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Everything posted by herculanojs

  1. http://www.drbob42.com/examines/examinA1.htm This would be possible with unigui?
  2. I have the same need. Print on the client machine in bar code printers and print without opening dialog box or preview. This is business automation software.
  3. I do not believe that no one has yet had the nessecidade of interfazear with some equipment on the client machine such as (POS, ECF, bar code printer, etc.). I have practice in javascript or java. I opted for unigui the ease and knowledge already in Delphi. greatly appreciate help in this direction. It is what is taking today so you can complete this migration project.
  4. Yes, in most cases it would not be desirable that a website could suppress the dialog box. But in a few cases, such as this example where he's trying to print a receipt for his business from the browser. As I understand in such a case every second is too precious to be wasted confirming potentially hundreds of receipt per day. It's a business after all, where time is money! There are countless other cases where one would like to suppress the dialog box, such as the eBay sellers printing their labels before shipment. So ideally the website developer should be able to specify some basic parameters such as printer name, color/monochromatic, quality, paper size. And command the print entirely from the source coude without requiring any action from the user, except of course to configure these parameter only once.
  5. To understand what you reported. I am migrating an entire ERP for unigui, and I have some routines that must issue bar codes in direct communication with the device (printer), as well as other aplciação FastFood delivery, the vouchers should be immediately sent to the printer without preview. Resolving these issues?
  6. Hello everyone After reading all the post on printing unigui I met, none had any concrete solution. At least they solved the problem, not the answer posted. So I have the following scenario to which necessecito help and solution: Print the PDF report that is being shown in a frame directly to the printer without a preview before. Ie have situations where the report after created, must now be sent to the printer. I greatly appreciate the help and attention Ola a todos Após ler todos os post sobre impressão com unigui que encontrei, nenhum apresentou alguma solução concreta. Pelo menos se solucionaram o problema, não postaram a resposta. Sendo assim tenho o seguinte cenário aos quais necessecito de ajuda e solução: Imprimir o relatório PDF que esta sendo mostrado em um frame diretamente para a impressora, sem que haja um preview antes. Ou seja, tenho situações em que o relatório após criado, já deve ser enviado para a impressora. Agradeço imensamente a ajuda e atenção
  7. Another question friends. What is the correct way to click or run the process of a button, so that the message of the same screenmask be shown? Simply do: UniButton1.Click; - Does not show the message screenmask procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin sleep(500); //screenmask = enabled //screenmask.message = 'wainting...'; end; procedure TMainForm.UniButton2Click(Sender: TObject); begin UniButton1.Click; end; tanks
  8. In the frame there is data that needs to be loaded and validated. If that fails the continuity must be aborted. You can not check this before. Therefore, the frame preparation method. However only noticed problems with Tunicombox component, which for some reason it seems that something is still running even after the destruction of the frame.
  9. Any solution to tell this? I tried to destroy the combo component form before the destroy, but still occurs ajax exception "C is not a constructor." In the server I scored to suppress ajax error, but for some reason with this option, the messages should be shown the process, they are also suppressed. The error occurs if you add a combobox in a frame, and this frame is destroyed. An alternative would be to create the I frame, even if the process is not valid, then control and for taime so that it is closed without detruir. However this is not ideal
  10. What is wrong with this Tunicombox component that is used in a frame, and it is destroyed causes this error? I need a solution for this.
  11. I have discovered the cause of the problems. This is already reported in another post regarding the combobox component. This component has a bug that needs to be corrected urgently. "C is not a constructor" If we add this component in frame, form, etc. and you try to destroy this object is the ajax error "c is not a constructor." http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/6804-c-is-not-a-constructor-tunicombobox-help-urgent-please/
  12. I have a problem when I try to destroy a TUniTabSheet that wire added to a UniPageControl1. The scenario is the following: In UniTabSheet will be added to a frame. In this frame I have a preparation method for the same, which is not satisfactory if the UniTabSheet should be destroyed. What happens is that when this method fails preparation, UniTabSheet not being destroyed in any way. I've tried numerous methods and nothing. What is wrong? And for some reason it can not Diser, any message that is triggered in the frame of the preparation method, is not shown. procedure TMainForm.CriaFrame; var FrC : TUniFrameClass; Fr : TUniFrame; tb:TUniTabSheet; begin FrC := TUniFrameClass(FindClass(Classframe)); if frc <> nil then begin tb := TUniTabSheet.Create(Self); tb.Closable := True; tb.PageControl := UniPageControl1; tb.Caption := 'teste'; tb.Tag := CriaFrameRec.Tag; Fr := FrC.Create(tb); if fr <> nil then begin Fr.Align := alClient; Fr.Parent := tb; if datamodel.link.Util.ExecutaMetodo(fr,'prepara') then begin tb.Caption := CriaFrameRec.Grupo.Titulo; tb.TabVisible := True; UniPageControl1.ActivePage := tb; end else begin FreeAndNil(fr); //tb.close; //tb.TabVisible := False; //tb.Visible := false; for count := UniPageControl1.PageCount-1 downto 0 do begin if UniPageControl1.Pages[count].Tag = CriaFrameRec.Tag then begin UniPageControl1.Pages[count].FreeOnRelease; //UniPageControl1.Pages[count].Close; //UniPageControl1.Pages[count].Destroy; Break; end; end; UniPageControl1.Refresh; count := UniPageControl1.PageCount; //tb.close; {fr.Free; tb.Free; tb := nil;} end; end; end; --------------------------------------------------------------------- frame: function TframeVendaFastFoodMC.Prepara: boolean; begin result := false; MessageDlg('teste.',mtWarning,mbOKCancel); end; class function TUtil.ExecutaMetodo(const Instance: Tobject; MethodName: string): Boolean; type TInicializa = function :Boolean of object; var Routine: TMethod; Inicializa :TInicializa; begin Try Result := false; if (Instance <> nil) and (MethodName <> '') then begin Routine.Data := Pointer(Instance); Routine.Code := Instance.MethodAddress(MethodName); if Routine.Code <> nil then begin Inicializa := TInicializa(Routine); Result := Inicializa; end;// else end; except raise; end; end;
  13. There is a bug with the UniSpWaitMe component in the hide method. See the described code, even shooting the hide method, there is still the ShowWait until the end of the process. They were played 2x hide method and still keep the ShowWait, and got caught. UniSpWaitMe1.HideWaitMe; if datamodel.link.Util.ExecutaMetodo(fr,'prepara') then begin Fr.Parent := tb; tb.Visible := True; UniPageControl1.ActivePage := tb; end else begin fr.Free; tb.Free; tb := nil; UniSpWaitMe1.HideWaitMe; end;
  14. Where do we find the implementation of list or correction versions being released? How many versions are coming out, it is necessary to know WHAT is being changed before we installed. I am also missing a more comprehensive documentation of the framework that describes the properties, etc. There are many properties that we does not know what it does or what its effect. And be testing to see is not the best way. So where do we find any documentation available?
  15. How do I get in MessageDlg mailboxes, a button already receives the focus and precionar ENTER run the hover button, and the ESC to close the message box? Tanks
  16. Is it possible to open a new page in the browser and keep the same user session?
  17. try ExecuteThis; except HideWaitMe; end; Already tested with the treatment you did, but if an error occurs in the framework or in the process which generates a message, the waitme gets stuck. Ideally something like you did with noty. UniSession.AddJS('$.noty.closeAll()'); Já havia testado com o tratamento que você fez, contudo se ocorrer algum erro no framework ou dentro do processo o qual gere uma mensagem, o waitme fica preso. O ideal seria algo assim como você fez com o noty. UniSession.AddJS('$.noty.closeAll()');
  18. Is there any way that I can send to close all wait? So do not get caught in case of errors in processing when running through ExecuteThis with UniSpWaitMe1 do begin ExecuteThis:=prcd_sleep; ---- procedure (if an error occurs wait gets stuck) ExecuteProcedure:=True; HideAfterExecute:=True; ShowWaitMe; end;
  19. procedure TUniFrameGrade.btnPesquisarClick(Sender: TObject); var form:TUniForm; PercClasse:TPersistentClass; begin Try UniSpWaitMe1.ShowWaitMe; PercClasse:= GetClass('TfrmFiltro'); if PercClasse <> nil then begin try form := TUniFormClass(PercClasse).Create(UniApplication); datamodel.link.Util.PassaValor(form,'XML',XML); datamodel.link.Util.PassaValor(form,'titulo',cClasse.titulo); if datamodel.link.Util.ExecutaMetodo(form,'prepara') then form.ShowModal(CallbackFiltro) else form.Close; except on e:exception do begin UniSpWaitMe1.HideWaitMe; datamodel.link.Mensagem.MsgErro(e.Message); end; end; end; Finally UniTimer1.Enabled := True; End; end; Are there any practical example of waitme use, without having to place a button to show and another to hide? I'm trying to show pending before creating another form, and does not display. Ideally, the end of the hide waiting process. I even put a team with 1000 interval to hide after the process, the waiting is only shown when the process ends. I wish it were shown when it is estartado the ShowWaitMe. Any solution? ¿Hay algún ejemplo práctico de uso waitme, sin tener que poner un botón para mostrar y otro para ocultar? Estoy tratando de mostrar a la espera antes de crear otra form, y no se muestra. Incluso puse un unitimer con 1.000 intervalo de ocultar después del proceso, pero sólo se muestra cuando finaliza el proceso. Me gustaría que se muestra cuando es estartado la ShowWaitMe. Cualquier solución?
  20. My brother, I have a question. In exmplo code, the process takes about almost one minute, but the waitme is not displayed when in the end I have the command hide. However, if I remove the hide from the end of the block, it is displayed. At what point the waitme will be displayed? Only in the process end? Is there any solution to the above case?
  21. Hello, we have paid in paypal. When possible send the components. I have sent email to:hayriaslan88@gmail.com
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