to work with ScreenMask using AddJS, but it does not work. procedure fmMain.Doanything; begin .. UniSession.AddJS('fmMain.UniButton1.showMask('Loading'); .. .. end; But hideMask() works correctly. Any idea?
  14. thanks for the reply, I hope soon to have any possible solution or any specific treatment for this case. Most of the events of my app must be synchronous, but there are processes that can be asynchronous.. Perhaps, it would to have some form of lock optionally to not perform the same event more than once. You said about protecting it using client side scripting with masking techniques. What are existing techniques that can be done? I just know the showmask() and hidemask(). There are some other way or technique to handle this need? thanks. Yes, this is my biggest problem today that i'm finding, because some processes of my app needs to have the executions in a certain order. What are the various techniques that can be used? I have experience in object-oriented development and DataSnap with Delphi, but i'm beginner in the use of Ajax technology, so maybe at some point may be over-using Ajax events. I'll be putting in another post some real situations for you to be possible to direct the handling of Ajax events and doing the best possible way. Thanks for attention and your precious help. Best Regards.
  15. Hi Farshad, I started a few days ago the use of my project in production for two customers. The application(site) will be centralized for use on the internet, where companies will login and use the application, ie, the server is hosted in a cloud server on the internet. With this, and some tests in production already achieved, i am concerned about some performance issues, so i'm writing to you. Some of the problems i'm encountering is related delays at certain times in the execution of relatively simple tasks, but in accordance with issues local user's computer (processor and memory) and internet connection, there is often an excessive delay and the user remade the procedure that should be almost instantaneous, but at the moment there was a delay in the response from the server, especially when there is simultaneous access. In many cases, to not have these problems, i'll need to make the screen controls and processes for client side scripting, but there are some tasks that are more difficult to perform and so i have this concern with the server response time. There are cases that will use screen mask to inform the user about the progress of the process, but there are cases where there is no sense in doing this and by it need to have a faster response time because the project site will be taking a higher proportion. Other problems encountered is the implementation of that process more quickly than once, since, as is asynchronous, if the user makes a double click for close a window, ajax error occurs because the object to be released no longer exists. There are other examples like this.. I would ask special attention to these issues about server performance and access for objects, because in my case, the application will not be local and that my project is as successful as expected, these vital questions need to be considered. If you consider to be interesting, i can enable a user to the site to you see and possibly talk about some of these issues. Thank you for your attention and once again thank you for the great work. Best Regards.
  16. I think in a way not to have that window "Ajax Error" but to present another form or page to indicate the problem occurred. This will be possible or just customize the text in the window? Regards, Cristiano
  17. Hi Farshad, I expressed the wrong way.. really not crash the app, but for each access by the user or internally by the application, the window "Ajax Error" is displayed. Just for this reason i asked the question: In these and other cases, could something be done to display the page informing that there was a communication failure or a generic message about the problem with the site, instead of the window Ajax Error? Thanks again.
  18. Hi Farshad, When there is a problem with the internet connection from the user, or even a fault with the connection to the server, there is the Ajax Error with the little window, crashing the web application. In these and other cases, something could be done to display a page informing that there was a communication failure or a generic message about the problem with the site, instead of the window "Ajax Error"? As the attached image, when there is a failure, gmail tells what might have happened. Thanks.
  19. A property for this purpose is great.. Thanks farshad.
  20. What is the syntax to add text to a UniHtmlMemo/UniHtmlFrame in JS? Farshad, what are the corresponding classes in Ext library? Tks.
  21. I need a suggestion to solve a particular side effect. There are events that are quick to be executed by the user, which not required to have a screen mask to block a transaction in the application. As an example, we have a UniEdit and UniMemo, which sets the OnKeyDown event. When the User presses the enter key, the text of UniEdit is added on the UniMemo and the text UniEdit is clear. This is a classic example .. In production mainly in cases where the text to be added is relatively large and the user presses the enter key quickly more than once, is added to the UniMemo the same text several times, ie, more than one time the event was performed ... what is wrong, because when you press the Enter key, the text of UniEdit is clear after being added to the UniMemo. How to not allow this and other cases happen? Thanks
  22. Hi, How do i change at runtime the page title? I tried changing the caption of MainForm and the Title property of ServerModule, but does not work. Tks.
  23. Method 2 too stay same result.. may be an issue.. but, if possible, try to make the test to see in practice. Thanks!!
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