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Everything posted by herculanojs

  1. https://qz.io/ Has anyone used QZ Trya on unigui and would have had some example of its use? The biggest difficulty today in the unigui is the printing without operator intervention. Anyone understanding java script, could put some example of how we would use this in unigui We would appreciate it.
  2. I already managed to solve it. Compiling a file was missing
  3. What could be incorrect? The control is dynamically created TUniDBEdit(ac).ClientEvents.UniEvents.Values['beforeInit'] := 'function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.disabledCls = "_x-item-disabled";}';
  4. I do not understand, is linux already supported?
  5. Forms that do not have the FreeOnClose=true property, when the MainModule is destroyed, will they be deallocated or do we have to do this manually? In the case of mobile application, I noticed that in the destroy of mainmodule the unisession.FormsList.Count is not accessible. So, if the first question is possible, when should we deallocate the forms and how?
  6. Is there any date forecast?
  7. This code is to be able to minimize the form, since the minify button of the form has no effect. So in the forum at some point, I was able to find this code that makes the form minimized. This works fine as long as the freeonclose property of the form is as true. My forms are dynamic, and to avoid a cost of creation for each time the user requests a form, I modified my application, so that it does not destroy the form anymore onclose. So the form is already created inside the application, just call it again. However when I changed the freeonclose property to false, the codes I give in the onclose of the form are being fired. I need to minimize the form in the application, the form with freeonclose being false, and not firing the event on the onclose when I minimize. following example follows Project10.rar
  8. Is there any date forecast? I'm looking forward to this. +1
  9. I am using the following code to minimize the form in the application. However this is triggering the form's onclose event. What is wrong ? form.Script.Add(StringReplace(form.WebForm.JSId,'_id','',[rfReplaceAll] +[rfIgnoreCase]) +'.on('+#39+'minimize'+#39+',function(w){w.setVisible(!w.isVisible());w.setActive(!w.isHidden());if (!w.isVisible()){ajaxRequest(w, "minimized", ["param0=+"minimized]);}});');
  10. The property is not working when its value is set to false. Continue viewing page
  11. When you use the SelectAll function in TunimNumberedit, the SelectText error is not a function
  12. I was able to solve sgProdutos.Row := sgProdutos.RowCount - 1;
  13. I tried this but it is not working. Stringgrid is not rolling
  14. How to scroll the stringgrid to a given record. The situation is this: In the operation the user is adding records, and I want the stringgrid to scroll automatically, as it is already full with screen content. So when this happens it will always be showing the last record inserted. Auto scroll to last record
  15. Yes Yes. I'm already taking care of it. I am asking only questions, because the only things that are created and not destroyed, which are being left to the unigui are the forms. So the questioning. And if dynamically created and linked visual components are only destroyed, they will be destroyed when the unigui engine destroys the form, whether or not they are destroyed together or must be done manually. I'm talking here about visual controls such as Tuniimage, Tunibutton, Tuniframe
  16. I have some doubts as to the right way to avoid memory leaks I have noticed a steady increase in memory on the server causing memory of bound. I already checked my source for Memory leak, identifying some of the points we are dealing with. However there remain some doubts regarding unigui treatment. 1) Forms Unigui There is freeonclose property, however when and how the unigui will destroy and release this form from memory. In creating a form, for example, procedure ... var form: Tuniform; begin form: = TUniFormClass (FindClass (FormClassName)). Create (UniApplication); form.show; end; 2) Visual objects dynamically created and added in form Should they be destroyed manually? 3) TUniFrame Frames created dynamically and added in form, will be destroyed in the automatic form free? 4) What dynamically created and added to a form for example, will not be destroyed by the unigui manager? What is the correct way to add components created dynamically and added to unigui objects, so that they are automatically destroyed in the free form, if any?
  17. Thanks, but I only have access to the list of sessions And I need to pick up the folder from a particular session on the specific list it would be possible ? procedure ... const Text: string); var S : TUniGUISessions; USession : TUniGUISession; begin Try S := UniServerModule.SessionManager.Sessions; s.Lock; for I := 0 to S.SessionList.Count - 1 do begin USession := S.SessionList; session folder cache ? ? end; finally S.Unlock; end; end;
  18. How can I get the session cache directory. Through the list of existing sessions ? UniServerModule.SessionManager.Sessions;
  19. With Farshad's help, we have been able to understand and solve the problem. At first for some reason in some cases, js automatically adds some files that unigui executes, when you do not declare classes in main form uses. In my case in particular, the application is all packaged in bpl, and since it was not making uses of the classes being loaded into the bpl, the corresponding js was not being loaded. To solve the problem, I added in the uses references the classes in the main form of the project, and the problem was solved. Thanks Farshad for the usual support
  20. With Farshad's help, we have been able to understand and solve the problem. At first for some reason in some cases, js automatically adds some files that unigui executes, when you do not declare classes in main form uses. In my case in particular, the application is all packaged in bpl, and since it was not making uses of the classes being loaded into the bpl, the corresponding js was not being loaded. To solve the problem, I added in the uses references the classes in the main form of the project, and the problem was solved. Thanks Farshad for the usual support
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