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Everything posted by herculanojs

  1. TUniDBFormattedNumberEdit, TUniDBNumberEdit Someone could tell me why when I use TUniDBFormattedNumberEdit component is generating fail me for lack of autoNumeric. I located this file within the uni- \ jQuery \autoNumeric-1.9.35.js and add in custom files in servermodule, the error disappears. However my components are being created at runtime in a frame.
  2. Hello Brother I am facing a problem when I add some components to the project. I am using only the WaitMe components, Notify, Alert However this being required one autonumeric.js file If you add this file in the project, it is causing a conflict with the TUniDBFormattedNumberEdit components when there are negative values. I need a help urgently. files/jquery-latest.min.js files/waitMe.min.css files/waitMe.min.js files/sweetalert2.css files/sweetalert2.min.js files/autoNumeric.js
  3. Indeed components TuniEdit the iframe. I needed to know if a particular component was the focus.
  4. How would you know which component retains the focus on a frame? component.focused ???
  5. Hello friends How do I select at run time, records a dbgrid?
  6. Hello friends, I'm trying to notify the session on its closure. But the message is not displayed This function is for this reason, or is there some other way to communicate the session that it will be closed. unisession.ShowAlert('A sessão será finalizada dentro de cinco minutos para atualização do sistema'); unisession.TerminateAfterSecs(60); try AServerUpdating := true; S := UniServerModule.SessionManager.Sessions; S.Lock; for I := 0 to S.SessionList.Count - 1 do begin USession := S.SessionList; USession.ShowAlert('Sua sessão será finalizada em 5 (cinco) minutos para atualização do sistema.'); USession.TerminateAfterSecs(60); end; finally S.Unlock; end;
  7. It would be possible to block new sessions on the server? I'm working on an application atualziação process, and when a new version is detected, active sessions will be notified to close down, and would not want any new session to be activated.
  8. How do I know exactly if there are active session connected to the server, as well as which properties or procedures which should make for uam session is closed properly by the user, and that this occurs, exit the active session from the server list. In my tests I monitored SessionManager.Sessions.SessionList.Count, but opening windows in the browse and closing the same, the number of session has not decreased, it was as if they were still active session. We need to monitor whether there are active session for applying the update process.
  9. Is something wrong people! I created an application to run the ISAPI. I tested the performance in various ways, and simply ISAPI does not run. It is not a question of security because all aobsolutamente all users are with permission on the folder where the application is being executed, and in IIS. I ask? I can not run an application? I can not print? Please could someone give me a help towards. What should I set this server? The setting is within the standard of unigui documentation. What is missing then? I am about to leave the ungui and move on to another solution. simple things and is giving a huge headache, and there is no documentation, etc. I can guide. And please, I am not wanting to print anything on the Web, just want to print a pdf document on a printer that is installed on the server. Nothing else I thought it was something about the impression. I created an application to run the report print, and no run. Simple: the isapi application does not run. procedure PrintPDF; begin Report.AllowPrintToFile := True; Report.DefaultFileDeviceType := 'PDF'; Report.DeviceType := 'PDF'; Report.TextFileName := UniServerModule.NewCacheFileUrl(False, 'pdf', '', '', AUrl); Report.Print; if FileExists(Report.TextFileName) then begin AUrl := PathSistema+'wprint.exe "'+PrinterName+'|'+Report.TextFileName+'|'+IntToStr(Report.PrinterSetup.Copies)+'"'; CreateProcessSimple(aurl); AddToLog(aurl); WinExec(pansichar(AUrl),0); end; end;
  10. People I no longer know what to do. Makes 2 days I'm trying a solution to this problem. The application in standalone mode, prints normally. However ISAPI does not print anything. Already granted permission where it could no longer know what to do. For God's sake, it's just a simple application that should print a report on the machine which is installed IIS using the default printer that is there. Nothing else. The IUSR user already has access to a printer, you have access the folder, the more it must have access to be able to print? Gente eu já não sei mais o que fazer. Faz 2 dias que estou tentando uma solução para esse problema. A aplicação em modo standalone, imprime normalmente. Contudo em ISAPI não imprime nada. Já concedi permissão onde poderia, já não sei mais o que fazer. Pelo amor de Deus, é apenas uma simples aplicação que deveria imprimir um relatório, na máquina onde esta instalado o IIS, utilizando a impressora padrão que encontra-se ali. Nada mais. O usuário IUSR já tem acesso a impressora, tem acesso a pasta, a que mais ele deve ter acesso para poder imprimir?
  11. Farshad, I have done the following: In this printer as the default, I granted access to IUSR (full). In the application folder, this too full. Debugging the plication, print normally, but when the ISAPI aplciação, does not print. I'm not printing the client, I am directly on the machine where the server is installed, the printer is installed on it. The ISAPI application will only be used in this season, so it should not have any problem to use machine resources. Always falls on the exception Code: Try Report.AllowPrintToFile := false; Report.AllowPrintToArchive := false; Report.DeviceType := 'Printer'; Report.PrintReport; except on e:exception do begin AddToLog('PrintReport: Erro ao imprimir: '+e.Message); Report.AllowPrintToFile := True; Report.DefaultFileDeviceType := 'PDF'; Report.DeviceType := 'PDF'; Report.TextFileName := UniServerModule.NewCacheFileUrl(False, 'pdf', '', '', AUrl); Report.Print; ReportPreview(Titulo,AUrl,'',nil); end; End;
  12. Where exactly should be set that? The User IUSR this with full access to the application folder.
  13. There is the possibility to make file SendFile already suggesting the location you will be saved?
  14. Friends, I am breaking the cebça and can not understand what happens. In unigui application, the printer returned as standard has nothing to do as it is. For I added unigui application screens and vcl. The code to get the default printer is the same in both applications. And I'm doing the test on the server itself. unigui: if Printer.Printers.Count > 0 then Result := Printer.Printers[Printer.PrinterIndex]; vcl: if Printer.Printers.Count > 0 then Memo1.lines.add(Printer.Printers[Printer.PrinterIndex]); What can it be? The application is being executed on the machine where it installed the web server, and will be performed only at this station.
  15. I'm sorry, but I have no experience with IIS I have no idea on how to proceed. You have an example on how to do it.
  16. Anyone know tell me how could create a friendly url in IIS to not have to enter the ISAPI application name: Port http: //localhost/aplication/teste.dll to something like http: //teste.intranet Alguem saberia me disser como poderia criar uma url amigável no IIS para não ter que digitar o nome da aplicação ISAPI:Porta http://localhost/aplication/teste.dllpara algo como http://teste.intranet
  17. Hello friends I'm formatting fields ftFloat type to be displayed formatted grid. if (dataset.Fields = .DataType ftFloat) then TNumericField (dataset.Fields ) DisplayFormat: = ',00:00; - 0:00.'; However when trying to edit the registry on a UniDBFormattedNumber having such as the value of 3000, there is an error message that the value of "3.000,00" is not valid. I believe that regional issues are related. In the server did it, but without affecting the result. FFmtFormatoBR := TFormatSettings.Create; FFmtFormatoBR.ThousandSeparator := '.'; FFmtFormatoBR.DecimalSeparator := ','; FFmtFormatoBR.CurrencyDecimals := 2; FFmtFormatoBR.DateSeparator := '/'; FFmtFormatoBR.ShortDateFormat := 'dd/mm/yyyy'; FFmtFormatoBR.LongDateFormat := 'dd/mm/yyyy'; FFmtFormatoBR.TimeSeparator := ':'; FFmtFormatoBR.TimeAMString := 'AM'; FFmtFormatoBR.TimePMString := 'PM'; FFmtFormatoBR.ShortTimeFormat := 'hh:mm'; FFmtFormatoBR.LongTimeFormat := 'hh:mm:ss'; FFmtFormatoBR.CurrencyString := 'R$ '; System.SysUtils.FormatSettings := FFmtFormatoBR; What should I set up?
  18. My brothers After breaking the head, without much success. With the help of Farshad Mohajeri finally we found the cause. dll dependency. IIS does not report any errors that may help but does not run the ISAPI application. So it is very important to note, any dependency .dll or something else, that can generate the application fails. In my case, here in Brazil we have to send an electronic invoice, with the supervisory board, which use a component for it. I had forgotten that detail, because it makes use of .dll If not for the help of our friend Farshad who helped me remotely, he would still headbanging. For those in the future you encounter this type of error. Make sure no dependency .dll The best way to find dependencies, you run the application as stand alone (.exe). Thank Farshad Mohajeri You've been a great partner, and helped me a lot. Thank you very much
  19. No one has any help to the problem? We face the same problem with Windows 10
  20. some other way? I've tried to catch onScreenResize MainForm, but he was not redimenzionado. In some process I need to create some controls, and for this necessido know the resolution of the client. What is the cause of this UniSession.UniApplication.ScreenWidth zeroed?
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