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Everything posted by herculanojs

  1. Tanks Hayri, Delphi Developer - I had a solution http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/9247-screenmask-for-ontriggerevent/&do=findComment&comment=50900
  2. This property is resulting in screnmask typing in the combobox, which is a bit bad. When typing being with this active property, it shows the screenmask, however in the buttons added in triggers, the screenmask does not occur
  3. I tried this property, but there were no changes Version :
  4. How to make screenmask show when clicking a Triggers button ?
  5. Você poderia compartilhar o código que esta no teu formulário principal e o código que esta no frame? Apenas as partes que esta referenciando o código no onkeydow
  6. Encontrei a causa do problema, todavia não sei o porque. Basta colocar um componente TUniCanvas no form que ocorre o erro. Colocar componente e erro ocorre. Remove componente e a referencia da classe do uses, e erro desaparece. -------------------- I found the cause of the problem, but I do not know why. Simply put a TUniCanvas component in the form that the error occurs. Placing component and error occurs. Remove component and uses class reference, and error disappears.
  7. Obrigado pelo apoio Marlon Um formulário simples, sem grandes complicações. Não tenho nada do tipo no form, nem html ou js. Os únicos controles existentes no form, são paineis que são ou não ocultados. Contudo, nada que entendo levaria a esse tipo de erro. Cara o unigui apresenta uns erros estranhos e sem documentação de apoio que dificulta muito. Estou quase largando mão dele. Fui revendo componentes da tela e do nada funciona. O componente removido foi uma grid. O que tem de anormal na grid? Nada, absolutamente nada. Nenhum evento, nenhum código, nenhum js. Apenas uma grid ligada a um data set.
  8. Please help, I need help in trying to find the problem
  9. I need urgent clarification as to the error reported. Such an abnormality occurs when dynamically creating a form at runtime. If it is not created in runtime, it does not. What causes this kind of error? //error var PercClasse:TPersistentClass; PercClasse:= GetClass('TForm1'); if PercClasse <> nil then begin form := TUniFormClass(PercClasse).Create(UniApplication); end; //not error form1 := TForm1.create(UniApplication); Just do not understand
  10. Olá Gustavo, desculpe pela demora. 1. Como vc fez para personalizar o msgDialog??? pois quando eu chamo o dialog, no lugar do título "questionamento" aparece new application.. O título da mensagem ele pega o nome da aplicação. É o mesmo padrão utilizado por aplicação vcl 2. o que seria "datamodel.link.Constante.ExcluirRegistro"??? Criei uma classe onde há constantes padrões que são utilizadas no sistema, de modo que não haja mensagens fora de padrões, e permita a manutenção caso seja necessário a mudança de alguma mensagem padrão. Hello Gustavo, sorry for the delay. 1. How did you do to customize msgDialog ??? because when I call the dialog, instead of the title "questioning" new application appears .. The title of the message takes the name of the application. It is the same standard used by vcl application 2. what would "datamodel.link.constant.excludeRegister" ??? I created a class where there are constant patterns that are used in the system, so that there are no messages out of standards, and allow the maintenance if it is necessary to change some standard messages.
  11. I need to insert multiple rows into a cell of a stringgrid. How to force this line break? ex: João Antonio Maria das Flores Pedro Gonçalves http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/6190-stringgrid-wrap-cell-text/?hl=stringgrid With the information in this post, I have already realized that when the size of the text exceeds the size of the cell, this is already done. In My case, this will not happen. What will happen will be several records that should be presented in multiple lines within the cell
  12. I need to drag dragdrop between us, putting one inside of others, with all his children if they have. How can I do this? I did not find anything in the forum
  13. Hi Mohammad How does the tutorial go, will you make it available or some sample demo?
  14. We still have no solution to the problem. Does anyone have a solution?
  15. In some situations, and they are not always, messagedlg is apparently lost. In the attached image, note that the focus is not on any of the buttons. And even preloading the message does not escape either. This has been occurring sporadically, and in various different places in the system. In the image screen, in the evy onkeydow of the unidbgrid is executed a procedure, that there is nothing special in it, that could be causing this. Alguém teria uma idéia do que gera esse tipo de anormalidade? procedure TfrVenda_Mercadoria.DBGridProdutoKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if key = vk_delete then exclui_produto; end; procedure TfrVenda_Mercadoria.exclui_produto; begin if UniPageControl1.ActivePage=tbsProdutos then begin if qryProdutos.IsEmpty then exit; end else begin if qryTroca.IsEmpty then exit; end; if MessageDlg(datamodel.link.Constante.ExcluirRegistro, mtConfirmation, mbYesNo) <> mrYes then exit; try if UniPageControl1.ActivePage=tbsProdutos then qryProdutos.Delete else qryTroca.Delete; CalculaVenda; except on e:exception do begin DataModel.link.Mensagem.MsgErro(e.Message); end; End; end;
  16. Muito legal Eu tenho um problema que não consegui identificar na criação de formulários. Se deixo o formulário como FreeonClose ocorre acesso inválido de memória Se deparou com algo assim? very cool I have a problem that I could not identify in form creation. If I leave the form as FreeonClose invalid memory access occurs Did you come across something like that? exemple: Script fm := TUniForm.CreateNew( Self ); fm.FreeOnClose := false; fm.Caption := ':titulo'; fm.BorderStyle := bsSingle; fm.BorderIcons := [biSystemMenu]; fm.Width := 350; fm.Height := 240; fm.showmodal; procedure TScripter.CreateNewForm(AMachine: TatVirtualMachine); begin With AMachine do begin //form := TUniForm.Create(UniApplication); ReturnOutputArg(ObjectToVar(TUniForm.Create(UniApplication))); end; end; with Scripter.AddDelphiClass(TUniForm) do begin DefineMethod('CreateNew',1,tkClass,nil,CreateNewForm,true); DefineMethod('ShowModal',0,tkInteger,nil,ShowModalFormProc); end;
  17. Utilizando o componente UniFileUpload você já tem acesso ao Stream do arquivo. Bastaria carregar o mesmo e efetuar o processamento. procedure TfrImportacao_NFe.UniFileUpload1Completed(Sender: TObject; AStream: TFileStream); begin if AStream.Size > 0 then begin end; end;
  18. TUniGUIMainModule(Self.UniApplication.UniMainModule) Just by correcting, you should use the class TUniGUIMainModule and not TUniMainModule. For the second makes an implicit reference to the object that would be unknown in the unit of the bpl, consequently would require the uses of the class of its origin. type TUniMainModule = class(TUniGUIMainModule)
  19. I need to access the MainModule instance of forms being bundled into bpl. I can not make implicit reference to MainModule in the form that will be inside the bpl. Where can I get the instance of MainModule? UniApplication.UniMainModule_ ??? UniApplication.UniMainModule ??? procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var Form:TUniform; PercClasse:TPersistentClass; begin //TUniForm PercClasse:= GetClass('TUniForm'); if PercClasse = nil then LoadPackage('Package1.bpl'); PercClasse:= GetClass('TUniForm'); if PercClasse <> nil then begin Form := TUniFormClass(PercClasse).Create(UniApplication); if ExecutaMetodo(form,'prepara1') then Form.Show(); end; end; IN FORM BPL procedure TUniForm1.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin //MainMudule ?? GetValue and objects end; unigui bpl.rar
  20. Hello, what end turned the project with script?
  21. Does anyone have a solution for this situation? Move an entire node with your children to another point, or to another node
  22. Would anyone have an idea how to create a form using paxcompiler
  23. I am analyzing the possibility of being able to modularize the application using bpl. As for the other forms this is solved. I still have the main form and the login form. Mainform and LoginForm. How can I do this? At what point they are created and how to do the creation of these forms dynamically being loaded from a bpl I would like to leave in the executable or dll of the unigui implementation, the least possible codes that can undergo modifications, and the rest being loaded via bpl, dll.
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