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Everything posted by Emerson

  1. There is the possibility of selecting the certificate model A3 to be used in a particular operation? If it is an installed certificate that is on a card or a token, there is no file on the disk. att.
  2. Hi, I tried using unihtmlframe, but when printing appears the entire form, I want to print only the html content. I tried to use the href but the User has to click the link, is to simulate click on the link through unigui ??
  3. procedure TFrameModelo.UniDBGrid1ColumnSort(Column: TUniDBGridColumn; Direction: Boolean); begin if Direction then TFdquery(DsPes.DataSet).IndexName := Column.FieldName+'_index_asc' else TFdquery(DsPes.DataSet).IndexName := Column.FieldName+'_index_des'; end; procedure TFrameModelo.UniFrameCreate(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; IndexnameAsc : string; IndexnameDes : string; begin if Assigned(DsPes.DataSet) then begin // TFDQuery(DsPes.DataSet).IndexDefs.Clear; for I := 0 to TFDQuery(DsPes.DataSet).FieldCount-1 do begin IndexnameAsc := TFDQuery(DsPes.DataSet).Fields[I].FieldName+'_index_asc'; IndexnameDes := TFDQuery(DsPes.DataSet).Fields[I].FieldName+'_index_des'; if TFDQuery(DsPes.DataSet).Indexes.FindIndex(IndexnameAsc) = nil then begin with TFDQuery(DsPes.DataSet).Indexes.Add do begin Name := IndexnameAsc; Fields := TFDQuery(DsPes.DataSet).Fields[I].FieldName; Active := True; end; end; if TFDQuery(DsPes.DataSet).Indexes.FindIndex(IndexnameDes) = nil then begin with TFDQuery(DsPes.DataSet).Indexes.Add do begin Name := IndexnameDes; Fields := TFDQuery(DsPes.DataSet).Fields[I].FieldName; Options := [soDescending]; Active := True; end; end; end; end; for I := 0 to UniDBGrid1.Columns.Count - 1 do UniDBGrid1.Columns[i].Sortable := True; end; try this code.
  4. I need to generate a html file on the server and print in the browser, like the example pdf, how to do?
  5. Emerson

    custom server

    I added the unigui the units in my datasnap server and project source added the line TUniServerModule.Create (Application); This makes boot the DataSnap server and Server unigui at the same time and so I can share the datamodules. Thank Farshad.
  6. Emerson

    custom server

    I would like to add the units of a unigui project in a vcl project and start the server unigui by vcl application, as in the attached example it is possible? I would like to add the units of a unigui project in a vcl project and start the server by unigui vcl application, as in the attached example it is possible? unigui.rar
  7. how to change tab for enter in unidbgrid ?
  8. Emerson

    star rating

    how to make a column for star rating using unidbgrid or other component Thank you
  9. I want to put two edits side by side, but when I use the fieldset he puts down following example and image unigui.rar
  10. How to put 2 edits in the same line in fieldset ? w to set the tab order
  11. Hello Farshad I tried to re- build the project , did not work, think you can be setup? To re- build the project get the error mentioned above Thank you.
  12. error when trying to compile for 64-bit [dcc64 Fatal Error] ServerModule.pas(6): F2048 Bad unit format: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Dcu\Delphi2017\UniGUIServer.dcu' - Expected version: 28.0, Windows Unicode(x64) Found version: 28.0, Windows Unicode(x86) how to solve thank you
  13. rfssilvasp please download http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/files/file/12-unigui-extjs-runtime/ and install on the server, will work
  14. I do not have permission to access the link, can someone help me?
  15. Olá a todos. Gostaria de saber como faço para mostrar uma imagem ao invés de texto na célula do unidbgrid? Estou anexando um exemplo pra ficar mais fácil. Obrigado.
  16. estou tentando instalar a versao beta fmsoft_unigui_beta_0.94.0.1014_setup e está pedindo a licença, sabe se tenho que comprar já?
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