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  1. Thank you very much. I really appreciate your help. i'm trying to make things work with javasccript but i've problems when i put js code in unimHTMLFrame. I don't know if it's the same issue reported here: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/4997-mobile-script-in-unimhtmlframe/?p=25472
  2. thank you very much for the suggestion, but i don't know JS at all. I have no idea of what to write in drawStuff(). If you have already written a working sample project, would you be so kind to share it here in the forum? thanks a lot.
  3. I need something different. I have an agent that need to acquire the signature of a client to confirm a specific order.
  4. hi, we need to develop a mobile web app that can acquire the signature of a customer. How can i do that? Some times ago there was a canvasmobiledemo but i can't find it anymore. thanks. regards.
  5. Like all the properties of all Delphi components. I use something like this procedure TUniServerModule.FirstInit; var file_ini: tinifile; begin InitServerModule(Self); file_ini := tinifile.create(UniServerModule.filesfolderpath + 'go.cfg'); port := file_ini.readinteger('goweb', 'porta_go_web', 8077); extroot := file_ini.readstring('goweb', 'cartella_extjs', '[ext]\'); file_ini.free; end; I can't change the standard value if I use the standalone server.
  6. I hope that someone more expert can give us an explanation.
  7. Excuse me, I'm new in UniGui projects but I don't see the difference in the way to create a new form. In project option all the forms are available and none is declared as autocreate. Declaring a form as autocreate give an error in compilation. I've written a simple project (15 forms) using the tecnique I've sent to you, no matter in what level of the form i've use it. In the attached example I use two level and all works. set_value_01.zip
  8. I have no problem with dataset Here an example with VirtualTable test.zip
  9. I usually set the value in the caller form from the called form referencing then caller form in the called. From caller called.showmodal; (that use caller) caller.component.value := called.value; caller.component.setfocus; close called;
  10. A question: activecontrol is similar to screen.activecontrol (get and set the active control of the form)? Verifying the name of the active control "showmessage(activecontol.name)" entering in TuniDBEdit and also in TuniEDIT i try always the value of the first control in the form. Thanks
  11. Very very nice application Good and fast navigation It's possible to get the source code (also not for free), just to learn quickly the use of UniGui? Thanks to you and to Farshad
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