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uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by Bocchi

  1. Hello, my log is full of these errors: T3WebView.exe: 00001910: 09:13:27 [HandleFileRequest]:File not found: C:\Teseo\TeseoWeb\T3WebView\apple-touch-icon-76x76-precomposed.png T3WebView.exe: 00001FBC: 09:13:28 [HandleFileRequest]:File not found: C:\Teseo\TeseoWeb\T3WebView\apple-touch-icon-76x76.png T3WebView.exe: 00003244: 09:13:28 [HandleFileRequest]:File not found: C:\Teseo\TeseoWeb\T3WebView\apple-touch-icon.png T3WebView.exe: 00003E58: 09:24:59 [HandleFileRequest]:File not found: C:\Teseo\TeseoWeb\T3WebView\apple-touch-icon-152x152-precomposed.png T3WebView.exe: 000031D4: 09:24:59 [HandleFileRequest]:File not found: C:\Teseo\TeseoWeb\T3WebView\apple-touch-icon-152x152.png What do they mean? How can I fix the problem? Thanks.
  2. Is it possibile to detect screen orientation in a UniGui application running on smartphone? Thanks.
  3. I solve my problem by adding this line: UniSession.AddJS( 'setTimeout(resizeCanvas, 1000);' ); Best regards.
  4. Unfortunately in my project I can't change the fullscreen property of the mainform. Is there another way to solve the problem?
  5. I'm testing your solution but It work only if I resize the web browser. How can I solve this problem?
  6. Anyone can tell me how to use this code in a unigui mobile app? Thanks.
  7. I'm searching a solution for unigui mobile app. Can your code work in a unigui mobile app? Thanks.
  8. Can you send me a sample project? I don't know how to use jSignature. Thanks in advance.
  9. It works but now all grid has changed (also uniDBGrid in non-mobile forms). It is possible to set these options in runtime? Thanks.
  10. Is it possible to change RowHeight and FontSize of a UnimDBGrid? Now lines are too high and take up too much space. Thanks.
  11. There is a calendar component (or similar) available for mobile, like TUniCalendar? I am very interested. Thanks.
  12. I'm trying to open a mobile form (TUnimForm) from another, in desktop mode, but I get this error; Ext.Label is not a function O2A=new Ext.Container({id:"O2A_id",layout:"vbox",scrollable:false,fullscreen:true});O2A.nm="O2A";_cdo_("MainmForm");MainmForm.ajxS=AjaxSuccess;MainmForm.ajxF=AjaxFailure;O2A.rootObj=true;MainmForm.appRoot="/";_cdo_(null,O2A,"window",MainmForm); O32=new Ext.form.Panel({id:"O32_id",scrollable:false,layout:"vbox",width:1920,height:967});O32.nm="O32";_cdo_(null,O32,"form",MainmForm); O3A=new Ext.Toolbar({id:"O3A_id",title:"MainmForm",docked:"top",height:47});O3A.nm="O3A";_cdo_(null,O3A,"titlebar",MainmForm); O42=new Ext.Button({id:"O42_id",iconAlign:"right",iconAlign:"left",icon:"/unim-",ui:""});O42.nm="O42";_cdo_(null,O42,"closebutton",MainmForm); O46=new Ext.Label({id:"O46_id",cls:"x-unilabel",html:"\x3Ci\x3E\x3Cb\x3Ehttp://localhost:8077/m\x3C/b\x3E\x3C/i\x3E will show this Form.",width:1920,height:23,left:0,top:0});O46.nm="O46";_cdo_("UnimLabel1",O46,null,MainmForm);O32.add(O46); O4A= (function(P0){return Ext.Ajax.request({url:"/HandleEvent",params:"Ajax=1&IsEvent=1&Obj=O42&Evt=tap&this="+P0.nm+""+_gv_(O32),success:AjaxSuccess,failure:AjaxFailure,obj:O42,e:"tap"});});O4A.nm="O4A";O42.on("tap",O4A);O3A.add(O42);O32.add(O3A);O2A.add(O32);Ext.Viewport.add(O2A);O2A.uniMask={ldMask:false,maskWaitData:false,maskUseMsg:true};O2A.uniMask.targetObj=null;O2A.show(); How can I solve this problem? Thanks.
  13. - There is the possibility to select multiple rows using checkbox? - How do I get the selected rows?
  14. I'm testing the trial version of uniGUI (with Delphi XE7 Update 1) and I have some questions about UniDBGrid: - What is the difference between options dgCheckSelect and dgCheckSelectOnly; - There is the possibility to select multiple rows using checkbox? - How do I get the selected rows? Thanks. Daniele.
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