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Everything posted by cristianotestai

  1. Hello Lema! Thanks for your great and fast work. Best Regards, Cristiano
  2. Hi Delphi Developer! I too found other possible solution below as sample, but your solution is better, thanks! CustomCSS property: /*IE9, IE10 e IE11*/ @media screen and (min-width:0\0) { .x-mb-fa-lock { margin-top: 2px; } }
  3. Hi, I need to set a css class if the user browser is Internet Explorer. I tried to use the CustomCSS property, as follows: <!--[if IE]> .x-mb-fa-lock { margin-top: 2px; } <![endif]--> Works ok in IE versions below 10, because the version 10 and 11, no longer support the conditional <! - [if IE]> Does anyone have an idea or workaround to indicate a CSS class to be used only when IE? Thanks, Cristiano
  4. Thanks Delphi Developer, I managed simplify the solution based on the post you indicated.
  5. Hi, Scrollbox it should remain visible. Now, in Test Case i made a workaround and work ok, but in real project with ScrollBox in run-time creation not work. I could show you with TeamViewer. Thank you!
  6. Hi, I tested it, but blur event does not work properly because of one reason: The scrollbox does not receive focus when it is shown and so by clicking outside the scrollbox after enter nothing happens, only works if first is clicked inside the scrollbox and then clicked outside the scrollbox. Something like what I need is this example: http://jsfiddle.net/1zfdtk91/ If you can, I could show more clearly what I need showing in a remote connection (TeamViewer) Thanks for your help.
  7. Hello! Attached i'm sending an example where i have a search field and after entering any character and press enter, the Scrollbox is displayed. As I i do so by clicking with the mouse anywhere outside of scrollbox he be invisible? If the user clicks anywhere in the Scrollbox it should remain visible, but otherwise it should be invisible. Thanks. PanelSearch.rar
  8. Thanks Delphi Developer and Farshad! Now i saw the GridMultiSelect Demo with CopySelected function. Best Regards, Cristiano
  9. Hi, Any idea or workaround? Best Regards.
  10. Hi, There is a approuch to check which records are selected in the UniDBGrid, using Multi Select/SelectedRows? I need to send to a function or check the function which records the ClientDataSet were selected. Thanks!
  11. Hi zilav, In my app, the user query and selects in the grid which customers want to send email. With selected records, he click on a button that internal search all selected records and create the string with the syntax "mailto" with all emails. In this case, it must be executed on return of this function, without user intervention, as are several emails indicated in the mailto syntax. Thanks for help.
  12. Hi Delphi Developer! Thanks for your answer! It worked almost 100%. In my case I always return the string with the syntax "mailto:" to open the user's email program. With this, I have three issues to resolve: 1) How do I indicate that it should open a new folder and not a new window? 2) In Chrome, the URL open in new window is showing all the contents of the string mailto, which should show _blank only. In Firefox it is ok. Any idea? 3) The third issue I think is the most difficult. I wanted to identify if the user uses a standard desktop email program such as Windows Live, Thunderbird, or any other. If use, just run the "mailto" URL without opening new folder or new window, in which case it will open the default e-mail program, no need to create new window. Thanks for your help! Best Regards, Cristiano
  13. Hi, I have a simple function below that returns a href string. How do i run the link returned by the function? I try with AddJS, but without sucess. function GeHref: string; begin Result: = '<a href="mailto:name@host.com"> </a>'; end; procedure UniButtom1Click(Sender: TObject); var link: string; begin link: = GeHref; //How do i execute the string returned by the function? end; Thanks.
  14. Hi Erich, This issue is already known by Farshad. I believe that in the next releases will be fixed.
  15. Carlos, respondi para seu email, mas vou replicar aqui também no forum. Há alguns anos atras eu tentei iniciar um projeto IntraWeb, mas como eu queria ter a possibilidade da aplicação ter um design mais profissional, além de outras coisas na época como pouca documentação e foruns, encontrei o UniGui, que era algo que eu procurava para desenvolvimento Web com Delphi. Não sei o que você precisa desenvolver para Web com Delphi, mas este framework tem evoluido muito, está bem ativo e está para sair o release final da versão 1.0. Mesmo não ter saído ainda a versão final do 1.0, tudo o que já tem é fantastico. Sinceramente acredito muito na evolução e estabilidade do framework e não queria comparar com o IntraWeb (por não ser especialista), mas para mim, por tudo que vejo do UniGui é um outro patamar, principalmente pelo trabalho que vejo do Farshad e sua equipe(FMSoft) que estão a frente. Posso dar alguns motivos também, como: Crescimento e estabilidade do Framework, Possibilidade de ter um verdadeiro site/web application com Design Profissional, Desenvolvimento ClientSide além do desenvolvimento nativo ServerSide, Alta produtividade para desenvolvedores Delphi, Boa performance da aplicação web, Facilidade de Customizações e Integrações, Gerenciamento Nativo de Sessões, etc.. Grande abraço, Cristiano
  16. Hello, How can i make visible the weekdays in UniCalendarPanel(top) and also the day on the left side, as attached Sencha example? Best Regards, Cristiano
  17. Hi, In version 099.90.1273 it is ok in Chrome. I still did not download the latest release. I'll do the test when updating and will post the result. Best Regards,
  18. Hi, Have you tried to uninstall uniGMap component and install/build again?
  19. Hi, I need to have in the Screen Mask only the image(.gif) without showing the text and without the panel and edges of the screen mask. What I need is exactly what the Recovery Failure does, if I set the MessageText in blank (' '), only the image appears. Any idea or workaround for this with Screen Mask? Thanks!
  20. Hello, I'm trying to work a long time with a page in the center with the same behavior this topic: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/2134-help-with-center-page/?hl=center+page I tried to see examples of demos using uniAlignmentClient, but all without success. Attached, I am sending a Test Case(CenterPage.rar), which need to do the same behavior of the CenterPage.html example, contained in the link above, using uniAlignmentClient. Could anyone help? Thanks! CenterPage.rar center_page.html
  21. Hi Fenix, It is possible to use this component in place of the screen mask current in cases where i do not explicitly call Hold.MaskShow ()? For example, in components that use the property Screen Mask in the object inspector. Thanks.
  22. Hi, I have not tried, but try something like: UniSession.AddJS(meine_marker[x].JSName + '.addCls(''marker_1'');'); //add css class UniSession.AddJS(meine_marker[x].JSName + '.setStyle(''background-image", url("/yourpath/image.png"));'); //set css atributte
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